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Testers Wanted: Precision Pro Titan Elite Rangefinder ×


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Everything posted by RickyBobby_PR

  1. It doesn’t happen with golf because golf is a lot of unnatural movements and for most people they picked up the game when they were adults so they have the requisite strength to overpower the club and they make what are more natural movements which in golf is a bad thing. Then when they decide they want to take the game serious and work on their swing many want immediate results and will move on from one thing to another instead of sticking with one thing til they improve on it. another reason is they lack the the understanding of the movements or lack sense of the body and it’s movement so they end doing the movement wrong from from the start and end up creating a bad motor pattern. Muscles dont have memory and what that refers to is actually motor control and the motor neurons creating that memory path. The longer that they engrain that bad motor pattern the longer it will take to undo it. Also add in many have family and other commitments that they either don’t have the time to practice, won’t make the time for the practice or prefer to play over practice. All that leads to not getting better or having big peaks and valleys in their game. The time it takes to undo bad motor patterns is weeks and months. Slow controlled movements at first, then slowly increasing reps, then in the case of golf speed until the new motor pattern becomes natural. As mentioned most adults don’t have the time, patience or both to go thru the process.
  2. you could but having something on the face would be more accurate. the trackman will give a good general idea that could be used as you compare the changes. Things I would also look at is start baseline is your dynamic loft, launch angle, spin, apex/peak height and descent/land angle. Also face angle and face to path. Note the differences. Dynamic loft is going to influence contact point which will influence spin, launch, etc
  3. Yeah all things being equal you are correct. As for lie while there are some that say it’s not as important part of the fitting of drivers there is still caution to be taken because too flat and you get the right shot. So it has to be taken into account with the changes in loft and face closure changes. Before making any changes, get a baseline of where your face contact is. Impact tape or foot spray. Keep this in mind. For every 1/8” spin will change by 240rpm and launch by .35°. As you go up the face spin drops and launch increases, vice versa as you move down the face. Most drivers hotspot is around 3/8” towards toe and 2/8” up from center. So options would be to play with the settings and also length and weight to see what changes are needed to optimize the contact. When making loft/lie changes always go to the extreme for whatever you are trying to do then backdown from there. Record where on the face the contact is happening with each change. including this as a possible option for dialing in your changes https://forums.golfwrx.com/topic/960350-diy-driver-tune-up-diy-fitting/ edit: since we all react differently to changes in how the face looks and that will make all things no longer equal because our mind will make adjustments to get to square at impact. My last titleist fitter did this to me. We were all dialed in, he had no more appointments for the day and asked if he could use me to play with settings and record the changes. He tweaked loft and lie from where we finished and one we didn’t use in the fitting. The look at address wasn’t suited to my eye and the ball flight I prefer. In order to try and get that result he noticed I changed my swing to compensate and the results of ball flight were terrible. Couldn’t keep the ball in play at all with a big right miss
  4. Guessing you are getting to much wrist extension in your stroke. Keep the wrist set where they are at address and use shoulders, arms to move the putter
  5. Can’t tell you much without a video. There’s multiple things that can be happening.
  6. Agree with @cnosil on the clubs not that got a golfer to a certain level will prevent them from getting better. Once a golfer reaches single digits and especially in the 5 hdcp range it’s harder to lower the cap without playing more. And what lowers the cap is the small stuff. Making more putts, not making small mistakes around the green and making or rather than bogey. Now irons can make a golfer worse if they aren’t a fit or the golfer can’t control distance or where they go. Getting over the nerves, dealing with anxiety are all going to be constant battles. Therapy is best option for dealing with the anxiety issues. What’s going to make playing under pressure less stressful is being in more stressful situations more often. Play more competitive rounds where something is on the line, whether that’s money with friends/family, local competitions, etc. the club championship cant be your only competition all year.
  7. The bolder part applies to the vast majority of golfers, even some who think they know what they are looking at are wrong because they are diagnosing symptoms and trying to fix those and don’t know the cause and the cause is what they should be fixing
  8. The problem is these sessions are training the motor neurons to creat this bad pattern that doesn’t get the club back to the ball but inside of it. Also the move of the lead arm moving back in the transition is a death move. Combined that with the lack of getting pressure to the lead side is getting you stuck as shown in the pic. This is going to close a stall of the hips, early extension, high hands and trying to get the climb out to the ball with an open face will cause lots of right shots, unless you can rotate the arms and hands fast enough to square the face. Then add in pulling the club left and contact gets swipey Indoors use a piece of paper rolled up, a rolled up sock or something that gives you a place to put the club back to where it started
  9. The ball flight from the swipey contact you posted about is what you are training. These swings are creating a motor pattern to come from way inside and no where near returning the club to the original ball position. As Monte talks about in multiple threads on wrx about practice swings being non functional, doing full swing drills is the equivalent of that. Look where your club is at when you’re at your actual address point and then again where you are at impact. Your a good length of the clubface inside the address position. Now when you have a ball that has to be hit you have to make extra compensations to overcome what you’ve trained.
  10. There are lots of good options. Would never advise to stay away from something. The problem is that what works for one person may not work for someone else. Shaft weight and profile are also something that needs to be considered along with how the feel and balance of that with the clubhead feels. Things like sweeper vs digger and sole type and turf interaction. Swing speed of a driver has no role in determining irons or much of anything. Best thing to do is go to a place like 2ndswing, pgasuperstore, etc that has lots of clubs to demo and see what you like. Then either buy those or go get fit
  11. Agree. Like with any club thru trial and error one could stumble onto what works for them, could get costly. The quicker, easier and better way is thru a fitting. After doing my virtual fitting with Ping using their app the consistency of stroke, type of greens/speed of greens, tempo/speed play a big role in offset, weight of the putter.
