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Testers Wanted: Newton Driver Shafts ×


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Everything posted by IndyBonzo

  1. I’m a newbie to building irons, so sorry if this is a silly question, but here goes. If my chosen irons come in lengths 40” - 36.5” (1/2 inch increments), am I correct in assuming these are intended to be 3-PW generally speaking? And if I want to build a 5 iron at 1/2” long (i.e. 38.5” rather than standard 38” shaft (per Golfworks)), I presume I should buy the 39” shaft and butt trim it 1/2” rather than buy the 38.5” (6 iron) shaft and not trim it at all? I say this assuming flex is tailored to the predicted club head. Or does it matter? Or do I have it all wrong? Relatedly, I bought some shaft pulls from eBay that were supposedly standard sizes but they are short by about 1” or more. The so-called 5 iron shaft is only 37”. I suspect they were tip trimmed, which is not what I want at all. (I extended and built one and the ferrule would not fit without extensive interior sanding, hence my conclusion about the tip trimming. Yes the ferrule was the correct size for the intended shaft (.355).) Rather than adding 1 1/2” extensions I think I should try to resell these shafts and start over. Am I right about that, or am I over-thinking it? My goal is to have “standard” stiffness and specs save for the extra 1/2” length (which I know will impact stiffness somewhat). Thank you Spies for any help you can provide!
  2. Thanks so much @GolfSpy TCB! This is really excellent, and makes the incentive to try to play better even greater.
  3. Thursday = Friday Junior to me and some old buds. Your clock is accurate!
  4. Good morning, Spies! Gym, work, golf daydreams, repeat! Had a good rsnge session yesterday with the 9i TS4 I built this week - my first iron build. The head didn’t fly off, so I consider that a success! I wish you all a great Friday Junior!
  5. I hit an XL bucket of balls today with only my 9 iron I just built. It is built to my specs, which means it is slightly heavier and longer than that which I have been using, and that will take a bit of getting used to. That said, I had consistent strikes and started dialing it in toward the end of the session as I stopped being so quick (to which I am prone, especially on the range, but also on the course). It was a good session, and a nice break from a stressful work week!
  6. Yes - I built the A flex for myself first then he fell in love with it. Sounds like you are on the right track.
  7. Having a swing speed that is a bit higher than yours but not crazy so, I would say based on my experience that you should not ignore shaft weight and torque in your analysis. For me, the PLB L flex (44g, 5.0 torque) was too light and twisty for me to control effectively. My buddy loves his PLB A flex (44g, 5.0 torque). When I tried the Grafalloy GWX A flex (52g, 4.8 torque) it got a lot better for me, which I attributed to the extra weight and somewhat lower torque. The UST MP5 L flex (50g, 4.6 torque) has been the personal sweet spot however, especially after getting my D2 swing weight dialed in, reducing head loft, and shifting to a lower spin ball. Based on all that it seems -- for me -- that lower torque and a bit more weight were the key elements for the shaft. But I think it is a very personal thing. All that is to conclude that finding the right combo for you may take a little tinkering. I like your plan to try the L flex, and tip it if it's too flexible (but query what that does to the torque). I hope this is helpful to you @rlb4! Good luck!
  8. Good morning Spies! Sipping coffee in the gym parking lot, enjoying some good music (Doves - Kingdom of Rust) and solitude before the grind begins. Have a busy workday on tap. I built my first iron last evening, and learned not to use a Dremel to sand down the ferrules. LOL. No major harm done thank goodness and only I will ever know. At least the swing weight is correct. I hope you all have a great Tuesday. Fairways and greens for those playing today!
  9. I would like to get some new clubs for my 16 yo daughter, who is a good athlete and has a strong aggressive swing, but has not been playing golf for very long. After some research, I am not entirely sold on buying her a complete single brand set, as I suspect (???) I could get better quality buying used clubs on more of a piecemeal basis, and doing some building/swapping shafts/etc. as needed, but I don't really know. I also question whether she should hit a ladies' flex in irons given her strong swing. Maybe senior flex or even A or R flex. (I wish I had her driver swing speed, which would answer that question, but I do not.) She is 5'3" so I suspect typical ladies' lengths (or even shorter) would work for her. Any recommendations from those with experience in this arena would be appreciated.
  10. @Vernon It's great to hear you are feeling better! And those are very impressive results with the MP5. It sounds like you have found the secret sauce!
  11. Good morning, Spies! We have a gorgeous weather day on tap here. A busy work day will keep me away from the course, sadly. I got my fix a bit last night by building a club and filling in the paint on the Miura irons. Tinkerers gotta tinker. I wish everyone a super Monday!
