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    NM01 got a reaction from Grand Stranded in Best driver for low speed swing   
    Then you probably are playing the wrong tees
  2. Like
    NM01 got a reaction from Rob Person in Play Through Etiquette   
    Yep c no need to stress out or whatever while on vacation. 
  3. Like
    NM01 got a reaction from Rob Person in Play Through Etiquette   
    If im on vacation and playing a round of golf i would just wait on every shot and enjoy the day on the course. Then go back to wherever i was staying and relax and enjoy the vacation and thought nothing of the group in front of me during the round.
    If I had somewhere to be later that day and time was of a possible concern I would have skipped a hole and kept in about my day then go back to wherever and enjoy my vacation 
  4. Like
    NM01 got a reaction from Rob Person in Effect of Shortening Shafts.... Why does it matter?   
    What are you trying to accomplish by soft stepping the iron?
  5. Like
    NM01 got a reaction from Rob Person in Effect of Shortening Shafts.... Why does it matter?   
    There’s no standard as I explained in to posts above and that there isn’t a standard measurement system for each company so even if they list the same length on their website. So we need to move away from normal or standard unless we are talking about the same iron line or in some cases.
    You aren’t delofting the club your lie angle will change tho, as will weight. 
    For some people they could hit the 7i at it’s factory length as good as the 6i cut down and some can’t. For some clubs are too long or too short based on their build and how they swing. 
    Its not really just something that’s cut and dry. It’s something unfortunately needs to be tried and tested by the golfer or done thru a fitting. 
    Knowing why the fitter decided 1/2 short would help. But just as an example of how weird things can be @Golfspy_CG2 did a fitting at tpi with a master fitter. He is 6’7” and they fit him into the factory length for their irons and even considered going 1/4” short.
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    NM01 got a reaction from Rob Person in Effect of Shortening Shafts.... Why does it matter?   
    It’s been awhile since I looked at each company and compared specs. I’ve done some quick ones between a few brands for reference in threads on here. I would say that it’s no more than +/- .5” but as I mentioned in my post it doenst account for how the r mad measures length. I know TM shows it on their site and that they are different from some toner brands. I have seen posts on wrx of members comparing their current club at let’s say 37” with a new one from a other brand at 37” and one is 1/4” longer.
    Not surprised you are running into that and learning it as you get more hands on. I learned it in 2012/2013 when I started diving into gear and learning the fitting process and assisting at demo days and doing some demo days for the cleveland/srixon rep.
    For some people the length difference isn’t an issue just like for some swingweight or overall weight isn’t an issue. It depends on how sensitive one is to the change. For me I don’t have a lot of sensitivity to swing weight or even shaft weight. I have irons that range from 105-130 and don’t really notice much difference. I’ve tested 95g recoils recently in irons and could play them without any issue.
    For me it’s more the shafts profile and how it feels. I usually don’t do well with real stuff but section shafts in woods. 
  7. Like
    NM01 got a reaction from Rob Person in Effect of Shortening Shafts.... Why does it matter?   
    First off there are no standards for length in clubs. Each brand uses their own length as their standard and yes you might find some matches between companies but you will find a lot of non matches. Some measure their length differently as well so even two brands that list the same length could actually when placed next to each other not be the same length.
    Length plays a role in the ability to deliver the club correctly to get the sweet spot on the ball consistently. Swing weight for some is more important than for others, the shaft weight and feel is far more important, there are experts in the field I trust that wish swing weight would go away. 
    It’s possible you could hit a 7i not cut down good but the chances of doing it consistently are probably lower because of the length.
    At the end of the day the goal is to have a club that produces an optimal ball flight for the golfers swing. It gives them the chance to execute the s*** they are attempting by having the club work in their favor and not having to fight the club to try and hit the shot. The more optimal the ball flight the better chance for the desired result 
  8. Like
    NM01 got a reaction from Rob Person in Approach to breaking 80   
    65% our our shots are from inside of 125. Probably a good idea to spend time working on that area and I would agree with the author and maybe even point out to 50 yards.
    For someone who is short on time for practicing  it then comes down to time management. As cnosil said understand your game. Put emphasis on the weaker parts but also spend time maintaining the strong areas.
    But I still think short game should be a focus for everyone. Too many at the range spend little to no time on it
  9. Fire
    NM01 got a reaction from MGoBlue100 in Liv Golf Central Thread: Events and News   
    99% of the time when he opens his mouth he is isn’t saying anything and acting like he’s taking some stance and then as we see with liv when he finds out nobody likes him he changes his tune in hopes of getting liked and maybe an offer.
    He should have done like Tiger, Jordan and others and stick to just playing and keeping quiet on most subjects. His actions yesterday aren’t new and it just proves who he really is and has been
  10. Like
    NM01 got a reaction from BIG STU in Liv Golf Central Thread: Events and News   
    Not what’s been said in this thread but not surprised either.
    They could have been if they chose to not break the players agreement they all approved and agreed to.
    Only ones at fault for not being at any pha tour event is themselves. The ones to blame for the ones not exempt from majors for having a harder time getting into them is both the golfer for leaving and the leadership of LIV for choosing to pass on adopting the proposal from the owgr board to get points. If Norman or whoever on that side didn’t say no then they would have been earning points and who knows maybe someone like Niemann would have not had to gone to qualifying and would have been exempted. Or maybe if they weren’t chasing the money and instead wanted to play with the best week in and week out they would have passed on the money tonsils their “legacy”
    Cant have the cake and eat it too.
    That’s what happened and it wouldn’t have mattered who it was that made the putt, he was out the door once it sank. It’s typical Rory. Then he drops some press release/social media post congratulating Bryson after the heat for bolting out once the putt dropped, while also saying he needs a break and drops from the travelers.
