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Everything posted by BMart519

  1. Your grit stays at 100 if you do it on either of the 2 days listed in your "optimal window" so you can do it every 3rd day and still maintain the score.
  2. Pretty sure it says "making progress" after every session and refers to you progressing through the training program. The week off may have been needed for rest and recovery to help you get to that speed, or it may have been warmer than average, or just normal day to day variation. Speed training data from a single session is only so helpful, its more important to look at trends over time.
  3. I still use my voice caddy SC200 for swing training and would rather put the hours on a device worth 10% of the MEVO+. I can't be bothered going through the sync process to link the MEVO+ to my phone which usually takes 2 tries. The Stack System also runs on the same iPhone as my MEVO, so switching back and forth between apps on the same device wouldn't work well. Since the MEVO+ update, I am seeing more estimated spin on full and 3/4 wedges than before and still have not been able to figure out how to unlock local conditions on FS Golf. I will probably sell the unit and go with a camera based system even though they have subscription fees and require me to buy a gaming computer. I've already had to be walked through the procedure to remove and replace the battery because it got to low that it would not charge and needed to be "reset". The electronics don't inspire much confidence in these units.
  4. I've seen articles that pistol grip and smaller diameter grips encourage more use of the hands and rotating the putter face closed which is 1 option. The extra toe hang may have caused you to react by closing the putter more aggressively and you couldn't time it compared to your EVNROLL. The gravity grip is 40-60g heavier than the other grip which is going to change the swing weight and total weight of the putters if the head weight is the same. Likely a combination of all these factors.
  5. According to Ping fitting charts, AoA is how you decide what launch and spin is optimal based on your ball speed. So it seems fairly important considering MGS decided to use it as a filter... Definitely more valuable than handicap.
  6. Any of the testers have any idea what buckets are used for the Attack Angle? Is Neutral -2 to +2, Positive +2 and greater, etc? I don't see it mentioned in the article or the extra data page. Even averages or medians for this category would be interesting.
  7. Pro V1 Left Dot is noticeably lower flight than any other ball I've used which will give it a natural advantage especially into a head wind. My vote beyond that is Bridgestone balls, I feel their dimple pattern really helps in the wind. I've played Z stars, TP5 and 5x for extended periods and tested all Titleist other than Left Dash and AVX. I haven't used Callaway or Snell balls.
  8. Stack "yardages" are all calculated based on your speeds without a ball (plus roll I believe) which will never carryover to the course at 100%. I average 6MPH slower hitting a ball vs swinging without. That's 19 yards according to the math in the App. 100MPH swing is going to get you around 250 carry assuming you hit the ball well, there are lots of places where you will not get 30 yards rollout. If you are slicing the ball, hitting down on it, and spinning it too much in general that can easily drop to 220-230. Then subtract 10-20 yards I mentioned about while hitting an actual ball and you are in that 200-220 zone.
  9. I believe you are talking about the Swing Speed Radar.. That has been tested and is available for selection within the Stack App to normalize the club head speed. So it is one of the 10 preferred units to use. The most important aspect of speed training is getting in reps at max effort/speed multiple times per week. You are splitting hairs between SuperSpeed and Stack based on what I have seen from the level of detail you have been tracking and your prior physical training experience. There are a lot of long drive guys that preach max effort swings using driver with and without a ball is important. The biggest benefits of the Stack is: pacing for rest between reps and sets and all of your historical data is logged in the app as well as the ability to journal after each workout. There's approx 7 Stack workout programs vs 6 levels for Superspeed I believe... I still believe making only "normal" swings with the Stack has carried over to my driver swing on course better than all of the swing variations in SS protocols and I do not miss the opposite side swings. It's not a magic bullet. Between a back strain, -30 degree temps in my garage, and now COVID (6-10 MPH drop) - I am on pace to have 0 gains over my last 2 Stack programs because I am not able to speed train every 2nd or 3rd day as prescribed. I have been able to maintain speed while not playing and doing minimal weight lifting however. I got my squat and deadlift up a fair amount this winter which I thought was limiting my speed as I started to plateau on the Stack in the fall. I am now leaning towards a combination of technique and rotary strength/power being the issues as I can't do nearly as much at home with medicine balls.
  10. If you are not interested in a swing analysis or technique work, then the practice plan should be pretty straight forward: 1) Get some kind of system that tracks Strokes Gained data: Arccos, ShotScope, GolfMetrics, etc "put info into an app" 2) View strokes gained in each part of the game split into distance buckets like shown above (length of putt, chipping distance from green, approach shot distance) - It looks like Arccos provides areas to work on to you without any research. 3) Go hit more shots from those distances and track your results or play games with a score for 10 balls hitting to a target or between 2 posts, etc. My SG losses for example are as follows: 50-100 yard approaches (partial wedge system and feel practice for swing length) 150-200 yard approaches (Full swing mid irons to hybrids) 0-25 yard chips (similarly bad to 25-50 yard chips but hit 2x as many) 30+ foot putts (30-50' lags, speed control drills) 0-10' putts (start line drills putting on ruler)
  11. Sasho Mackenzie was on the Fit for Golf podcast and went into great detail and provided links to an actual study of hundreds of golfers about the wrist hinge being the biggest contributor to swing speed and a large correlation between wrist angle halfway down in the swing (between P5 and P6) and clubhead as well as ball speed. "Holding" lag may not be the ideal concept, but releasing your wrist hinge early in the downswing and around transition significantly limits your clubhead speed at impact. "Holding lag" likely came around as a concept because it is far more common for amatuer golfers to flip or throw the club from the top and lose lag compared to those who manage to hit the balls with excess "lag" and somehow hold the golf club off from releasing. Feeling the opposite is a common approach to fixes in golf.
