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Testers Wanted: Me and My Golf True Grip Glove

Number of Testers
Signup Cutoff Date:
1,085 signups
Equipment Type: Golf Glove
Vendor: Me and My Golf


If you are a golfer who watches YouTube, then you are likely familiar with the Me and My Golf channel. Andy and Piers have been staples of YouTube golf, amassing nearly a million subscribers. Andy and Piers (hosts and faces of Me and My Golf) have hundreds of videos aimed at making the game of golf simpler and providing more consistent results with tips, tricks, and content that is fun, innovative, and informative.

The Me and My Golf True Grip Glove

Andy and Piers have branched out from the YouTube world, offering a product that is purpose-built to fix a large issue many golfers have – the grip.

The Me and My Golf True Grip Glove is a fully functional golf grip and training aid all in one. It features clear visual cues and materials that help golfers get their grips into the proper placement every time.

Not only that, but included with the glove is access to exclusive videos about the glove, how to train with it, and what to look for when using it. All of this is accessible through a QR code included with the golf glove.


The Testing Opportunity

We are looking for golfers who struggle with their grip, who have a big hook, slice, or just trouble hitting straighter shots. The golf grip can be a difficult thing to manage, and we are keen to see if the Me and My Golf True Grip Glove can cure your grip issues.

For this testing opportunity, four golfers will be selected to test, review, and keep a Me and My Golf True Grip Glove.

Are you struggling with big misses left or right and want to see if this glove can help cure them?



This testing opportunity is open to all registered Forum members worldwide.

Available for left- and right-handed golfers.

Registration closes July 24.

Testers will be announced on the Forum on July 30.


I am interested in trying the glove. Always good to work on the grip! I am a right handed golfer, so a left hand glove in a large cadet would be perfect.

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It's amazing how I can hit the ball in any direction other than. Straight. Grip is impossible for me find comfortable and accurate 


This could make me less bad

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I switch from glove to no glove, so, this will be a good test to compare, and share the results. Good luck to all applicants.

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M&MG user here. Love Piers and Andy’s instruction, and really enjoy the innovative products they’re bringing to market. I’m excited for the testers and looking forward to hearing their thoughts!

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Good luck to the testers - busy with the ClawDaddy gloves test so this will be a good comparative follow.  Have watched Andy and Piers many times so this will be fun to see (via the testers’ views) how it performs. 

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I would certainly be interested in testing and reviewing this glove to help improve my grip and keep my shots from wandering left or right.

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I've watched Andy and Piers' videos for about 3 years now. Love 'em!  I suspect the glove will have some, but minimal, impact. But if it helps with consistent gripping then it's a win.  I'd try it!

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Interesting concept.. I will be happy to test the glove.. I am using both jumbo and regular size golf grips on my driver and irons... this will be an interesting tests...

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This is actually one of the things I struggle with is my grip. I have a strong grip which often leads to hooks. This glove may allow me to correct that on each swing. 

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I would love to test this glove out. I am not so sure I grip the club correctly, and probably most people don’t that are recreational golfers like myself. I think it’s not intentional but just habit that we form as golfers who don’t play two to three times a week. Looking forward to the opportunity to give this a go and see what it can do for my golf game.  

Hoppy Golfing!!!

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I am always going through  gloves quickly. I would be interested  in how well this glove will work for me. Fit and feel and ability to  grip well all play factor in my swing. 

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Great glove honestly. I have used it as a reminder when my game get funky or i fall into old habits as its a quick visual check. Cant wait to read the reviews from this!!

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