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Everything posted by MattF

  1. I retired undefeated after 3.
  2. Looking at the photo, Brooks and I have the same arms...there is where the similarity ends.
  3. I haven't thought about those brands of skate gear since the mid 80's.
  4. Congratulations Mike and your wife, that's great!
  5. I've run out of likes to give today...what's up with that? %$^ks on the other hand, I never had! ETA: I got away for the weekend, give my wife instructions on chlorinating the pool and when I come back, it's green. Now I have to slam it and hope it's OK for the weekend.
  6. Don't you HATE waiting for an email you know is coming that's going to be really exciting?
  7. Really interested in hearing your thoughts on this one Kev.
  8. I could tell you, but then...you know the rest.
  9. IIRC Aaron Baddeley is still using a variation of the S&T...hasn't been so hot for him but he's coming around.
  10. Damn Rob, there are some lowlifes around.
  11. Thanks guys. Peaksy, that was part of the goal, which was a struggle. I have another 20lbs to go to reach my goal, but hopefully the 20 will come off quicker than the 12 did.
  12. I'm a twin...good luck!
  13. Actually, September and I CAN play Sundays.
  14. I DID IT!!!! Weighed myself about 20 minutes ago, 199.6lbs. I'm now under the 200 mark!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D
  15. See the weight loss thread...
  16. Why am I just seeing this?? Congratulations Phil!
  17. Back down to 200.4 this morning...I've got 9 days to get under before Mum arrives.
  18. If I eat any more beans than I currently do, I'll blow the roof of the building!
  19. BM, I know you paid a bit for your plan and there's been some good answers given to you here. But, if I had paid for what you were given and had the same results, I'd talk to the people at the program, tell them what's going on, see what they can tell you.
  20. Seems I've gained, 201.8 this morning.
  21. You must be a Browns fan!
  22. I could organise that IF people would turn up!
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