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Everything posted by GolfSpy_APH

  1. https://mygolfspy.com/ball-lab-2022-callaway-chrome-soft-review/ Next up! Callaway Chrome soft. A ball that has got a lot of attention over the years. Was this year's version any better? Callaway put a ton of money into improving the quality control. What do you think? Is this your gamer? Would you consider making the switch?
  2. https://mygolfspy.com/bettinardi-2023-queen-b-putters/ I have seen some pretty putters before in my time golfing and these at least in my eyes are right up there. Such a nice finish to them and one that really stands out (in a good way). I don't see a lot of Bettinardi putters around these parts, however have had a few friends who have owned them and they performed great for them. What do you all think of these? Is the finish to your liking ? What style would you go with?
  3. Ok got the two shafts in and a quick session. You guys may be on to something. Amazing the difference between the two.
  4. Bridgestone Tour B RXS Ball Lab results are in! What do you think? Have you tried or tested this golf ball? https://mygolfspy.com/bridgestone-tour-b-rxs-review-2022/
  5. Here you will find updates from all the ball lab series that come out for MGS. Let us know what you think of the results and what are the golf balls you want to see most come to the lab series?
  6. Simple, lets see your golf club collections! How many clubs do you have stored away or do you keep to a single set? What else do you collect with things golf? Flags? Balls? Trophies? Who knows maybe in an effort to get some photos to share with us you will go down memory lane and find some clubs or kit you forgot about! I will have my photos incoming tomorrow. However I have a growing collection now and even though I have been trying to sell of several things much more keeps coming in!
  7. I think we touch on it in our reviews. I would say it depends on your use for the device. I found it very useful as it helped with some swing training get some distances for clubs with the ability to go back and check on things. Now I will admit since my premium expired I did not renew it and gifted my rapsodo as I no longer used it. It certainly has some good benefits with it. I wish we had been able to try the coaching.
  8. The Strokelab is a hybrid and makes it a bit more counterbalanced. I reviewed the putter a few years back and loved the shaft, but the face was or is still a little on the soft side. Hence why I want to try the change. I do love pings adjustable putter length grip and the grip on the ping putters.
  9. Less than 3% of pros were effected by this rule. Just so happens Phil has one of the loudest voices. However, I am going to put this discussion to bed on this thread. Feel free to create your own or look up the previous thread on this topic. Discussion moving forward will be around forged vs cast clubs not club or driver lengths as the OP intended.
  10. Then we are good to go then! Feel free to pick the team name haha I am terrible at it.
  11. I know I mentioned it somewhere else but I recently got one of my favorite (or at least I thought it was) putters in the Ping Fetch. However after a good amount of practice with it and my last round well it has left me disappointed. Not because it is bad, but the StrokeLab shaft has made such a big change I don't know if I will ever be able to move away from it. I really want to try swapping the shafts around and see if I then get the feel of the Ping face which I really like in combination with the shaft I have gotten used to to make a perfectly unique putter and one that suits me a little more. I found it tricky on the greens and left so much short it wasn't even funny.
  12. Well seeings as we have a shaft test launching now it seems like a good time to bring theses in for the weekly photo post. We have a ton of Nippon users here on the forum and this is our second nippon test which is pretty cool as well. What is your iron shaft of choice? Have you tried Nippon before? If so what do you think of them?
  13. For sure. I got my round it. Nothing to be overly proud of, but given the conditions and such I'm not sure there is going to be many other options for me to play again!
  14. Date 11/21/2022 Course Name Holzhäusen Gross Score 89 Course Handicap 10 Gross Strokes over/under par 17 Net Score to Par 7 Net Score 79 Net Birdies or better 3 Longest Drive 269 Was a really fun day. Mud balls all over, however was happy with how the course played and its condition with all the rain we had got the last few days and weeks. Played so much better than last time around there and only lost one ball due to just simply not being able to find it. Had a lip out for back to back real birdies, 3 other lipouts on pars. Struggled with the putter... that will be in another thread though.
  15. My question is more around weight. We have seen benefits from the stability shaft and such as there is droop with some of the heavier heads with steal shafts. I think it's one of the great benefits of why LAB offers the upcharge shaft on their models. It's quite unique to have a massive putter head and it's a trend that comes around every so often. Personally it would need to be counterbalanced a good but for me to have it work and I would want a shaft that has more rigid feel.
  16. Biggest piece of advice is jump in have some fun and find threads that interest you. If you have questions you can always reach out to one of us mods and we will be happy to help. Welcome!
  17. Another milestone reached. 4000 posts! Which is scary to think because I posted this thread April of 2021 and had just over 1600. Looks like I have been putting some work in! I love coming back to this thread and posting new milestones. This year has been a special one. Even though not through the most normal circumstances I am was first very happy to be named a mod, which I believe I discussed in a earlier post, however now with some good fortune and hard work I was able to step up and become the lead mod for the forum or main admin. I've said this a bunch before, but I will say it again. This community means so much to me and what we have here on this forum is truly unique. No other place I have been on is like this one. We have a great community and so many exciting things to come for the forum. There truly are too many to thank individually, but the mod team both past and current big shout out to all of you. This place would not be what it is if not for you guys and of course everyone here who participates and takes time out of their day to share their experiences or stories or really anything. Thank you! I am very proud of hitting 4k and actually never considered ever cracking more then 3k. Lots of posting to do to catch up to those all time leaders, but don't worry I am coming for you!
  18. LIV is just about the most divisive topic possible. From how it began, who left, who stayed, what happened on the tour and on and on. I have said it before and will say it again. There is very little middle ground between the two sides. We do our best to keep politics out of any conversations here. Frankly there are other platforms to voice those opinions on if someone wants to rant and go on about it. Here we stick the LIV golf events, players, the court stuff of course and the rumors. However as a mod team we decided right away that the backing of LIV and discussion about the morals of SA are to be left and discussed elsewhere.
  19. Don't get me wrong I love my forged irons, but given the chance to go to the cast i230s and I would probably instantly jump. There is certainly a difference to me, however pure strikes are still pure strikes and the biggest difference I find is a slight clickiness out of cast irons in general on missed strikes. Are there poorly forged irons that feel worse than the best cast irons?
  20. Thats no fun. Never had them... hope I never do. Wishing you all the best and that things are cleared up before too long!
  21. Feel free to add in some thoughts. Upcoming features to the main forum which are/have been tested by our focus group (PM me if interested in joining) are as follows Dark Mode switcher - prefer a darker looking theme? simply tap this single button and a dark mode will be enabled for the whole forum page for your viewing. Non-Mobile Background selector - We want you to enjoy your look and feel on the forum and want to give you options. With these we will have 6-8 varied backgrounds for you to select from for your viewing pleasure. Note this feature is not a mobile enabled, so only desktop and tablets will have this feature.
  22. Predator is great. Pricey, but great. Kinda nice they have the 2 courses now. Spal is fine. Definitely better courses in your area, Kamloops and such. Hopefully in a couple years when I get back there we can get together for a round or two. My sister and her family live in Peachland, parents still in Vernon basically beside The Rise.
  23. One of my all time favorites. Only 1 or 2 forgettable holes. It was better prior to their changes, but still good. 11 was a long tough par 3, now it is a stupid short par 4. 18 was an awesome blind shot par 5, now a par 3. 2 was a good change. It was a near impossible par 4 up a hill. A real connector hole. Now it's a manageable par 5. Definitely a challenge, but makes you play a variety of shots and truly rewards finding fairways. Also I've only played it twice, but has had a lot of great memories on it.
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