    He’s weak sauce 
  11. Like
    NM01 got a reaction from BIG STU in Liv Golf Central Thread: Events and News   
    99% of the time when he opens his mouth he is isn’t saying anything and acting like he’s taking some stance and then as we see with liv when he finds out nobody likes him he changes his tune in hopes of getting liked and maybe an offer.
    He should have done like Tiger, Jordan and others and stick to just playing and keeping quiet on most subjects. His actions yesterday aren’t new and it just proves who he really is and has been
  12. Like
    NM01 got a reaction from Josh Parker in Approach to breaking 80   
    65% our our shots are from inside of 125. Probably a good idea to spend time working on that area and I would agree with the author and maybe even point out to 50 yards.
    For someone who is short on time for practicing  it then comes down to time management. As cnosil said understand your game. Put emphasis on the weaker parts but also spend time maintaining the strong areas.
    But I still think short game should be a focus for everyone. Too many at the range spend little to no time on it
  13. Like
    NM01 got a reaction from cksurfdude in Planned 2030 Golf Ball Rollback   
    Agree it’s. It goin to have the deposited effect. Dr. Sasho McKenzie has said the same as have some other experts.
    to your last paragraph the pga tour doesn’t care about that. They want longer drives and lower scores. It’s what sells on tv and draws the viewers. If the pga tour was concerned about distance and challenging the golfers they would put more tees all the way to the back, grow the rough and slow the fairways. But that’s not what their fan base wants to see
  14. Like
    NM01 got a reaction from cksurfdude in Approach to breaking 80   
    65% our our shots are from inside of 125. Probably a good idea to spend time working on that area and I would agree with the author and maybe even point out to 50 yards.
    For someone who is short on time for practicing  it then comes down to time management. As cnosil said understand your game. Put emphasis on the weaker parts but also spend time maintaining the strong areas.
    But I still think short game should be a focus for everyone. Too many at the range spend little to no time on it
  15. Like
    NM01 got a reaction from Shifty in YouTube Golf   
    Chris Ryan does a great job of breaking the swing down and teaching it properly.
    Porzak has good content 
  16. Like
    NM01 got a reaction from 2puttbogey in Embarrassing for the Tour   
    How is this embarrassing for the tour? Is it embarrassing for football, soccer or baseball when some knucklehead runs onto the field? No and it’s not for the tour either.
    its an embarrassment for the donkeys that run onto any playing field 
  17. Like
    NM01 got a reaction from JohnSmalls in Embarrassing for the Tour   
    How is this embarrassing for the tour? Is it embarrassing for football, soccer or baseball when some knucklehead runs onto the field? No and it’s not for the tour either.
    its an embarrassment for the donkeys that run onto any playing field 
  18. Like
    NM01 got a reaction from BIG STU in Embarrassing for the Tour   
    Bad look for who? The tour didn’t just let them run on the course. It’s clowns usually drunk ones that think they can do this. It’s for attention. Happens in many pro sports and not a bad look for any of the organizations 
  19. Like
    NM01 got a reaction from BIG STU in Embarrassing for the Tour   
    How is this embarrassing for the tour? Is it embarrassing for football, soccer or baseball when some knucklehead runs onto the field? No and it’s not for the tour either.
    its an embarrassment for the donkeys that run onto any playing field 
  20. Fire
    NM01 got a reaction from Hacker60521 in Behind Slow Players Etiquette   
    Im with Ben. The marshals at most courses aren’t worth anything. They are usually there for the free golf and not much help. Plus the course probably doesn’t want them to say anything so that they don’t upset the patrons.
    One of the reasons it don’t play courses that don’t enforce a pace of play or if I do it’s during non peak hours 
  21. Like
    NM01 got a reaction from William P in Toe Splay and Footwear Science   
    Shoes are the enemy of the feet.
    Minimalist/barefoot shoes or shoes that offer wider toe boxes are a game changer in life.
    Outside of golf, some casual dress I wear vivos or bearfoot shoes. Especially for the gym. Rooting to the ground for squats and deadlifts is so much easier and better for the performance of the lifts 
  22. Like
    NM01 got a reaction from Rob Person in Toe Splay and Footwear Science   
    Shoes are the enemy of the feet.
    Minimalist/barefoot shoes or shoes that offer wider toe boxes are a game changer in life.
    Outside of golf, some casual dress I wear vivos or bearfoot shoes. Especially for the gym. Rooting to the ground for squats and deadlifts is so much easier and better for the performance of the lifts 
  23. Like
    NM01 got a reaction from William P in If you could change golf rule(s), what rule(s) would you change and why?   
    Not fixing pitch marks on the green was a problem long before the rule change, even at higher end courses. That rule had no effect on PoP or how people treat the greens
  24. Like
    NM01 got a reaction from cnosil in what shaft do I need to play now that I'm too old for DG S300 stiff?   
    Modus 120s are completely different profile from the s300 and steelfiber.
    They are softer shaft. The 120s is closer in flex to r200 but the shaft profile is still completely different.
    As has been mentioned we don’t have the necessary info from your swing or what might feel right for you.
    Also as mentioned the letter code on a shaft is irrelevant outside of the same shaft line and weight class.
    Only two real options get fit or spend time testing shafts in your iron 
  25. Like
    NM01 got a reaction from William P in If you could change golf rule(s), what rule(s) would you change and why?   
    Two changes that have been beat to death across the internet for a long time.
    i wouldn’t change any rules Al’s they are all pretty good right now for helping pace of play and for maintaining the principle of playin the ball down.
    but if I had to change anything it would be to make it harder to have a reason to take a drop. 
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