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Testers Wanted: CaddyDaddy The Claw Golf Gloves ×

GolfSpy SAM

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Article Comments posted by GolfSpy SAM

  1. 9 minutes ago, hckymeyer said:

    As an unbiased user of golf forums I think 2 of the biggest places to both buy and sell and get the best price were left out.  

    Golf forum classified sections are fantastic.  I know ours is down right now and wrx has the biggest one, but still a great place to buy and sell.  The other is the golf club traders group on Facebook.  It has over 166k members and is very active.

    With either of those options you will generally sell items for more than you would get from a trade in, and if buying you will usually get a better price than any of the big online used sellers and definitely better than retail.


    Definitely not disagreeing with either of those suggestions - where were you when I was writing the dang thing ? 😉 

      Honestly, so much of these is trying to find the best option for a bunch of non-obsessed golf nerds, and to be honest, even if WRX's classifieds section wasn't JUST on another forum (which I'm not sure how HQ would feel about recommending), I've hated several interactions I've had there, and would not recommend it to most people.  

      That being said, I know people have gotten INSANE deals over there, so for the brave amongst this crowd that want to venture over there and deal with ... that ... go for it, lol. 

      As for the FB group, that is impressive, but again - for MOST people reading the main site, FB Marketplace would be the place they'd go to buy/sell clubs long before they joined a user group (or forum). 

      But definitely appreciate the feedback!

  2. I think the thing that most stood out to me was that he GRINDED to find a swing that worked for him.  I'm not necessarily suggesting we model our swings on his in totality, but more the idea that this guy was not a phenom - he worked incredibly hard to find a swing that he could do every. single. time.  

    For me, Hogan's swing is just absolutely beautiful to watch - I won't be modeling every part of my swing on his, for sure, but I WILL be taking his attitude towards getting there as my own.  

    Nine years for him to win. That's insane to me. 🙂

  3. Thanks, all! Definitely one of the highlights of my year so far, getting to travel down for the day and have that experience!  I really love being able to shine even just a LITTLE more light on some of these smaller companies, especially ones doing super cool stuff!

    Can't wait to go back whenever they have something new! (Also, it's just fun to hang out with fellow golf-nerds 😉 )

  4. 58 minutes ago, Shrek74 said:

    I don't believe the 2023 versions have that double line any more. As much as I liked it to line up the ball on the tee and on the green, It was a bit much. The single line on the ball now is much better. Plus it's easier to add a colored line over it.

    Oh, and I picked up 2 dozen Vero X1 and 7 dozen Tour's in yellow over the past 2 months. I'm making that switch myself to help with the visuals on the course, especially here in central TN where we have a lot of vegetation and trees and stuff since our courses are cut into the landscape.

    You know what's crazy? I ordered the cube back in February - fully under the assumption that I was buying the "new" 2023 ball.  I'm not sure how or why I thought that - it's entirely possible that the new ball hadn't even come out yet (I'm fuzzy on the timeline), but I definitely have all 2021 balls, not the new 2023 ones.  Interesting.  I would have sworn I had the new ones 🙂

    Thanks for the heads-up!  (They're still a great ball, obviously, but I'm loving the new Tour ball, for sure)

  5. I played the Tour X for most of this year, and have just this past month switched to the Tour, as I prefer the softer feeling and I don't seem to miss the extra spin of the X.   The durability is surprising - I'm okay with them losing "their luster/gloss", as long as they don't have any cuts or anything to affect ball flight - I played the same ball on Friday, and despite the record number of three-putts (I WISH I could blame the ball for that), it still flew perfectly off the driver on 18, so it's back in my bag ready for the next 18. 

    I bought a dozen of the Yellow Tour to try out this winter, less because of the color and more because I'm curious if there's ANY performance difference (extremely doubtful).  I also kind of like playing a yellow ball (shh, don't tell anyone).

    Oh! One weird thing I've noticed is that with the double-line of the Tour X, a LOT of people think that's a driving range ball.  I had one guy pick it up and put it in his cart, claiming that he "thought it was just a range ball" (why would he take that? Good question), and I've had playing partners ignore it when they see it (in the VERY rare instance I hit it offline, ahem) in the rough, thinking it's a range ball.  Just a heads-up, in case you ever hit it in the rough 😉 

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