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Sign up Closed: PXG GEN7 and Black Ops Irons

Number of Testers
Signup Cutoff Date:
4,012 signups
Equipment Type: irons
Vendor: PXG

Testers Wanted


MyGolfSpy Forum is thrilled to announce a new release testing opportunity from PXG. This is the first time PXG has ever participated in member testing, and there couldn't be a better product than their newly announced Gen 7 irons and Black Ops irons.

About PXG

It’s no surprise that PXG is a polarizing brand. Since their inception in 2013, they have been bold and, for some, brash. The evolution of PXG has been fascinating to follow as they transitioned from a boutique, high-priced, exclusive brand to a company offering a range of options with price points that will suit most, if not all, golfers.

PXG places significant focus on fitting, ensuring customers have the proper products to get the best performance from their game. This is evident with their various in-store fitting options (at PXG-specific or partner stores) and the option of over-the-phone fittings.

PXG also offers their PXG for Heroes program, which provides first looks, discounts, and more for active duty, veterans, first responders, and law enforcement personnel. It is a “Thank You” to all those who have served and is a core pillar of the brand.


The PXG Perception

As mentioned earlier, PXG is a polarizing brand. This was evident in the 2022 Brand Perception Survey done by MyGolfSpy, where results were varied. PXG ranked high with related words such as Modern, Premium, Engineering, and Innovation, while also ranking high with less positive keywords such as Hype, Follower, and Gimmick.

When brands are louder, there will be more people on each side of the fence, compared to those straddling it, which is why these results are not surprising.

This brings us to a key point: does it matter? If a product performs or outperforms what is in your bag, will it, or can it, change your perception? Could it make some of those negative associations fade away?


The Testing Opportunity

We are looking for six golfers to test, review, and keep a set of PXG Gen 7 irons or PXG Black Ops irons. We will be selecting three for each, and while we have no specifications or further details to share with you (those will be released soon), we are thrilled to provide this early opportunity to our members.

What is your brand bias towards PXG? Do you think it will make you the perfect tester?

Let us know!


*This testing opportunity is open to registered forum members in North America.
*Registration closes August 4.
*Testers will be announced August 6.



I've been through the PXG fitting process for a Gen5 driver and think it one of the greatest attributes of the PXG brand and hope that will carry through the testing process?

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Cool testing opportunity! I had a pretty good experience at a PXG fitting last year. I went mainly interested in their drivers/woods and ended up buying a 0311 Gen 5 driver that I really like. However, I've had a hard time shaking the peculiarity of those early Gen irons, but these new 7's are looking clean.

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Potentially lost my gen 4 8i, which I can’t replace.  This would be nice to do and fun to test these out.

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Another great testing opportunity during a time when I am looking to upgrade my clubs. As mentioned in previous posts, I have recently figured out and become more consistent with my clubs. My game this year has improved noticeably and have decided to upgrade my clubs. 

I was recently fitted for a set of new Stealth irons but would be interested in getting fitted and trying out a PXG set of irons. 

Good luck to all who sign up. Looking forward to reading about the testers' experiences with these new irons. Maybe I can be convinced. 

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I have not gamed PXG but everyone who I know has them swears by them.  The driver was the most impressive, I had a friend who is a scratch gain about +20 yards off the tee 

as always would love to test them out 

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3 minutes ago, Negative Attack Angle said:

I have not gamed PXG but everyone who I know has them swears by them.  The driver was the most impressive, I had a friend who is a scratch gain about +20 yards off the tee 

as always would love to test them out 

My son has a full bag of Black Ops and Gen6….he joined the “All hail Bob” army years ago. (Loves the military theme) 

He draws quite the attention when we show up at the course (wearing PXG apparel as well like a sponsored tour pro). He always convinces people to give his a swing because they are very nice feeling and explosive! 

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Late to the comments! But I can’t hide the fact I want to see if they are legitimate! I’ve never swing one and I see them on tour but I just always saw them as an absolute beginners club! 

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I have Gen 6 irons and hybrid. I’m pretty excited for my fitting tomorrow. I’m interested to see black ops irons vs gen 7.

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I am a Marine Corps Veteran so I’ve loved the brand since I learned their history but I have never had a chance to play or even test their clubs. This is an awesome opportunity!

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8 hours ago, LeakyValve said:

Curious if anyone that is able has opted into their "hero's" program... What are they offering?

Yes, I have signed up for the program and they offer nice discounts to veteran's.  It varies depending on item but usually 10-15%.

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I recently picked up a set of PXG dualcor irons second hand, they are great looking and feel good. All my clubs have been second hand so a chance to test out and review new PXG irons would be awesome!

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Love seeing PXG branching out.  They are in some select Golf Town stores in Canada offering fittings (granted it is likely not the same experience as a fitting centre) but looking forward to hitting them when they get to where I am.  They almost seemed "too" exclusive in the beginning but are in line with others from a value perspective now, just want to compare forgiveness and performance. 

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PXG has come a long way from their bombastic beginnings.  Prices are more in line with other big manufacturers and their clubs have proven to be good performers.  I hit them in a few fittings and always enjoyed the club itself but cost was prohibitive.  Whomever gets to test these will be pleasantly surprised.  Semper fi Bob Parsons, keep moving forward!

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