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  1. Fire
    buckpillar reacted to Willie T in Odyssey Ai-ONE Putters - 2023 Forum Review   
    Don’t you just love that lag feeling….the misses are consistently tap ins.  Millie did the same for me on the course today, total of 31 putts and 0, nada, el zippo 3 putts…
  2. Fire
    buckpillar reacted to Rob Person in Lombardi putters - unofficial review and test.   
    I didn't buy this, but I did something right  somewhere. Just received an unexpected surprise when I arrived home. Its from a new up and coming putter/(future club) company called Lombardi Golf. This is their unreleased Blue Dot 777 putter. 
    it has a nice feel to it, and balances well. I haven't rolled a ball with it... yet. You can visit the site here:
    -----> LOMBARDI PUTTERS <----
    I plan on practicing a little with it next week. Having just come off of the AI-ONE putter test, I feel I have a good foundation for testing this one out. 
    A little back story.
    I didnt know much about this putter or the company Lombardi other than regularly seeing posts on Instagram show up in my feed. I began following the page, and over the course of a few weeks, quickly realized Paul (the owner) is the real deal. He was having giveaways all time for the different styles of putters he has. (He has quite a few!) But beyond the giveaways, he was connecting with people on a down to earth level. We exchanged a few messages, I shared a few of his posts, even had a live conversation over a digital call. Then one day I come home and there is a package waiting for me. When I opened it and saw it was this putter, I was in shock!  We exchanged another phone call and couldn't believe he did this, other than him saying I seemed like a good guy, i had no explanation. He told me he appreciated me as a person, and was someone who he thought deserved it. I still couldn't believe it.  All he asked was my honest review and thoughts in return. Nothing more. I did tell him about MGS too. Maybe he joined?
    Onto the review. This is my first experience with a milled face putter too!
    Right out of the box this putter is fantastic to look at. The milled face, the company etched logo, the grip, and a premium embroidered magnetic cover. It has a 1 piece plumbers neck hosel forged into the head.
    It was double bubble wrapped at the head and grip,  insuring its protected through the shipping process.

    I've had the opportunity to put this putter through its paces on several practice sessions, and for a total of 63 holes. (3x18, 1x9) and also on my indoor rollout mats.
    PRACTICE- 9/10
    During practice sessions on the course area,  I felt I was in sync with the putter after about 5 strokes. It is a heavier putter, therefore shots under 6' just required a light push towards your line to move the ball. On every putt there is a distinct "click" letting you know contact was made, no matter how hard or easy you swing the putter. The practice area green rolls on average between a 10-12 Stimp, so they are fast! I struggled with the short putts the most. Only making 6 out of 10 the first time. Putts from 8-12' was only a slight increase in pressure to move the ball, barely a medium stroke on uphill putts from this distance. My downhill putts was just a matter of pushing the ball where I wanted it to go! I was 8 out of 10 on putts over 10'.  I even rolled a few 50-70' foot putts into the drain with ease. I attribute this to it being a very dense putter.

    Lag putting was a huge success in my opinion,  as 90% of the putts were within 2' or less of the cup,  putting from 20'-30'
    ON COURSE- 9/10
    There is something to be said for a putter that instills a bit of confidence when you pull it out of the bag. 70% of my putts were downhill for some reason, and like the practice areas, they are faaaaasst!!! While I didn't track every putt on every round, I did track 2 rounds. 18 holes I was 6 x1 putts, 11 x2 putts,  1 x3 putt. On my 3rd round I was 8 x 1putts, 10 x 2 putts. On the uphill putts the ball and putter connected well, doing exactly as I had intended with each roll. Several of the downhill putts were over 12', and my only 3 putt was a downhill roll that I misjudged the break and ended up over 10' past the hole. I was able to get it back within 8" of the cup. Downhill putts are tricky with this putter (for me)
    I have definitely put the Lombardi through its paces. There is zero sign of fatigue on the face milling,  and no scratches on the edges or bottom.

