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Everything posted by GolfSpy_APH

  1. Little background - Played today with what I am guessing is a slightly newer golfer. Was making good swings and playing well, but either had to have his phone out for yardage or when that died took the range finder to shoot the flag. This included when we were side by side about 25 yards from the green. Although not a bad thing, it is very different to how I play. I walked up to my ball, looked at the flag to see where it was and the open green and decided where I wanted to land my shot and how I wanted it to roll out and with that in mind made up my mind on what club to use. In this case it was an approach wedge. Greens are summer greens in winter conditions and play soft with a decent amount of roll, but very little action from spinny balls. I will say I take note of where the stakes are for 100 and just kinda work off that. I do normally have arccos, but it and I are fighting so was not active today. So with all this being said, what do you use? Numbers for everything, feel or the art of chipping for everything or both? Or at what point does the yardage not really matter and you are more thinking I want a 5 or 10 yard chip with a 3 yard roll or whatever it may be? I would say personally, 40 yards and in I am more feel. Again reference stakes, but that would be about it. I prefer to see a shot, landing spot and roll or hit and stop in my mind vs saying I need a 31 yard chip. So again what say you? How do you go about making decisions on those types of shots?
  2. I have MCC4 which are a bit strudier than standard and just use a simple air compressor from work. Nothing fancy and the attachment isn't even ideal as it is a large needle attachment, but I make it work!
  3. 100% Confidence. Without a doubt and unquestionably I have a stupid amount of confidence putting. It is the strongest part of my game and after a little experiment with a putter I had once really liked in shops I have gone back to my go to and was just wow. No matter the greens, the speed or conditions I have an annoying amount of confidence putting. All to say I am super comfortable standing over a putt. Long or short, for bogey, double or eagle or really whatever. I love the art of putting and am able to see it in order to get myself super comfortable standing over the putt and not second guessing any of it.
  4. Just remember this is not where you apply to test. This is where we provide information for members, answer questions you may have about the process and more. Testing as most are aware are for members (new and old) who are contributing to the community and who will help provide a valuable review for all to read guests and members alike. There is going to be an added focus on selecting those who are and have been active. Meaning get involved! There is so much here, golf and other that you can find something for everyone and anyone. Nervous to make your first post? There really is no need, but I get it. We are a growing community and are normal golfers of a whole range of skill levels. From scratch or better to 40 plus handicaps. Put out a quick WITB with pictures of your clubs and why you have them! Even just say hi in the good morning thread. We can't wait to have more member get involved and help create a deeper testing pool with new members who will bring new ideas to reviews. We are really excited to have all you new members and look forward to seeing what you will bring to the forum!
  5. Guess time will tell and we will see if they get tested! I am sure there will be those checking in on this thread to see some recommendations (I have seen Tony drop in here to check it out). Now that you have put it out there we will just have to wait and see! There are a ton of golf balls out there and they will be going through a ton of them. Hopefully your request is seen and heard and we will see Clear there and maybe they will perform the same as you are thinking and finding in your tests.
  6. Good question. If it was me I would put it all up for sale and allow it to help offset costs for the new gear. I guess ask yourself what really are the chances of you using that equipment again? If no then sell it. If yes or maybe, then hold onto it for later!
  7. Key being his wording of seems like* i get that perception. Maybe it isn't one OEM, but with different release cycles it can often feel like there is a new product coming out time and time again. For gear heads like us we love it, for others it may just seem like another new big name driver which should out perform the last one (regardless of OEM). We have any new members so they may not see your other threads and discussion. Lots and lots of first time visitors. Which is great! Shaft may not be as important as some may think, but it does play a part and a role. If anything through Otto phlex I have become more appreciate of certain shafts which I have become comfortable with. Let's not dismiss that for some it may play a larger role on their swing than for others.
  8. With Most Wanted Blade being released this week it is time for a throwback to 2017 and the contenders for this category a long 6 years ago! And if you are curious about the results here is a link to the article: https://mygolfspy.com/2017-mygolfspy-most-wanted-blade-putter/ For those that didn't read or maybe don't remember, what is your guess on who took home the Most Wanted prize that year?
  9. Topic of the week! Feel like I should have given this a bit more thought, however I think if @cnosil is available to join and chat Most Wanted Testing as well as we will pull on the thread posted below and have some discussion about dream golf courses! For all those interested if you want to join the link will be posted above. Again time will be Thursdays at 4pm EST. If you have other recommendations for topics let us know as we would love to hear them!
  10. Have to add in clearing out all the bots as part of my morning routine now! My goodness they come in full force and probably had 120 topics to clear out and delete. Thankfully Ivan was up early too so I was able to get most of them because you all are up! However a good start to the day. Plenty of coffee, a good breakfast, Ivan had a nap about a hour after really waking up and I was able to watch the last of us. Now doing a bit of work here, before going into real work for 2 or 3 hours then hitting the golf course!
