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Testers Wanted: Vice Golf Irons ×


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Everything posted by Rickp

  1. The lightning strike was on the news, scary. Lucky no life threatening injuries. Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  2. That’s Lefty Heaven. Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  3. That looks great!! Nice job[emoji106] Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  4. Sounds like a great choice. Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  5. When we left CT years ago I left my very used generator with one of my daughters and son-in-laws. They used it this week. Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  6. That’s pretty good for your age Boss. My arms would fall off at the shoulders. Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  7. That’s awesome. Definitely a good stick! Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  8. Hope this system passes you quickly and get back to decent weather. My daughters live in CT and are in the same weather pattern so I know what you’re dealing with. Good luck. Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  9. When Brooks gets going not much stops him. Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  10. Heard those guys also, no reason to prove your an ahole. Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  11. Bacon Boys 9, Yea!! 7:00am Tee Time, our 4 groups had first 4 Tee Times. This 9 holes is new and not connected to Cart Path system yet (see bridge in Random Thd) so we have to take our cars, PIA. I looked over and 2 guys were heading out B4 us and they were walking. Saw this B4 @ this course, these 2 guys are friends with Starter and they are SLOW. I told Starter NFW our group is first, Starter tried to give me some bull but I was not having any of it and the other guys were getting into the show. Starter relented and our groups took our place in front of these 2 privileged clowns. One of them is a smart a_ _ and figured he was going to get away with this again but I wasn’t having any of it. Guess I can be cranky old fart sometimes. BTW actually played pretty good, no shoulder problem so that’s all good! I Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  12. Sure do! Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  13. This bridge when it opens in few months should open up a couple extra courses for us and opens up 30 courses for the folks south of us. Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  14. First of 4 new cart bridges linking Villages together and golf courses. Installed this overnight [emoji106] Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  15. You and me both [emoji106] Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  16. I do that also but use a 6 iron[emoji16] Great job Tom[emoji106] Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  17. We are off to the gym around 10:00. Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  18. That will settle the boys down for a day or 2 and then it’ll be back to normal. Kids are a blast, been thru my 2 now 4 teenage Gkids in the mix. They are a blast, enjoy them! The stitches will be a story for him to tell for at least 2 months. Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  19. Wow! Definitely a challenging day. Happy to hear your boy is OK. Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  20. Smart man[emoji106] Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  21. [emoji16] Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  22. Don’t feel bad one of my best friends retired from IRS. According to him best job he ever hated.[emoji16] Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  23. I guess age mostly, will be 73 in less than 2 months. Physically things wearing out, knees, hips both going to need work. Both shoulders have been worked on. According to SWMBO I haven’t learned that I can’t push things the way I used to. SWMBO has/is beginning to have challenges also including anxiety issues. She realizes it and is working on it. Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  24. Yea!! Pics[emoji106] Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  25. You took the words right away from me. Willows are awesome but unfortunately are fragile. Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
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