  12. His profile says 111+ and he’s a 4.1 hdcp What you need to figure out is if the black profile is the issue or the flex of it. You could drop a flex and keep the weigh the same as your shaft and try that, or try something in similar profile like AV white, rogue white, tensei pro white or black, evenflow black. Or if the profile of the black is the issue then change to a blue profile. Which would be Diamana blueboard, evenflow blue, ventus blue or blue Tr. Tour AD series from graphite design, tensei av blue potentially the kai’li series the problem is that whatever one will work is a guess and you will have to pick one or two to buy and test or find a place that carries these, most of which are stock or upgrade shafts in Callaway. you will just have to take the leap at some point. There are no bad shafts on the market, just bad fits for the golfer
  13. Really doesn’t matter, if he had the same ss as you but swings different the shaft is going to feel and perform different for both of you. as mentioned in the other thread ss isn’t a number to base shaft profile and/or flex on.
  14. This is because shafts don’t launch or spin. They provide weight and feel, they can have an influence on dynamic loft. Callaway and some other brands tested shafts from lightweight “lady” flex to the shafts used by long driver competitors using different swing speed and launch and spin between them were neglible. How a shaft feels and how that feel influences one swing and the delivery of the club will determine the launch characteristics. The profile of the shaft the manufacturers use it to let you know the profile of the shaft, low/low is going to typically have a stiff tip, mid will be softer tip as examples Torque is more about feel than it is dispersion
  15. While there is no standard for flex across brands these are going to play stiffer than the dg120s. Recoils already have a stiffer profile and the prototype are slightly stiffer than then on prototype. How that affects your swing or others is really dependent on how the feel is for that particular person and the affects that feel has on the swing. I’ve played recoil 110 non proto on multiple occasions and love them. I stayed with the non proto because it’s what UST fit me to. I have a friend who plays the 125 proto and soft steps them 1 time to get the feel he prefers
  16. I can go multiple rounds without hitting a fw if I wanted to. At most I hit it twice a round. I rarely hit it off the tee anymore. 3w off the deck is hard for many amateurs because if their swing faults and/or lack of speed to effectively get the ball in the air. A higher lofted would is a much better option and would go as far if not farther than their 3w because of the added loft and ability to get it in the air
  17. It’s not as common and the ones that do like older Tiger an rory it’s not as noticeable. Bradley’s Hughes has touched on Rory’s similar old school footwork in some older videos. I doubt he was using the ground anymore today than other rounds, pro golfers don’t typically change what they do or do more of if “randomly”. His swing and footwork are going to be be pretty consistent round to round
  18. No. Because it comes down to how the shaft feels. Basing a decision on swing speed is a very basic starting point and with no standard in flex there’s no correlation between speed and flex. S3 and other sites have to use things like speed, 7i or driver distance to estimate a shaft. It’s almost as good a guess as anyone here saying use X shaft on Y flex. I can tell you I know guys with your swing speed and were 5 and below handicaps that hated the evenflow blue in 6.0 and 6.5, I know another guy who liked it but wanted a slightly stiffer tip which is basically the evenflow black. Unfortunatley there’s 3 ways to find a shaft. Blind buy something and try it, go somewhere an demo a bunch of shafts or go get fit.
  19. Two people with the same swing speed can have different results with the same shaft and club. It boils down to how a shaft feels to the golfer, how weight and balance of the shaft and club feel. How do you know you are center face on shots? With not hitting center on other shots is going to lead to a bit of dispersion, combine that with any change in face angle, face to path relationship that will add to increased dispersion. But again unless you are looking at numbers and comparing with face contact you don’t know if it’s the shaft, the swing, the shaft causing the swing. Shafts role is weight and fee and their influence on dynamic loft. As for club champion they offer fittings that are separate from the club building. You can do a fitting and not have to buy anything from them.
  20. He has footwork similar to how the pre modern era swing guys used the ground. Tiger had similar as does rory
  21. But if you want at least a starting point if you wanted to test at a club for bling buy. With the Ping tour being a higher balance point shaft you could look for an og hzrdus yellow, the yellow smoke, or the rdx blue. All counterbalanced which pair well with Ping. Aldila rogue shafts. Something with stiffer tips that could help or hurt depending on how to feels and what it does do your swing. Ventus blue or blue tr with velocore, ventus red tr. tensei pro white or black
  22. Have you checked where you are making contact on the face using either foot spray or impact tape? Have you looked at your numbers on a monitor since your fitting and improved swing? Many times the chances of finding a shaft that gives significant improvement is small. The shaft would have to cause a positive change in your swing mechanics to produce “better” results. The long tour shaft is a high quality design done by Ping engineers and working in conjunction with UST to produce the shaft using an aftermarket version shaft. The shaft is based on the elements chrome and chrome+. As for what to try your guess is as good as anyone here’s for what to try, because feel could and will more than likely be different for each person and the chances of a change being worse are quite possible. Tinkering can get expensive, so you could take your driver to a club and test different shafts or go do a fitting to see if there is a better option.
  23. Never assume what lofts you need. Some need or like bigger gaps than others, How you plan to use the wedges, full swing only, full and partial swing, partial swing only. Plus anything around the green and bunker. any recommendations from the members here on what wedges are going to be personal biases, like for me I will never buy a Callaway or cobra wedge. I prefer vokey, pxg or tm but could use a wilson. As for length,loft, lie anyones recommendations are going to be a guess and would be as good or bad as your guess at what you need. The best thing is to go find a place that carries demo wedges and hit them, then get fit for the ones you like
  24. Sweepers have a hard time with avcog above the center of the ball. Something ping usually has.
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