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Testers Wanted: Vice Golf Irons ×


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Everything posted by BMart519

  1. Ordered one on black Friday after seeing no discounts on rainorshinegolf.com and not seeing the ability to order direct and ship to Canada. Still haven't received confirmation that the shipment has been sent This is starting to feel like my custom ordered EVNROLL that won't be ready until January.
  2. I have a similar setup, my ruler is 1.25" wide and 36" long. Rolling the ball off that piece of steel must be extremely difficult, my ruler requires you to control face angle to about 0.5 degrees. Your setup must be close to 0.25 degrees. What is the most consecutive putts you have rolled off the end? I aim for 10 in a row, but am not able to achieve that every day unless I spend a lot of time putting.
  3. I think the recent increase in weight is perfect, especially on lower body stuff. I believe you mentioned that you do a lot of mobility work already. If you go to the TPI website you can view all of their videos on movement screens as well as the criteria. I recommend going through those on your own to see which area could use work to ensure you maximize your effort for that specific body part or at least don't skip it when you are short on time. For me, it's internal hip rotation specifically on my trail leg which impacts the length of my backswing.
  4. From what I have seen it looks like the Mizuno, PING G410, and Mavrik have a bit more of an exaggerated high toe. Than Cobra and Titleist, or the TM SIM (SIM Max appears to have the higher toe shape).
  5. Picked up the Divot Board that Adam Young was promoting on black Friday which included a 6 month subscription to Next Level Golf. Adam sent me a note afterwards to confirm the subscription and gave me a bit of guidance reviewing the material and what areas he thought were most important which I thought was cool.
  6. The percentage of people on this planet that can squat 315 is extremely small. Don't let the fact that there is a disproportionate amount of them in the gym or around distort that. There's even less that are relaxed and comfortable with that load on their back. You're pushing big numbers, keep up the great work.
  7. Had to do a double take... I got Logistician, which is the largest group at 16% of the population.
  8. Would like to hear some suggestions on which heads have the tallest faces? In the quest to optimize launch, I like to tee it high with a healthy amount of the ball above the crown. If I get a little steep this leads to me hitting the top edge of the face. I know some drivers have more oval space, while others have a fatter and higher toe side which is what I am looking for feedback on to identify to options to demo.
  9. Could also be a tighter impact pattern on the face
  10. The smart distance is odd in that your average dispersion is centered just past 250 with the Cobra and short of 250 with the M5... I guess they are calculated differently, but you could make the case the Cobra is edging the M5. Regardless, those number with the TL make me want to push ahead with my experiment to turn my standard F9 into a TL. Hit the SZ TL in store and the averages matched my F9, would like to get my hands on the SZ Extreme TL.
  11. You are super inside the target line at shaft parallel. Started OK then went inside aggressively.
  12. Scott Fawcett would probably say if you need to hit driver on par 3s that you should be hitting it everywhere because you won't hit it far enough to go OB (and you don't want to hit driver from the fairway after you layup off the tee). I only say this because my wife says the same thing... Then will randomly decide not to hit a driver on a 150 yard par 3, which is how far she hits her driver (or less).
  13. Mike Adams... His approach is interesting, I tried to figure out all of my rotation patterns, arm fold patterns, side-on grip, etc. etc... Some of the testing for left leg/right leg/central pivot was difficult and I didn't notice much difference. Most of my setup aligns with 1 of his 3 types... But some aspects could be in 2 types.. I found a 20 slide Powerpoint online with basic guidelines for all of these aspects that he assesses based on your body and movement patterns that I use for a self-assessment. I don't think picking one aspect like grip would work without some of the other matchups. My takeaway from his material is you want a certain address position, grip, side tilt, and multiple other factors all based on your swing/body type and there are 3 main types. I think you'd have to cough up the $300 for an hourly lesson with him or one of his disciples to get the full proper assessment. He seems like a system or (3) swing model guy, that isn't the best type of instruction to dabble in...
  14. Where do you address the ball in your stance with a 7i? Dead center, forward or back of center? Experiment addressing the ball 3/4 of the way towards your front foot in the stance... See what the launch is like. You could spend all winter troubleshooting this issue and potentially fix it, or not... Paying money for an instructor isn't sexy, but that 1 hour can probably save you 1 month of trial and error on your own that could be spent getting reps in with a better action.
