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    cjeffs12 got a reaction from cksurfdude in What/How Did You Practice Today?   
    I needed an after work therapy session yesterday, so I went to the range to work on my swing. I started with the prosendr to get the feels and connection. I am really trying to feel my arms drop and lead hip to clear to start my downswing, and I was really striping it with my P and 8. I moved to my 4 iron as I try to make it as difficult as possible and expose my swing. It was not working with the 4, and then something clicked, I tucked my trail elbow turned my inner forearm to the sky then turned my hand to grip the club(sorry internal and external rotation always confuses me). This really allowed me to feel it work around arc and not so chicken wing at the top. I started flushing my 4 iron and was hitting the green on the range at 225, I loved the contact and how shallow my divots were getting. I hoping that I am at a place to where I can go play 9 this week and start working on playing better golf. 
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    cjeffs12 got a reaction from sirchunksalot in What/How Did You Practice Today?   
    I needed an after work therapy session yesterday, so I went to the range to work on my swing. I started with the prosendr to get the feels and connection. I am really trying to feel my arms drop and lead hip to clear to start my downswing, and I was really striping it with my P and 8. I moved to my 4 iron as I try to make it as difficult as possible and expose my swing. It was not working with the 4, and then something clicked, I tucked my trail elbow turned my inner forearm to the sky then turned my hand to grip the club(sorry internal and external rotation always confuses me). This really allowed me to feel it work around arc and not so chicken wing at the top. I started flushing my 4 iron and was hitting the green on the range at 225, I loved the contact and how shallow my divots were getting. I hoping that I am at a place to where I can go play 9 this week and start working on playing better golf. 
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    cjeffs12 reacted to bens197 in What/How Did You Practice Today?   
    Putting day with my #1 coach 

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    cjeffs12 got a reaction from cksurfdude in What/How Did You Practice Today?   
    I had my first practice session with Jumbomax on all clubs. I have used them before, and they were hit or miss. At the end of last season I injured my left hand hitting a roof, and started getting a pop in my left hand during my release. So I thought I would dig them back out and give them another try. Honestly, I really enjoyed hitting them. I lost a little feedback, but could still tell in a general area for a mishit. I went from my miss being a pull to a push. I found that I can really turn and not fear a big left miss. No pain in my hand after a long practice day. I finished up with chipping. This took about 30 minutes to adjust and not dig the leading edge in, but after awhile I started chipping really well. 
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    cjeffs12 got a reaction from sirchunksalot in What/How Did You Practice Today?   
    I had my first practice session with Jumbomax on all clubs. I have used them before, and they were hit or miss. At the end of last season I injured my left hand hitting a roof, and started getting a pop in my left hand during my release. So I thought I would dig them back out and give them another try. Honestly, I really enjoyed hitting them. I lost a little feedback, but could still tell in a general area for a mishit. I went from my miss being a pull to a push. I found that I can really turn and not fear a big left miss. No pain in my hand after a long practice day. I finished up with chipping. This took about 30 minutes to adjust and not dig the leading edge in, but after awhile I started chipping really well. 
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    cjeffs12 got a reaction from Dweed in What/How Did You Practice Today?   
    I had my first practice session with Jumbomax on all clubs. I have used them before, and they were hit or miss. At the end of last season I injured my left hand hitting a roof, and started getting a pop in my left hand during my release. So I thought I would dig them back out and give them another try. Honestly, I really enjoyed hitting them. I lost a little feedback, but could still tell in a general area for a mishit. I went from my miss being a pull to a push. I found that I can really turn and not fear a big left miss. No pain in my hand after a long practice day. I finished up with chipping. This took about 30 minutes to adjust and not dig the leading edge in, but after awhile I started chipping really well. 
  7. Like
    cjeffs12 got a reaction from BallsLeon in What/How Did You Practice Today?   
    I had my first practice session with Jumbomax on all clubs. I have used them before, and they were hit or miss. At the end of last season I injured my left hand hitting a roof, and started getting a pop in my left hand during my release. So I thought I would dig them back out and give them another try. Honestly, I really enjoyed hitting them. I lost a little feedback, but could still tell in a general area for a mishit. I went from my miss being a pull to a push. I found that I can really turn and not fear a big left miss. No pain in my hand after a long practice day. I finished up with chipping. This took about 30 minutes to adjust and not dig the leading edge in, but after awhile I started chipping really well. 
