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Everything posted by MattF

  1. Just put the biggest, for me, order in on Amazon. New pool sand filter/pump, connectors for said pool, books and a sofa cover.
  2. Congratulations Alan!
  3. Got a call from the Doctors office this morning. I don't have kidney stones, which is great. However, I have an 8mm benign tumour in my left kidney. I'll be seeing him tomorrow to discuss what will happen going forward, either seeing a urologist or ultrasounds to keep an eye on it.
  4. How did you play the Bermuda Triangle? I like the local rule that if you hit the power lines...free drop.
  5. Tis the season. You need to go when most of the aged US population go (when I go) in February or March...dry and 75-85° every day. But then you'll over pay for everything then too.
  6. That pain was the L1 nerves that go into the groin...even made the plums ache. I had a hemorrhoidectomy last year...the pain was like nothing I've ever experienced EVER. I should have the results of the ultrasound at the beginning of next week.
  7. Thanks guys. As @Peaksy said, stretching and that sort of thing but I will be speaking to my chiro and doctor more about that. Last resort is surgery, but I want to avoid that as much as possible. Doing more reading says that you may not have any symptoms with a kidney stone until it starts to move, but we will see later this morning.
  8. OK, so, another kick to the plums was apparently in order. X-ray revealed degenerative disc disease of the L5-S1. That's why I have lower back pain quite a bit and why long drives leave me worse for wear. Annnd, just for s#$ts and giggles, they saw a large calcium deposit but can't tell if it's in my kidney or not...but I'll say not because I have no symptoms at all of kidney stones. But to "be on the safe side" I have to get an ultrasound and blood test tomorrow...hope I'm not pregnant!
  9. Why is it, when you're humming along in life, blissfully ignorant, it comes along and kicks you in the nads? See the injury thread.
  10. I also use GolfPad...so, what's the idea?
  11. I don't use tape at all, but a little bit of saliva helps get it started.
  12. Positive, I was there for about 1 hour and the weekend after...pity.
  13. I'm out for a couple of days. Seems as though the drive to Indy and back aggravated something caused by the heavy lifting at Lowes. The Doctor seems to think I have some nerve inflammation in the L1 nerves that go into the groin. Very painful to walk and laying down and getting up from bed is a bit of a nightmare as it also affects the pubic region (not the nads you clowns, the area above it). They took x-rays of my lower back to check for a herniated disc as well and sent me home with Percocets and steroids.
  14. THIS PLEASE!!! I know I'm yelling but take my bloody money!
  15. If they've put on the conventional way and you don't want them, just cut them off. If you want to keep them you might want to get this: https://www.golfworks.com/the-golfworks-v-groove-grip-remover/p/vggrv/ Also, what tip at you using with the gun? The Pure one?
  16. BOOOM! 3.5lbs lost this week! Down to 203.4 as of 5 minutes ago.
  17. Good luck on the new job Stud!
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