  15. I have not tried the 5-3-1 personally, but I think it is something everyone should do at least once, there are psychological benefits to working near your 1RM. The important thing to consider is that you have a good equipment setup so when you start working in the 90-95% 1RM range that you are safe and confident. You don't want any subconscious doubts working at those loads where you may compensate by restricting your range of motion. Kudos to you for dedicating 4 days a week. I'm 35 now and started lifting in my early 20's. It wasn't until my early 30's that I learned what the proper dosing was for my body to reduce burnout/overtraining and fatigue (and mostly use my time more efficiently). My focus has shifted to "minimum effective dose" - this winter my plan is to lift once/week, maybe twice on occasion, Superspeed once/week, and mobility/posture work most days. I have an SC200 launch monitor and hit 10-40 balls 5 days per week in my garage. I only need 1 lifting session per week to maintain body composition (6'2" 190-200lbs) with a focus on compound moves and hitting most major muscle groups. At 1 or 2 sessions per week, I can progress linearly up to adequate strength levels. Lifting 3/4 days with different splits leaves me sore and I don't have time to travel to the gym with a 2 year old at home while keeping the wife happy . My wife and I are looking to get a bench and squat rack in the basement with how this pandemic is going... Someone mentioned Mark Rippetoe and Starting Strength, he's a bit crude but he knows his stuff. He put a 20 minute video on Youtube demonstrating Deadlift technique and I agree with his principal if you can properly deadlift heavy loads you are going to be able to perform well in most athletic moves (especially golf). I stick to a basic 5x5 for long periods built mostly on Squat/DL/Bench or Row/DL/Shoulder Press and add in the a random exercise here or there like pulldowns or dips. (I'm fine if I fail at 3-4 reps as its in the middle of the "strength zone" for rep ranges and just means I'll hit 5 next week). The DL focus provided nice gains last winter until COVID hit and the gyms closed... I was getting up to 140 MPH ball speed on a launch monitor with my hybrid and my Shot Scope P-Avg with the club was 246 yds on the season. (Disclaimer: Calgary is dry/firm conditions and we are 3000+ ft elevation). If you have been training for a long time, look at different methods of progressive loading to add strength - attaching resistance bands or chains to the barbell, so they add no load at the bottom of range of motion. You are strongest at the end of your range of motion adding 5-10% load at this point is another technique to help push through plateaus. Otherwise, just start adding in stuff Mike from Fit for Golf posts on twitter - like jump squats or deadlifts. It's not going to provide much boost to your 1RM, but the more reps you get firing the whole posterior chain in an explosive manner is going to pay dividends in terms of golf swing speed by improving the efficiency there and rate of force development.
  16. I find that short thumb vs long thumb has the biggest impact on how my hands fit together to form the grip or how much my right hand can cover my left hand. This might reduce wrist cupping if the angles that each wrist works at are more opposed to each other which is possible. Could be a good follow up question.
  17. I think another aspect to consider is if you are going to get fit, the priority should be the high usage clubs like driver and putter then go from there as budget allows. You might think you're getting better bang for your buck getting a whole set of irons, but that might not be the case. Or neglecting to replace wedges so you can hold those short shots around the green that much closer with the extra spin of fresh grooves. Personally, I think you should always aim to putt better than your handicap. It takes no physical fitness and there are a lot of ways to get it done from a technique perspective. At a certain point, you are only going to improve driving number by hitting it farther which isn't always possible.
  18. OK, I tried this and agree because I had to carefully stare at my hand and forearm. However, I can cup my wrist to about 80 degrees with thumb up and relaxing my thumb it will cup a tiny amount further to about 85 degrees. A few considerations: - on the golf club you aren't pulling the thumb towards your forearm you are pushing it toward the end of the shaft, so the hand and wrist muscles are behaving differently - this thumb position only seems to affect the end range or maximum flex of the wrist, you could still have a massive cup so this isn't going to magically close the clubface.
  19. Dude, 5x5 deadlifts is all you need for strength progression. 6-8 reps absolute max. Not worth the risk if your technique starts breaking down with heavy weights. Anything over 6 reps and you are out of the strength range and trending towards hypertrophy and endurance.
  20. What's your thought on the Golden Bear's philosophy of playing the ball 2" back of your lead heel for all clubs? I am a flipper/picker, but on shorter irons I feel like there is a lot more room for transition with the ball ahead of center. Hitting 3/4 knockdowns from middle or just behind is no problem, but as that approaches full swing it feels like I want to hang on my back leg to keep my head behind the ball at impact.
  21. I am sitting at my computer with my thumbs up and can fully cup my wrist, same if I tuck my thumbs into my palms and ball them up in a fist or I lay my thumb across the side of my index finger if I make a fist. I don't see how that thumb position restricts wrist cup. Maybe my grip is a mess... Maybe you are on to something!
  22. I'm going to choose the no fun answer: It's your swing, you're launching your 7 iron at the low end of a driver launch window. Go get some lessons, so you can get you launch into a more reasonable height so a fitter would be able to make a reasonable recommendation. You aren't going to get any 7 iron that much farther with a swing speed below 80 mph.
  23. Buy 1" or 1-1/4" wood dowels from the hardware store or unscrew the broom handle and use that...
  24. I'm enjoying the discussion in this thread and it helps to break up all of the workout posts from @Getoffmylawn It's important not to confuse "flexibility" or your passive range of motion with active range of motion which is what you can physically access and use in a golf swing or any movement under your own power. If you do yoga everyday you will increase your passive range of motion, but without proper stability work and activation, the gains to your active range of motion could be significantly less or negligible. Static stretching also correlates much more with passive ranges of motion than active. Stuff like PAIL/RAILs or "90/90s" for your hips and controlled articular rotations (CARs) for your main rotary centers (shoulders, neck, trunk, hips, ankles) will provide significantly higher gains to active range of motion and improving function throughout the golf swing. Having a TPI movement screen or other assessment tools is important to see where your restrictions are that will affect your golf swing. It's great to do mobility work, but it isn't always feasible to do an hour's worth on your whole body. If you know your hips are the problem in terms of golf swing, or T-spine, at least you know what to work on first when in a time crunch.
  25. Have you seen some of the literature on decreased force output resulting from static stretching? Probably not a huge deal, but the general recommendation is dynamic warmups before your working sets with stretching and mobility work afterwards. One of the things I saw, suggested that hip flexors are the only muscle that show any benefit (higher vertical leap) to static stretching pre-use which is mostly associated with how restricted they are from extended periods sitting.
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