  8. Like
    cjeffs12 got a reaction from Rob Person in What/How Did You Practice Today?   
    I had my first practice session with Jumbomax on all clubs. I have used them before, and they were hit or miss. At the end of last season I injured my left hand hitting a roof, and started getting a pop in my left hand during my release. So I thought I would dig them back out and give them another try. Honestly, I really enjoyed hitting them. I lost a little feedback, but could still tell in a general area for a mishit. I went from my miss being a pull to a push. I found that I can really turn and not fear a big left miss. No pain in my hand after a long practice day. I finished up with chipping. This took about 30 minutes to adjust and not dig the leading edge in, but after awhile I started chipping really well. 
  9. Like
    cjeffs12 reacted to revkev in What/How Did You Practice Today?   
    I’ve honestly gotten to where I could care less about playing golf. If friends are here, I will play with them. My game had deteriorated so much though the actual golf was not fun.
    I finally broke down and took a lesson today. I’ve had so many issues and been so busy and little to no motivation - glad I went - my teacher was stunned when he saw my swing - but he said my grip and take away were still there - he had me hitting some reasonable shots after three balls and finally feeling like every swing would not be a shank. After a dozen 8 irons I was hitting them high and straight on target. He even had me make a set up change that he always wanted to make but didn’t suggest because I was a consistent ball striker - I was really popping shot after shot by the end. 
    So we tried driver - I’d even been struggling with that - it was a simple ball position fix and bang -high fades - I’m sure they will turn into draws once I start practicing more. 
    I actually want to play golf again now. 🙂
  10. Like
    cjeffs12 got a reaction from cksurfdude in What/How Did You Practice Today?   
    Had a really good range session today. I worked with the Prosendr hitting pitch shots and half swing 8 irons. I hit about 40 balls with my 4 iron, really trying to expose my swing. This really helped, at first I was coming way over the top trying to focus on compressing it. Then went back to getting my weight pressure correct, and started hitting the ball high and straight. I did this to expose my swing, but also to check and see if I need a more forgiving option. After today, I think I can make it work, but also thinking I may want a hybrid or a more forgiving iron. I then moved to putting. This is my first pressure practice session since I’ve gotten the midlock. I set tees at 12,14,16,18,20’ with an alignment rod 3 feet past the hole, and points are 3 for a make, 1 for in between hole and rod, and -1 for short or past the rod. I played to 20 points. Then I setup at 3’ and made 20 in a row. I really like the midlock, I really got into a groove at 3’ that I usually didn’t get with a traditional putter. 
  11. Like
    cjeffs12 got a reaction from KC Golf in What/How Did You Practice Today?   
    Had a really good range session today. I worked with the Prosendr hitting pitch shots and half swing 8 irons. I hit about 40 balls with my 4 iron, really trying to expose my swing. This really helped, at first I was coming way over the top trying to focus on compressing it. Then went back to getting my weight pressure correct, and started hitting the ball high and straight. I did this to expose my swing, but also to check and see if I need a more forgiving option. After today, I think I can make it work, but also thinking I may want a hybrid or a more forgiving iron. I then moved to putting. This is my first pressure practice session since I’ve gotten the midlock. I set tees at 12,14,16,18,20’ with an alignment rod 3 feet past the hole, and points are 3 for a make, 1 for in between hole and rod, and -1 for short or past the rod. I played to 20 points. Then I setup at 3’ and made 20 in a row. I really like the midlock, I really got into a groove at 3’ that I usually didn’t get with a traditional putter. 
  12. Like
    cjeffs12 got a reaction from Rob Person in What/How Did You Practice Today?   