    IN THE BAG or OUT?
    If I was in the market for a new putter that looked and performed as well as this, and had the price point it does,  it would definitely be in the bag.  But to be completely honest,  I can't replace the DB with the Lombardi. They are 2 completely different types of putters, but the DB checks all my boxes... for now.
    One of the most valuable things I was able to take away from this, is that you can successfully sink putts, no matter what putter you are using, from the $100 unknown company to the $1000 limited edition rarity,  as long as that putter is designed well!
      I posted the link above for his website.  But check him out on Instagram for the most up-to-date happenings!
    Paul, if you are reading this, thank you for the opportunity to share this with everyone here. It is a remarkable putter for sure. I feel truly blessed to know you ! Looking forward to what you have coming next!
    Fyi, for those who see my stories in IG land, you see that I love to promote small businesses, up and coming persons, etc,  and I love to watch them succeed. It's not about free stuff for me, it's more than that, alot more!!! (Perhaps a story for another day)

  3. Like
    buckpillar got a reaction from cksurfdude in MyGolfSpy Forum: How To Be A Tester Guide   
    Well said @GolfSpy_APH, The OEM's rely/depend on MGS and its members to be honest and detail their reviews, as @Cfhandyman stated about reading and re-reading the guidelines is a must for complete accurate reviews and to give members guidelines as to what is expected before, during and after testing.
    Since MGS has really no face to face interactions with a member, they must rely on the members posts and interactions with other MGS members so a comfort level can be reach to make a decision and then possibly grant a product for testing. 
    I know its a very hard line when choosing a tester and thankfully we have the ADMIN staff to sort through everything. MGS administrators are the best and always are out to do the right thing to help the members and OEM's.  Well Done.
    I'm glad I stumbled across the MGS website in 2022... Now that was a GREAT DAY OF GOLF!! 
    Thank you MGS you are a vital part of the golf world, keep it rockin' 
  4. Fire
    buckpillar reacted to funkyjudge in The Good Morning Thread   
    I just finished a Belgian Quad Ale (11.8% ABV), and I may just have another one before bedtime.
  5. Fire
    buckpillar got a reaction from cksurfdude in The Good Morning Thread   
    Good Morning MGS Nation!
    Going to be a Great Day for Golf, if things work out I'll be on the course today. Going to be in the mid to upper 50's. Hope everyone is able to get some kind of golf in today.
    First cup of Joe going down smooth and waiting on the bacon and eggs to finish cooking. 🥓 🍳 with some sour dough toast.
    Going to pick up my daughter tomorrow at the airport, she is finally coming home after her internship with Disney, can't wait to see her!! 
    Enjoy your day and HITTEM Straight!
  6. Like
    buckpillar reacted to Cfhandyman in MyGolfSpy Forum: How To Be A Tester Guide   
    Well stated and said.  This thread should be highly recommended reading (and re reading) if you want to be a tester. You want to ensure the best possible outcomes for both readers and the OEM’s. 
  7. Fire
    buckpillar reacted to GolfSpy_APH in MyGolfSpy Forum: How To Be A Tester Guide   
    As this has come up in a few emails we have received I think it's okay to address or make a point about testing a bit more clear.
    Testing is not a prize or a contest.
    If someone is reading this and they have never posted before the likelihood of being chosen is essentially zero.
    Simple, we don't know you or have any history of what you can do or provide. This is not to say that person would not be an excellent tester, but how could we possibly know? 
    Look at it from an admin side - we have an obligation to provide excellent reviews to our community, it's members and of course the OEM involved. When someone does a poor job or ghosts it looks bad on us as we did the selections. 
    We are responsible for providing hundreds or even thousands of dollars to members online - most if not all we have not met in person. There needs to be done history or activity that can at least give us a glimpse of potential. And trust me we work really hard to provide new member opportunities! 
    However if we see a sign up and someone has no posts, or maybe 10 posts but all saying pick me type posts it's simply hard to trust. 
    Of course if you have questions let us know,!
  8. Like
    buckpillar got a reaction from cksurfdude in The Good Morning Thread   
    Hope its some Wild Turkey Rare Greed... MY favorite then some Crown Royal Peach. Enjoy
  9. Fire
    buckpillar reacted to Rob Person in The Good Morning Thread   
    Horrible?  Nah... just TYPICAL!  😆 🤣 😂 
  10. Haha
    buckpillar got a reaction from cksurfdude in The Good Morning Thread   
    It’s a great day, Caddyshack just came on tv, I will be watching start to finish for about the 500th time!
    How many golf movies have you see? What is your favorite one other than Caddyshack and Happy Gilmore?
    I know all of you what Rodney says in this photo!

  11. Like
    buckpillar got a reaction from cksurfdude in The Good Morning Thread   
    @Rob Person what a horrible day, better have a shot and a beer after all that went on for you today.
  12. Haha
    buckpillar got a reaction from johngschulz in The Good Morning Thread   
    It’s a great day, Caddyshack just came on tv, I will be watching start to finish for about the 500th time!
    How many golf movies have you see? What is your favorite one other than Caddyshack and Happy Gilmore?
    I know all of you what Rodney says in this photo!

