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Everything posted by MattF

  1. Don't beat yourself up Foz, it'll happen.
  2. Here's another final thought from me (I'll probably have a few "final thoughts"). This is about a lifestyle change, not just a diet. If you just diet and lose weight, get to where you want to be and start doing what you were doing before, the "experts" say and I have done it myself, you'll gain what you lost plus back. You have to change your mindset about food. If you want a piece of pizza, have one, just don't have the whole pizza. If you want a beer have one or two fine, just not a 12 pack. Also remember that having that extra beer or piece of pizza is going to cost you extra work. Don't miss out on things because you're changing your lifestyle, reward yourself with that beer or piece of pizza or burger or whatever, just work a bit harder the next day. We're all on the right track because we're contributing to this thread and we all can see that whatever it is that we're doing individually is working because we're sharing our success here. I'm out.
  3. Happy birthday for yesterday Kenny!
  4. Figured out yesterday that I'm going to have to put a sub box in the garage, which means chasing 100 or so feet of 10/2 wire across the house.
  5. This was exactly my intention when I created this thread. You do you, we'll do us and we'll encourage and support each other no matter what way we achieve our results. This thread is for the journey, not what way to go about it. Remember, opinions (and diets) are like arseholes, everyone's got one and they all stink.
  6. Slow and steady, down another 0.8 this morning.
  7. There goes your...well, you know.
  8. Happy birthday Alan! I met Michael Keaton today. He was the keynote speaker at Kent States graduation ceremony. Cool dude. After his speach they presented him with something or other and he said a few more words the last of which was "I'll end with two words, I'm Batman"...brought the house down!
  9. Not too much farther, there won't be anything left!
  10. I'm working mate, graduation tomorrow. We start at 6 and the ceremony apparently starts at 10.
  11. It's Friday, thank God...but I have to get up at 4 tomorrow for a 6am start at Kent State Uni.
  12. If it is, make sure there's no dick weed around...
  13. Heard through the grapevine that they weren't exactly the best built heaters that Whirlpool made.
  14. It must be windy, it's blown everything sideways!
  15. Nope. Straight up gas water heater. Spoke to the customer service people and have an RA to swap out this one for a new one, so Mothers Day we'll be plumbing.
  16. Nope, don't need it with city water around here.
  17. Not on purpose...just pulled it. It was well struck, just a lot off line.
  18. Not even 4 year old water heater is starting to leak. WTF is that about? We have city water so it's not a hardness issue. The only saving grace is that I got the 9 year warranty one.
  19. I hate you just a little bit right now. Nice pick up!
  20. Played yesterday at Racoon Hills in Kent. Bad front 9 with an even 50 but a solidish back 9 with a 44. Putting was terrible with a total putts the same as my back 9 score. The Cleveland SmartSole S saved my arse twice from the sand...that thing is just money. If you want to have a laugh, here's the play by play: https://dashboard.golfpadgps.com/round/RKMFFVRD#1
  21. My happy went to a rant. There's no truck at Lowes tonight, so normally we would have the night off. But, they fired a driver last night and are pretty much forcing me to come in tonight to do deliveries. Unlike unloading a truck with 4 guys, deliveries take a lot longer because there's just 2 of us and we pretty much install what's being delivered if it's an appliance. So, instead of going home this arvo, taking the dog for a walk, cooking a healthy fish and veggies dinner for us and maybe having a beer or 2, I have to rush home, get changed then drive 20 minutes to the store, probably get yelled at for my poor attitude and deliver crap to people until at least 9 or so tonight, meaning I won't get home until quite nearly 10.
  22. I don't have a truck at Lowes tonight, having a POETS day tomorrow and meeting Dan Rather tomorrow night.
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