  12. Date 07/07/2023 Course Name Eagle Creek - Pines Gross Score 83 Course Handicap 9 Gross Strokes over/under par 11 Net Score to Par 2 Net Score 74 Net Birdies or better 2 Longest Drive 286
  13. My buddy is a consistent mid-high 70's player and always beats me, but he has such a friendly and supportive demeanor I don't begrudge him that at all. Nonetheless, when I dare him to pull driver on the tight 315 yard par 4, that's probably when I get fired. LOL. LOL. On fire today @MattWillGolf. The putt was made!
  14. 220 yard 4i is beast mode! Nice work, also with the 9 iron!
  15. I'm a little tardy chiming in, but @StrokerAce those Honma irons are purty!!
  16. I am building an Otto-Phlex Paradym TD driver for my cousin just like mine, and so I am taking the opportunity to swap my 9* head for an 8* I just picked up on eBay (and giving my "old" 9* to my cousin). Not much of a change, but I hope it keeps the spin down and eliminates the occasional balloon ball (which is my fault, not the driver's). I also grabbed a Maltby TS3 and TS4 9 iron head to try out and see if I want to complete my TS3 set into the 9-PW-GW with either of those models, or stick with the TS1. The CHA/tinkering vibe is strong right now. LOL.
  17. Good morning, Spies! A gorgeous day is on tap in Indy. Sunny and mid-80s. After a morning at work, I am looking forward to 18 with friends early afternoon, then dinner and a night out with FABWIFE and crew. It’s a bit slow at work. The whole city seems to be on vacation. My buddy and I have vowed to informally caddy for each other today to try to go low with scores. That should make the day even more fun, and more interesting. I wish you all great Fridays and a great weekend!
  18. Good morning, Spies! I got to play a leisurely 18 yesterday afternoon in the heat (which was good for my back), and played pretty well. Like @Rickp I had a close call, not for an ace, but just missed the eagle with this 130 yard PW into the wind. It felt so pure, spun back just past the hole, and my playing partner said he didn't even hear the club hit the ball it was so soft. Those are rare for me, and definitely the ones that keep me coming back. (Maxfli Tour S ball btw.) I hope you all have super Thursdays! Practice and play well!
  19. Date 07/06/2023 Course Name Sahm Golf Vourse Gross Score 81 Course Handicap 8 Gross Strokes over/under par 11 Net Score to Par 3 Net Score 73 Net Birdies or better 3 Longest Drive 294
  20. My swing speed is 100+/- up to 110 on really really good days, and the MP5 L flex with the very low torque and weight in the 50’s has been great for me. Straight, effortless, and long. The low torque and low spin (stiff tip) seem to be key. I recommend it highly!
  21. To address @azstu324’s question about the yardage gap I bent the TS1 9 iron a few degrees, and it helped, but I am not as enamored with the 9 as I am with the PW and GW which have been money. So I ordered a TS4 9 iron head yesterday. This will be my first iron build. I am eager to see if it will bridge the yardage gap and feel as good or better than the TS1 wedges. Assuming all goes well, then I will probably try the TS4 P and G wedges too, and reshaft the TS3s 5-8 into the Project X LZ shafts I prefer. @GolfSpy SAM I have a TS3 7 iron in a KBS Tour 120S shaft if you would like to try it. I bought a tester in the PX LZ shaft I am going to keep in the bag, so I have the extra 7I after committing to the set of TS3s from eBay. Just let me know by DM and I can ship it to you.
  22. I blame you for a lot @azstu324. OP and Maltby. You are one of the best bad influences, right up there with bourbon and tequila. Lol.
  23. I am tardy in saying … congratulations @CSiders12!!
  24. Good morning Spies! no golf for me today, but it promises to be a gorgeous day. Just wishing you all a great Sunday!
  25. Good morning, Spies! This is the last day of a very fast fly fishing trip for me and a friend to the Au Sable river in Michigan. The fishing has been great; the catching not so much. I hope to get out for some golf this weekend somehow, but it looks iffy. My game has sorta deserted me. When the spring came, my short game and putting were awesome and I struggled with driver. Now, my driver is the best of my game, and I cannot hit GIR or chip or putt worth a darn. It’s bad. I was hitting irons so poorly on Wednesday afternoon that I just played 5-iron or lower clubs on the back nine for practice, which helped my irons immensely but the short game is still crap. Gotta work on that. It’s frustrating. Dealing with some lower back pain too, which definitely does not help. Any suggestions on how to get out of the funk? Maybe this fishing pause will actually help. I hope you US Spies are sliding into a wonderful Independence Day weekend, and I wish the best to all of our international Spies as well!
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