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Testers Wanted: Precision Pro Titan Elite Rangefinder ×


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Everything posted by ncwoz

  1. If you had to make a comparison to a major OEM, is there a model you think the TS-1's are most similar to?
  2. Wow, impressive!! What's the wooden one at the bottom?
  3. When I was a kid, my dad and I were scrambling against my brother and uncle, and they each hit awful drives that barely went anywhere. For some strange reason I can't recall, my dad and I drove the cart up ~150yds to our ball... to turn around and see my brother and uncle yelling at us to move. We panicked and my dad floored the cart, only to hear the ball thunk on top of the roof.
  4. That's a good mental image, I'll have to give it a shot and see how it feels!
  5. Oops, didn't answer your question. I'm not sure with the driver specifically, but that's what I try to do with my wedges, and that works really well.
  6. Haha you're spot on with the bad miss. My "typical" ball flight is definitely high, usually I start somewhere between straight and to the right, and the flight is mostly straight, but usually moves on way or the other depending on the day. And "typical" isn't nearly as often as I'd like haha. With the bad miss being low and left, I think you're right with the hesitancy to add more hands in late in the swing. Glad you mentioned that though - I went back and reread the email my coach sent me and I originally misread it. He was more saying my arms and shoulders took over my finish, overpowering my wrists and lower body. And thanks! When we first started, I was super inside but never "felt" like I was. Which had me a ton steeper on the downswing and led to a ton of inconsistencies. I'm especially curious to see how my driving consistency will be this season, as that's what was killing me last year.
  7. What do you guys think? (Forgive me for the portrait orientation video.) I've been working with my coach on my path during the takeaway and rotating my hips, and have made progress in those areas. Looking at this swing, we agreed my next area for improvement will be staying in posture better through contact, and utilizing my hands/wrists better in the follow through. Thoughts?
  8. Michigan opened up courses yesterday, so I got in 18! It felt great to get out. 2/14 FIR, 5/18 GIR, 49; 42: 91 Ball striking was great, really happy to see the off-season work paying off. Putting and driving was streaky, but it was really a few poor holes that stopped me from going lower. I think my mental health is better off when I golf
  9. I think we should revert back to hickory shafts, and force the players to fabricate their own clubs out of whatever material and means they can find. And play with wiffle balls too
  10. ncwoz


    Couldn't agree more. The last month I've realized the stark difference in my mental fortitude on days I've spent a lot of time on my phone vs reading, taking walks, etc. I think a positive we could take out of this whole thing as a human race is to really take a step back on the social media stuff and remember real life may actually be pretty darn good too.
  11. Traverse City Whiskey Co. Bourbon
  12. Same here. Still waiting to use them on the course tho!
  13. ncwoz


    All the uncertainty is starting to get kinda frustrating. I would have thought going into this that my wife (a floor nurse) would be absolutely slammed for the foreseeable future. I'm an engineer, so I was definitely more worried about my income being steady. So far, our company has rolled out some cost saving measures, but nothing too drastic yet. My wife, however, is getting called off almost 2 of her 3 shifts per week. And they either need to eat that loss in hours, or completely replete their vacation hours. I'm DEFINITELY glad this is a side affect of the virus staying relatively contained in our area, but it's frustrating trying to plan for our personal finances. Alright, done complaining. I know we have it way better than a ton of people, and there's already plenty of negativity going around.
  14. Got a Wellputt mat to compliment the new Puttout trainer! Just barely enough space in the spare bedroom lol. Forgive the poor lighting and the mess
  15. ncwoz


    Getting a bit stir crazy, but all things considered feeling blessed with our situation. I'm working from home, but there hasn't been any indication of layoffs or furlough yet. Wife's a nurse, so job security's never been better for her. So far her floor isn't seeing COVID patients, but I guess most of her co-workers are thinking they're going to see a big spike in patients either next week or the one following.
  16. ncwoz


    I don't know about y'all, but this is so surreal. Some moments hanging out with my wife I completely forget anything's going on at all, then others it feels like the most bizarre thing I've ever experienced, with grocery stores half cleared out and a ton of people staying home. Such a weird back and forth.
  17. Finally bought me a Puttout Pressure Putt trainer, now I just need a putting mat! Any suggestions?
  18. ncwoz


    Sorry, I'm not really tracking with you here. Could you elaborate on what those graphs are indicating?
  19. ncwoz

    Sub70 golf

    @halliedog with your experience, knowledge, and enjoyment in building clubs, it's certainly possible DTC isn't the most ideal business model for you. Absolutely NOTHING wrong with that; every single consumer is going to have varying preferences and things they're looking for, both in the product and in the company they're purchasing from. I know I don't have the experience or equipment in club making like you or others have, so for me a place like Sub70 is an incredibly viable model. In all likelihood, they are where I'm buying my next set of irons, because their prices, offerings, and outstanding customer service. I do appreciate your investigative spirit, but I think some of your posts might be read in a more aggressive way than you're intending. I see your new around here and hope you stick around for a while to come. I know MGS has been a great place for me to interact with some really great people with similar passion for the game, and all sorts of golf experiences.
  20. Yeah, even in good weather I've never been very impressed anyway. But I didn't have quite as bad luck with plugging in fairways, and the majority of the East greens weren't terribly water-logged. Definitely shaggy and slow though. But I'm right there with ya, the rest of the area courses should be opening up pretty soon here, and should be in better shape.
  21. I don't think I missed a single putt past the hole all day haha
  22. Was going to hit the range, but with some nice weather I last minute checked FaceBook to see if the course up the street was going to be open; sure enough, it opened as I pulled in! First round of the year, went 45-45: 90. 2/14 FIR (), 6/18 GIR, 34 putts. Felt good to know what I've been primarily working on over the off-season (irons & wedges/ball striking) was possibly the best it's ever been. I was really shaky off the tee, and putted pretty poorly as well, but can't complain for my first time out! And boy, did it feel great to be outside with the sun shining and just a sweatshirt on. And had a random fellow Spy sighting of @edingc as well!
  23. Glad you're getting the chance to check these irons out! I've been trying to decide between Maltby, Sub70 or Hogan's for an iron upgrade myself. Good luck, and thanks for the updates!
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