  12. Welcome to golf. There are some days where I can't find a grip that feels natural on the club and it takes a conscious effort to try and setup correctly, let alone the swing.
  13. Your wrist if definitely flat/neutral at the top and not bowed. If you want the club face to be more open at this position, the only solution is to have a weaker grip regardless if you feel your current grip is "neutral". The other option is to start cupping/extending your wrist to open the face which is the opposite of what current instructors are promoting. -9 deg face to path will be a struggle to produce functional ball flight unless you get your path 6-12 degrees in to out. Which is a lot... Or consistently aim at the right rough/tree line and hope the hook stays in play. The end goal should be cutting that -9 face to path in half so your range is more like 2-5.
  14. BMart519


    They probably tested the face slots on the irons a decent amount too. Those also had problems when they first came out. Even if the face itself doesn't crack or break, you can assume the performance of the coating will degrade over time. Not sure why you would want to open up another variable unless the Stealth thoroughly beat everything else in a fitting. It seems metal faces get hotter over time until they break, does carbon fibre behave the same way?
  15. I dropped about 10 strokes when I diverted range time to playing 9 hole rounds on a local muni about 3-4 years ago. Unless you are working on a swing change or other technical work (which can be done without a ball), more reps on course will always result in a better golf game by actually playing golf and managing your way around the course.
  16. A milled putter, even with extreme grooves like EVNROLL will usually be hotter than an insert. Metal is going to transfer more energy into the ball than plastic.
  17. The person who most often wins is the player who putts the best out of the best ball strikers. Otherwise Denny McCarthy would have a lot more wins! The longer hitters clean up their share of wins. Even if it was a putting contest, you could make the excuse it helps balance out who has a chance to win. Rahm is like Hatton, like to complain, short temper but it's due to his competitiveness. He had 3-5 lip outs in 1 round. Lots of bad luck and sour grapes.
  18. I move my 5x5' mat to the back yard from my garage to hit 10-30 yard chips instead of tearing up the lawn with no issues. I try to use the flattest part of the mat and walk around on it to push the grass down, full swings could be a different story. My mat has a foam base so it is light enough to move and I've been using it for 2 years and its still in great shape. Highly recommend the product, the long fibre length easily takes 10-20 yards off fat shots. The foam is thick and you can brush the fibres so they stand back up if they get flattened from standing on them. https://www.dwquailgolf.com/4x5-5-star-zoysia-fairway-golf-mat/
  19. Good point, your head is also lower at impact than address. Could be more of a balance issue and too much weight over the toes that could be fixed with changing intention and technique. But adding rotation always warrants consideration around physical capabilities.
  20. Have you done TPI or other physical assessments to see if there are any physical limitations leading to the early extension towards the ball? Working on hips and core could be more important than trying to ingrain a technique or move.
  21. If you clubs perform differently in terms of spin but also peak height, a ball change could balance that out in terms of stopping power. It is introducing another variable, but there is a learning curve with the new clubs anyway.
  22. Feedback from my physio is I likely have some degree of SLAP tear in my shoulder. Speed training doesn't really aggravate it. The biggest issue is pressing near 3-5 rep max or high volume push ups. Rows and back exercises have no effect. Lifting weights helps reinforce the surrounding muscles to support the joint. If left alone, the lack of exercise allows slack in the ball and socket joint which increases discomfort as it "grinds" over the area with tears. My worst snowboarding fall resulted in not being able to lift my arm above shoulder height for a few weeks if I remember correctly. Which is more severe than what you describe.
  23. US and Canadian medical systems are quite different but you are a number of steps away from surgery being suggested. The only time surgery and diagnostic imaging was brought up for my shoulder was when the pain was affecting my ability to sleep. Tears are commonly managed by strengthening the area unless: they are severe and impacting quality of life or can no longer complete job function (anything from manual laborer to pro athlete). ***Unless you have top of line medical coverage or willing to foot the bill out of pocket and push for a surgery. Sounds similar to my situation where pressing anything over 150 lbs causes discomfort and certain angles are a no-go. Also primarily due to awkward snowboarding falls on my elbows and shoulders.
  24. The biggest consideration is your budget. If you have the money, then you would upgrade drivers when a new model provides measurable improvement over your current club during a fitting and whether that improvement is worth the cost less any possible trade in value or resale. The "improvement" could be due to a variety of factors: swing changes, ball changes, equipment improvements. At the end of the day it is how many dollars are you willing to spend to achieve that improvement, if any?
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