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Everything posted by BMart519

  1. I have an M2 3HL at 16.5 deg but it only goes about 10 yards farther than my 17 deg 2h but with the greater number of mishits and struggles off the deck, it didn't help my scores. I previously had a 17 deg 4 wood and a 19 deg 5-6 wood, again were very similar to my 2H distance with more mishits. My 2H has a taller face than fairways and a shorter shaft. I still haven't seen a fairway to displace it and am looking to test a new Epic Super Duper hybrid to see if I could get similar performance/forgiveness but pickup 10 yards or so compared to my 11 year old hybrid. If you hit your driver 270 and your hybrid 230-240, you might be able to get a 3 out to 250. This will only happen off the tee and the difference will shrink off the ground. I don't think a bag change is needed unless the Super hybrid is not working as a 3 wood will be more difficult to play. When considering this area of the bag, are you comfortable hitting into greens from this distance? Or are you more likely to hit the ball far offline or into traps... You're likely only carrying the 3 wood about 220 and then needing to roll a ball into a narrow opening between hazards. Is your sand game and greenside chipping good enough to take this on or is a shot 20-50 yards short of the green going to work better. I am very hesitant to hit into a green beyond 200 yards as that is my longest iron or first hybrid. Unless there are no penalty areas on either side of the green.
  2. Ping has a concept called Effective Bounce which incorporate the width of sole from front edge to the back of the flange. A grind with heel relief will allow you to open the face while lot lifting the leading edge which is a common feature on some Callaway wedges. There is a standard way to measure bounce, but that can play very different depending on the width of sole and grind.
  3. Had my first successful round going heads up after a poor first round and some practice during scramble tournaments. My proximity on approach shots was poor but I got multiple 50-60’ putts down in two. Made 3 putts from outside 10’. Just couldn’t get any birdies to drop from 10-15’. Had one from 90’, decided at that distance I should look at the ball… hit the ground before the ball and left it 30’ short lol. Guess I should fully commit.
  4. $9100 is a big jump from $3000 CDN for Skytrak. If it sells for $4000 USD with a few less features I will be pissed, that is $5100 CDN with the exchange rate.
  5. I have read some of Stockton's books and tried this method. I'll play around with it at home a bit to refresh my memory, but I seem to remember it was still close enough to the ball that my vision would track back to the ball during the stroke on occasion. Also harder to do on Exputt as there are no alignment aids on the mat that close to the ball. It might be something I do from 10' and in as I routinely launch the ball perfectly straight from 5-10'. Works OK at 20-30' and has some potential and continues to drop out to 40-50'.
  6. 2021 vs 2019 models Assuming 2021 Tour X report will come out in the future as the people who reviewed that ball seemed to prefer it.
  7. Ahhh, I could never burn rubber on a kneeling swing. And I barely ever did those as I use way too much upper body to a fault as it is.
  8. I love my shot scope and the accuracy is great with manual putt mode. In my opinion the level of detail and how it is presented is miles ahead of Arccos now that it has full Strokes Gained data. Having the watch give you front, middle, and back from anywhere on the course (even other holes) without needing to mess with a phone is great. The phone GPS has a few benefits like measuring to a landing spot or blind shots. Shot scope added a feature to measure to layup distances, but seeing an overhead map of the hole is helpful and I still enter my score and basic stats to reference for post round editing in Shot Scope as well as keeping my index. I don't see why you would opt not to track shot level data when it is the same price is most other basic GPS watches with no subscription as someone wanting to improve your game. With a bit of work, you can also calculate your scoring average by tee club in Shot Scope.
  9. Damn you must be getting steep! I don't ever remember ground contact with the Stack or SuperSpeed, but I also do them on my range mat as I would be terrified of breaking the end off the Stack with how expensive it was or sending a bunch of steel washers flying around my garage that I epoxied together for my DIY SuperSpeed.
  10. I find a mark on the green 2-6" in front of my ball along my desired path to align my putter face at setup. I find it difficult to set the putter and then find the specific far target aimpoint near the hole to then hitting the putt. I continue to work with the technique, but am considering a switch to looking at either my spot just in front of the ball or a few feet out in front where it is easier to lock in a specific blade of grass. On my putting mats at home I look at a spot either 2' or 4' in front of the ball and am having success that way. When I don't clearly identify the spot next to the hole, it's hard to commit to the stroke not having settled on where I am looking.
