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Testers Wanted: CaddyDaddy The Claw Golf Gloves ×


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Posts posted by PuttOUT

  1. On 10/13/2019 at 1:24 AM, HardcoreLooper said:


    I've been lucky to average one round a week this year, with very little practice.  A promotion has led to a significant increase in travel, and it's really cut into my time on the golf course.  I've played a few really memorable courses and had a few pretty good rounds, but my handicap was a full shot better this time last year (playing quite a bit during CCC^2).  And since my putting has improved (shoutout @PuttOUT), I know my ball-striking has significantly fallen off.

    We in here. 🔥


    Great stuff, HL, on the improvement and on the promotion (...surely it can't be *all* bad!)

  2. 19 hours ago, tommc23 said:

    Still have some path issues but it's now every once in a while instead of constant 20190725_093921_1.gif

    Great stuff, @tommc23. It's falling into what we've always wanted for those trying our products from the beginning: to get more people practicing and really giving themselves the chance to improve... and that's exactly what it sounds like you're doing! 

    As a side note, with the amount of trade shows, events and in seeing people first-hand, it really does become evident that it's not a lack of skill in improving putting, it's the lack of willingness to try. Now being an MGS contributor, it probably won't be those on here who have a golf-defeatist mindset but if someone approaches us to see what's happening, we'll often ask them if they're a good putter with the answer almost certainly being one of two responses:

    1) "I'm a great putter, I don't need to practice"

    2) "I'm a terrible putter, it won't help"

    Our big goal is to try and design products that actually make people want to practice. Over time, this will lead (please, please, please) to inevitably noticing tendencies which you can either decide to adjust (with or without a teacher's guidance), or roll with them and know how to use them to your advantage (see Tiger toe strikes: https://bit.ly/2JV2xK4). In any case, you know your stroke better so hearing that you're making what you feel are helpful adjustments that aren't simply a fleeting idea from a friend* but are built on real testing... THAT is the music to our ears. 

    Bravo, T23. Keep on the grind. 💪

    *Hey, we'll all do it.

  3. 6 hours ago, Golfspy_CG2 said:

    Can has been great to work with.  We started this conversation about the testing back in the spring.   I'm glad we were finally able to get it going, he was very patient working with the busy testing schedule we had this year. 

    And Putt Outs willingness to provide the complete system for testing was very generous. 

    I'm looking forward to reading everyones thoughts.  This system is high on my list to take what is the strength of my game to an even higher level. 

    *dabs with delight*

    Well that's very kind of you @Golfspy_CG2. Let's hope the products help you as well as everyone else take the part of the game which there really shouldn't be any excuses for lacking to the next level. Here. We. Go.

  4. 14 hours ago, Kanoito said:

    Appreciate the feedback, Cam! Thanks for joining us!

    So basically we just have to wipe down the center line once in a while to fix it? I did try it at first and it only fixed it for about 30 mins, then it went back to the groove. Or is there a better way to "rough it up"?

    All. In.

    Yup @Kanoito, it should be as simple as that. In fact, we've kept one specific model in our London office to see how it wears and develops with (A LOT) of use:

    I've attached a picture of a 1.5 year old (left) and brand new (right) mat below to demonstrate the difference in appearance over time. As you can see, although the surface hasn't changed a whole lot, the new mat is a more sparkly with the fibres standing on end in the sunlight, whereas the 1.5 year-old mat is more of an unvaried colour throughout. This is because the fibres have been flattened out across the whole mat over hundreds of hours of putting/grind/obscure product development brainstorms.

    Of course, if you do want to keep the mat staying at its most sparkliest for longer, the easiest thing to do along with brushing it is to vary the lines you putt on. So instead of just putting down the single central line, try mixing it up and putting with the two other parallel side lines, from the opposite end, or even across the mat diagonally and see how you fare.

    Fingers crossed this is a help but if you have any more questions, fire them over and we'll be right here to answer them posthaste!


    Mat Comparison.jpg

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