  11. I think MGS did a survey on this, but I also wonder how often many are looking at replacing a driver. With last year being a good year for drivers and TSR getting a ton of hype and being well recognized, maybe it is also a factor of just not needing one because last year the larger purchase was made?
  12. Tara Iti Had a chance to play, but the cost and just timing would have made it way too rushed so declined and saved the 4k it would have cost. However one day I truly hope to get back and maybe have the chance to play.
  13. Well new drivers are in and therefore it is time to report what this season has for me! Something that I take away from this is the shaft recommendation. Although I don't play either of those it does have me in 65 gram stiff offerings which is exactly what I have come to prefer and use in my drivers. It is a nice little confirmation. Now the downfall is I know there is a Ping G425 in 65 stiff at the shop for a stupid good demo price... grr
  14. It can be a bit tricky to do and it is possible to blow up a grip. I have yet to have issues with mine twisting or moving in anyway. I do like that i don't need to have the mess or deal with solvent, but it isn't too difficult of a process. In terms of stretching, I have yet to notice that. However I also use mid size so they have a bit more to them.
  15. Tried both back when they are new. The lo is low! Like low low low. Need to have a great swing and some speed to make that one work. Mid is a great balance and much more playable. Has a good look, being black males it look a little smaller and a very powerful feeling on impact. Was super impressed with it. The hi was also decent.
  16. I guess I will answer your question with another question or kinda statement. Do you think the customers you have who likely have been fit before are knowledgeable enough that they feel there is better value in buying last year's release at what would be half the price? More golfers are being fit, more golfers are getting more knowledge and maybe this in turn is leading to "smarter" purchases. Or more value purchases knowing they can get 95+% of the performance at 50% of the price.
  17. I have always enjoyed watching Brooks and I know the rep he gets or has, but I just loved watching him. It was a great episode and one that does stand out to me to show how draining it can be, even for those who were the best. However look at guys like Spieth and Fowler who were so lost and seem to be turning it around or have. Kinda nice to see Rickie there as well.
  18. Could be a change from one of the newer Updates. I haven't seen anything that would change it back and there is no plugin. I have sent a ticket to Invision about it and maybe at some point we will see a fix.
  19. Testing season around the corner! Anyone have questions about what we look for? How we select? Ask away!
  20. Something that has been mentioned which I think is relevant to the conversation is how many of the guys who have left do we really miss watching? Or when you hear someones name like Wolff or Ancer I think many go, oh yeah I completely forgot about that guy! There are several great golfers who left for LIV. However most fall under the category above. When they were on the PGA Tour they were a name or relevant for one reason or another. Now that they are gone, there is a good chance they will fall into obscurity and unless they somehow get major exemptions or qualify they will continue to fade further to the back of minds. I miss Cam, I miss Brooks and DJ, however I truly can say those are the only 3 that really had any pull for my viewership. The rest, well good on them for making a good pay day and hope it works out for them. I don't see LIV grabbing the attention it wants, it will remain there and it will continue to have events and pull in terms of stories in news cycles as well as pull for some viewers, but when stacking up the star power between the two (PGA and LIV) I don't even think it is close. Not to mention I really wish they would go to better venues and a lot of the time when they are on the other side of the world the viewing windows are going to be awful, so how many are going to get up at all hours of the night to watch? All the guys who left are going to be very well off and it was a decision they made and can be happy with as they set themselves and their families up for financial success. The golf now is secondary, they can win a bunch more of course however if you already have hundreds of millions is a million more really going to make that big of a difference?
  21. I am likely going to finish off the series this week. I can see the appeal and where it isn't suited for us, but given there isn't much in the way of golfing shows this has been a nice change and entertaining.
  22. Went back to a older swing feeling and got some video. This was probably the 6th video I took today. I was at the range yesterday and moved myself a slight bit closer to the ball. It helped with strike location, but was very weird. So today started with that. Again was making good strikes, but the video showed the same lack of hip movement. When I worked that in I was hitting Hosel rockets. Moving further away from the ball with hips didn't help at all either. So I was in a bit of a funny spot. Still feeling like I was trying to swing shorter, but looking long on video. Really ending up thinking a lot on setup and more where I found it hard to pull the trigger. So I went back to a older feeling. It is essentially a feeling of being taller, the arms feel a little longer and straighter. Stance is maybe a bit narrow and kinda drag the club back in transition. After s few strikes I liked it and was able to think less and just make swings that nearly felt effortless. The hips moved more (rotated) and if felt a bit shorter as well but still very powerful. Which is now available for your viewing and roasting!
  23. Like this idea. Only question I would add is how available are older versions? If they can hardly be found then may not be as relevant. However i do see the point in if they do a VS Lab in that case.
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