  13. Haha
    buckpillar got a reaction from Cfhandyman in The Good Morning Thread   
    It’s a great day, Caddyshack just came on tv, I will be watching start to finish for about the 500th time!
    How many golf movies have you see? What is your favorite one other than Caddyshack and Happy Gilmore?
    I know all of you what Rodney says in this photo!

  14. Haha
    buckpillar got a reaction from tdroma98 in The Good Morning Thread   
    @Rob Person what a horrible day, better have a shot and a beer after all that went on for you today.
  15. Like
    buckpillar got a reaction from William P in What do you do after a bad shot?   
    Deep breath and try to move on in your mind, its easy to say but tuff to do. Try to remember a good shot and focus
  16. Like
    buckpillar got a reaction from William P in What do you do after a bad shot?   
    Well, I used to throw clubs, balls and bags, but once I realized that doesn't help, I live with the bad shot and make the next one better.. more or less, s*** Happens and just let it go!

  17. Like
    buckpillar got a reaction from Cfhandyman in The Good Morning Thread   
    @Rob Person what a horrible day, better have a shot and a beer after all that went on for you today.
  18. Like
    buckpillar got a reaction from ejgaudette in The Good Morning Thread   
    It’s a great day, Caddyshack just came on tv, I will be watching start to finish for about the 500th time!
    How many golf movies have you see? What is your favorite one other than Caddyshack and Happy Gilmore?
    I know all of you what Rodney says in this photo!

  19. Like
    buckpillar got a reaction from sirchunksalot in The Good Morning Thread   
    @Rob Person what a horrible day, better have a shot and a beer after all that went on for you today.
  20. Haha
    buckpillar got a reaction from William P in The Good Morning Thread   
    @Rob Person what a horrible day, better have a shot and a beer after all that went on for you today.
  21. Sad
    buckpillar reacted to Rob Person in The Good Morning Thread   
    A brief update on the honey-do list...
    10 minutes into clearing the back deck, the Gas blower caught on fire, the return feed line had split and was dripping down on the exhaust!  Manged to get it extinguished, and there wasnt any real damage other than to my gloves.
    Got to the craftsmen lawn tractor and the battery was dead, so threw it on the charger (the battery is 6 years old) and took out the trusty rake for the close to house work.

    After 30 minutes of that, went to fire up the mower and nothing!  Off to the wallymarts to get a new battery, also picked up a new fuel line, sparkplug, and push bulb for the blower. Got those installed and mower cranked right up. (Yay) but the blower wouldn't.  😟 I'll strip that down another day to fix it. 
    In the middle of yard sweeping, I noticed a sky high water fountain ive never had before, hmmmm?. my rear water supply  had sprung a leak. The fitting before the shutoff valve cracked and separated off the supply line. (60 psi created quite the spectacle shooting hydro 30 feet into the air.) Got the supply shut down, and was off to lowes! While driving I had calculated an idea to redesign the old one (it only had 1 shutoff and a Y hose connection.) $60 later I had a new setup, including a backfeed connection in case the well goes out and can hook it to the neighbors house if needed for water.

    Oh, back to the original plan of getting the acres of yard cleaned up.  Got back on the mower, and halfway through the back side, the deck belt broke. (It was replaced last june).  I had a backup in the shed, so Got that fixed up. 
    So instead of the idea of dedicating 70% of daylight to appeasing the lady boss, I spent over $100, only got 2/3 of the back side completed. I'm now sitting here sipping down 3 fingers and a cube of tasty bourbon. 

  22. Like
    buckpillar reacted to Javs in The Good Morning Thread   
    I should have listened to you today. I did a big leg day and then went to play anyways. Legs were wiped out and with the sore back could only manage a 78!
  23. Like
    buckpillar reacted to cnosil in The Good Morning Thread   
    There is a global golf store there as well;  good opportunity to try and compare used equipment.  
  24. Like
    buckpillar reacted to ILMgolfnut in The Good Morning Thread   
    Nice read, Hayes. Something for me to think about as I await the start of my Fit For Golf test.
    Hadn't planned to do anything golf-wise today, but I just learned this afternoon that there is a PGA Tour Superstore here in Raleigh, so I will drop by there and hope to resist the temptation to spend any money. I will definitely spend money tomorrow, though; I have a tee time at The Cradle at Pinehurst, their barrel-of-fun par 3 course designed by Gil Hanse. $50 for the round, and if they aren't too overbooked, I can play again for free.
  25. Haha
    buckpillar got a reaction from sirchunksalot in TaylorMade Qi10 Drivers - 2024 Forum Member Review   
    I think you would need someone special to figure out the adjustments... Like....

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