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Everything posted by MattF

  1. Over 20,000 steps Tuesday, over 19,000 steps yesterday...how many can I get today? I'm going to say about 12,000 because I'm hoping the truck at Lowes tonight isn't as big as the last two nights.
  2. Thinking about a new driver what with the G400 series, ST180, F8 series out...I've now gone so far as to making an appointment with Club Champion for a driver fitting in October.
  3. My truck would actually lose me money as an Uber driver. I work M-F 0730-1600 full time, so that restrict the part time hours I can work and those sorts of jobs are usually during the day when people and see them. Mate, grounds crews "usually" start around 5am or so in the morning and are finishing about 8, so that's out as well. Thanks for the suggestions fellas. I'm going to gut it out for a while and see what happens. As an aside, it will be a pay increase going to the floor and not because of commissions because they don't pay commissions. It's because us unloaders have the most strenuous and difficult job but are the lowest paid.
  4. MattF

    Spy Ink

    As No3 said, it can be done under 18 with parent/guardian consent but most tattooists won't touch anyone under 16 regardless.
  5. It's going to be pushed company wide, we're being told. We're one of the first to get it. I'm not...but I really don't want to be on the floor dealing with thieves and idiots, that's why I left Walmart.
  6. More than a rant...I'm pissed off. As most of you know I work a part time job at Lowes unloading a truck at night as well as my full time job. The store manager got us together last night before we started and let us know that we won't have that job in 3 weeks because they are going to send truck with all the product already on pallets "pre-sorted" (they can't even label product for the right departments so that's going to be a disaster). Our choice is either go out on the floor or not have a job. The only maybe bright spot is that the hours would change to M-F 5-10 during the summer and M-F 5-9 during the winter, so I would get weekends off...but still, I deal with crappy customer all day with my government job and now I'll have to deal with them in my other job.
  7. MattF


    Another fairly good recipe source that I have found is Yummly.com
  8. I made 20lbs of sausages...we'll freeze them and eat them so that's fine, but I could have only made 10lbs and had left overs.
  9. After Saturday's beer and sausages day I gained...but that's OK.
  10. You should talk mate...how's the Mini??
  11. You know, I should have invited him, but it didn't cross my mind.
  12. Send out 60 something invitations 2 months ago for an Aussie BBQ, get 3 definite, 8 maybes and the rest no response. 2 turned up...had a great time but what's wrong with people not even responding.
  13. Had a great day yesterday with some Aussies who live in Ohio...wish more came but that's life.
  14. Seems I have a couple of those in my garage as well.
  15. That's fantastic Kev. But, this comment (from a Reverend) made my morning.
  16. Six, you might want to check on a noise ordinance...I know most places it's 7am.
  17. I'd bet I know who the PM was from...but I'll keep that to myself.
  18. The problem I'm seeing is that there are some newish members that think the sun shines out of their arse and they are God's gift to everything, so if you don't know something they respond as a smartarse instead of either not replying at all or being helpful. Some of them seem to have good knowledge but their delivery comes across as a d^%k measuring contest...leave that for the other golf forums.
  19. MattF

    Spy Ink

    Got this one fixed a week ago. It looked like a 5 year old did it but now is more of what I envisioned. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using MyGolfSpy mobile app
  20. Just maintained this week, which is a surprise as I thought I would have gained.
  21. Months in the making, I finally got the new bumper for my truck. There's a surprise in there for the unwary and stupid...
  22. Grange, WOW! As for me, I stuck with lemon cordial after Friday nights session of beers and shine with a mate that stayed the night.
  23. And that's a problem/rant, how? Is it interfering with your quality of life? Does it offend you that someone does something to their body that you don't like?
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