  11. I had a similar thought with my driver this year, then it occurred to me that driver had become my strongest club. I copied that idea over to all full swings and it has helped all of my ball striking at this point. Having 1 thought that is the opposite of your main flaw is a good idea. Worth a shot if you struggled with all your other full swing shots recently.
  12. Yes, the dots closest to the sponge. I find that much more comfortable than looking all the way to the hole. My distance control was also better on Exputt than on the course. I may use a hybrid approach of an intermediate target. Staring at the hole seems to make me more outcome focussed compared to rolling over some intermediate target. Plus I repeatedly practice the 5-50’ putts on Exputt so I was in the habit of using those stroke lengths based on the length of putt on the course.
  13. That's just going to make it even harder to find. Gotta keep it quiet so you can actually order some before they sell out.
  14. I volunteered to provide before and after data to Lou after suffering through 45 putts during my last round of "traditional" putting (my worst ever I believe), now its a race against winter up in Canada. Got 1 round in with 36 putts (a couple from fringe) and 5x 3 putts. Was smashing the ball past the hole. Have a scramble this week which will be another chance for on course practice. I did drain a downhill, winding 45' putt for birdie on a par 3. So there are some flashes. I am making a ton of putts on my steel ruler and Exputt at home, just need it to translate to the course. If anything, it gives me a distraction on course as I also race to break single digits for the first time. (Also, gives an excuse if I don't make it )
  15. You can add volume if you are within 10% of max speed if you are timing yourself... I would have gone for an addition set if your last one was fastest in this example.
  16. Routine #2 - neural drive. Not the results I was hoping for next up is another session of foundations which did yield gains on the first go around. More weight lifting is needed to improve force output. Fatigue from playing multiple times per week, beginning weight training, as well as some deficiencies highlighted by a physio all likely contributed to the stagnation. Environmental factors like colder ambient temp in September vs start of training in July or august could also affect the results. Definitely looking forward to 2 weeks off, 24 sessions was a lot in this program.
  17. Lou Stagner is looking for volunteers on Twitter who have SG: Putting data to trial heads up and collect data to see if it makes a difference.
  18. Maybe I should put my Titleist #3's on ebay once the Left Dot sells out...
  19. I love that you broke this down, because it is immediately where my mind went...
  20. Would be interesting to know the relative error of hitting range balls outdoors vs gamer balls into a net on predicting the actual carry you would see at the course... Regardless, you are probably better off buying a $200 unit that only does ball speed, club head speed, and carry since those seem to be the most reliable on the R10 and all personal radars. Unless you want an upgraded OptiShot to play courses. Potentially have your draws shows as fades over the winter, then make some ill advised swing changes.
  21. Sounds like you had a bit of a break with vacations. If the current potentiation programming is yielding gains, I would stick with it until you reach plateaus given your extensive training history. Your strength levels were sufficient in terms of major compound lifts to support high swing speeds. My opinion is that speed work has more low hanging fruit for you then adding another 50 lbs to your big lifts .
  22. Edel has a lot of material about their putter fitting philosophy regarding the markings as well as their location. If you dig around on their website and youtube videos it could help you narrow down your selection.
  23. Followed up my personal best 77 with an 81 as my second best ever score. Funny part is I forgot my EVNROLL at home and had to negotiate with the pro shop to let me take a Stoke Lab Tuttle on the course and keep the plastic wrap on it. Got to the course late and and was able to hit about 10 putts with it on the practice green. 2x 3 putts and 1 tee ball OB were the main issues keeping me from another round in the 70s. I think I have broken a scoring plateau… with one month left in the season, can I get to a single digit? My average differential from last 3 rounds is 9.1 and tomorrow my handicap should hit 11.5. Late summer run #LGLG
  24. Finally did it… Broke 80 with a 77. No 3 putts, 1 penalty off the tee. -1 through 9 holes, even par through 14. Which was a good thing as I finished the last 4 holes at +5 and 77.
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