    Had a really good range session today. I worked with the Prosendr hitting pitch shots and half swing 8 irons. I hit about 40 balls with my 4 iron, really trying to expose my swing. This really helped, at first I was coming way over the top trying to focus on compressing it. Then went back to getting my weight pressure correct, and started hitting the ball high and straight. I did this to expose my swing, but also to check and see if I need a more forgiving option. After today, I think I can make it work, but also thinking I may want a hybrid or a more forgiving iron. I then moved to putting. This is my first pressure practice session since I’ve gotten the midlock. I set tees at 12,14,16,18,20’ with an alignment rod 3 feet past the hole, and points are 3 for a make, 1 for in between hole and rod, and -1 for short or past the rod. I played to 20 points. Then I setup at 3’ and made 20 in a row. I really like the midlock, I really got into a groove at 3’ that I usually didn’t get with a traditional putter. 
  13. Like
    cjeffs12 reacted to cnosil in What/How Did You Practice Today?   
    Sitting on the sofa has been a bit boring so I picked up the putter and hit a few putts.    While I have been laid up I have been reading up on putting skills so I worked on improving core skills.  Worked on:
    aim  stroke rhythm starting the ball where aimed Also part of this is recognizing when something wasn't done correctly.  Basically post putt analysis.  
  14. Like
    cjeffs12 got a reaction from cksurfdude in What/How Did You Practice Today?   
    The weather is starting to get better, so busted out the super speed sticks today. Trying to knock off the winter rust. The first training session was a little rough, I didn’t realize how out of shape I have gotten. I’m a long way from my speed goal this year, but it’s off to a good start. Finished up with some putting. 
  15. Like
    cjeffs12 reacted to sirchunksalot in What/How Did You Practice Today?   
    After work yesterday, I went to the range with a couple of friends. It was a bit cool and I was kicking myself for not remembering to pack a light jacket by the time we finished.
    I was working on turning and not swaying in the backswing along with hitting committed shots. 
    It wasn't perfect, but it's starting to get there. I need to work on strike and low point control. I hit a bunch of fat shots and some thin. I'm starting to see my swing speed come back, but not the distance associated with the speed. 
    We did see these guys who wandered out on the range. 

    We spent the last portion of the day on the putting green competing on who could two putt from one end of the green to the other. I can't say I did great, but we had a lot of fun trying. 

  16. Like
    cjeffs12 reacted to chisag in What/How Did You Practice Today?   
    ... I think maybe you hate it because you rarely practice it. 🤪 In my teaching experience most short game issues arise from focusing too much on the results and not the process. I think most would agree most shots in golf are pretty easy without a ball to distract you. If your full attention is on making contact with a smooth swing/stoke the short game is pretty easy to execute. Without practice you may not always get it close, but you will hit a decent pitch/chip/putt. 

    ... Like many things in this crazy game not caring about the results gives you the best chance at success. Attempting to basically make the shot get close causes all kinds of problems. I would recommend practicing without a target. Drop some balls and just pitch/chip in the direction of the green without caring how far the ball travels. You are just looking to make solid contact and make a rhythmic pitch/chip. Once you start getting a feel for it, start trying to hit at the flag. If your problems return, go back to hitting shots with no target. 

    ...  I do believe virtually everything in golf should be target oriented. But you can't do that with faulty technique. So start hitting good shots with good technique and then start zeroing in on your target. 
  17. Like
    cjeffs12 reacted to BallsLeon in What/How Did You Practice Today?   
    Got up early to go to the practice facility this morning. Warmed up with 52⁰, dialing in my 100yd shot. Then played a quick sim round, fairly middle of the road performance for me today with biggest struggles off the tee box (mostly hitting thin).

    Finally, spent about an hour rolling putts on the PuttView system after a disastrous putting performance this weekend. Swapped the 5g weights back out for the stock 15g weights in the putter, and it's back to feeling a lot more stable. Was using TM Tour Response balls and I can tell the roll is much improved from this weekend.
    However, speed continues to be a struggle (why I was messing with weights int he first place) so I warmed up with a speed control drill. Putting one ball about 3ft, and then trying to putt just past the last ball until I'm across the green. Did a couple rounds of this, and then worked on the ladder drill with most of the alignment aides disabled (green contours and setup still on). The ladder consists of 8 putts from 3.5ft to 10.5ft on hole with slight uphill and right-to-left break. First couple rounds took quite a few putts to finally sink all 8, but by the third round I managed it in 11 putts (matching my previous best with all the alignment aides turned on). Next goal is to do it in 10 or less.
  18. Like
    cjeffs12 reacted to IndyBonzo in What/How Did You Practice Today?   
    Good lesson this morning.  Need to work on what should be an easy fix - keeping my hands lower in the backswing and swing.  If I get tense, I raise my hands/forearms, which keeps the face open and gives me a push/slice.   So simple to say, but tough for me to do consistently.  It’s drill time!!
  19. Like
    cjeffs12 got a reaction from ILMgolfnut in What/How Did You Practice Today?   
    The weather is starting to get better, so busted out the super speed sticks today. Trying to knock off the winter rust. The first training session was a little rough, I didn’t realize how out of shape I have gotten. I’m a long way from my speed goal this year, but it’s off to a good start. Finished up with some putting. 
  20. Like
    cjeffs12 got a reaction from Rob Person in What/How Did You Practice Today?   
    The weather is starting to get better, so busted out the super speed sticks today. Trying to knock off the winter rust. The first training session was a little rough, I didn’t realize how out of shape I have gotten. I’m a long way from my speed goal this year, but it’s off to a good start. Finished up with some putting. 
  21. Like
    cjeffs12 got a reaction from cnosil in What/How Did You Practice Today?   
    The weather is starting to get better, so busted out the super speed sticks today. Trying to knock off the winter rust. The first training session was a little rough, I didn’t realize how out of shape I have gotten. I’m a long way from my speed goal this year, but it’s off to a good start. Finished up with some putting. 
  22. Like
    cjeffs12 got a reaction from BallsLeon in What/How Did You Practice Today?   
    Made it to the range last evening after work, for a beautiful sunny afternoon therapy session. I worked on my separation in the back swing with half speed pitching wedge. It felt really good, worked up to about 3/4 speed, and was really hitting it on line. Even got the 7 and 5 iron out to work on half speed swings to really test it. Not as good, but the 5 iron exposed some of my flaws. So I went back to PW, but I went down a rabbit hole and kinda fell apart. I got back to a good stopping point at the end. I’m not trying to rush these changes, but more of a gradual process in hopes that a month or two months when everything really picks up I’m better. 
  23. Like
    cjeffs12 got a reaction from sirchunksalot in What/How Did You Practice Today?   
    Made it to the range last evening after work, for a beautiful sunny afternoon therapy session. I worked on my separation in the back swing with half speed pitching wedge. It felt really good, worked up to about 3/4 speed, and was really hitting it on line. Even got the 7 and 5 iron out to work on half speed swings to really test it. Not as good, but the 5 iron exposed some of my flaws. So I went back to PW, but I went down a rabbit hole and kinda fell apart. I got back to a good stopping point at the end. I’m not trying to rush these changes, but more of a gradual process in hopes that a month or two months when everything really picks up I’m better. 
  24. Like
    cjeffs12 got a reaction from cksurfdude in What/How Did You Practice Today?   
    Made it to the range last evening after work, for a beautiful sunny afternoon therapy session. I worked on my separation in the back swing with half speed pitching wedge. It felt really good, worked up to about 3/4 speed, and was really hitting it on line. Even got the 7 and 5 iron out to work on half speed swings to really test it. Not as good, but the 5 iron exposed some of my flaws. So I went back to PW, but I went down a rabbit hole and kinda fell apart. I got back to a good stopping point at the end. I’m not trying to rush these changes, but more of a gradual process in hopes that a month or two months when everything really picks up I’m better. 
  25. Like
    cjeffs12 got a reaction from Dweed in What/How Did You Practice Today?   
    Made it to the range last evening after work, for a beautiful sunny afternoon therapy session. I worked on my separation in the back swing with half speed pitching wedge. It felt really good, worked up to about 3/4 speed, and was really hitting it on line. Even got the 7 and 5 iron out to work on half speed swings to really test it. Not as good, but the 5 iron exposed some of my flaws. So I went back to PW, but I went down a rabbit hole and kinda fell apart. I got back to a good stopping point at the end. I’m not trying to rush these changes, but more of a gradual process in hopes that a month or two months when everything really picks up I’m better. 
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