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Testers Wanted: Newton Driver Shafts ×


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Everything posted by IndyBonzo

  1. That’s fantastic. I’m sure the data will support that. I feel like my MGS friends have sent me the secrets to better golf - including the Maltby irons.
  2. I really don't know. I hate to mess with the TS3s. I thought about swapping the 9 iron for a TS3, which will probably go a bit farther, or bending the TS1 9i a degree or two. I also think there was a warmup factor at work here, which may mean I can hit the 9i farther than shown. I really love the TS1 PW and GW (not shown). Look at that dispersion for the PW! You can barely see it the circle is so small. So I hesitate to mess with that. When will the remodel be done? I'm eager to see your numbers with the TS4s.
  3. This is what I meant when I said point and shoot. This was only my second time hitting the entire set of TS3 (5-8) and TS1 (9-G). I am very happy with this distance and dispersion, which is far better than what I am used to. And the irons - especially the TS3s - feel so soft! I am not as good as this chart. (I did get a little loose with the 5 iron, I suppose.)
  4. I had a bad result from a fitting in March. Was it my swing or the fit? Regardless, the light shafts for which I got fitted have been awful - so bad I have already abandoned the clubs completely and will be selling them soon. With the exorbitant prices charged for those clubs, I will be out at least $1K when it's all over, even after a sale. I've had three fittings in my lifetime. One (driver/FW woods/hybrids) was excellent. One was middling (good result, but only stock shafts involved, so I think it could have been better). And this one (awful). I doubt I do it again unless I find a wizard.
  5. I am loving the MP5 shaft a ton, but would love to reduce spin even a little bit more. I don't think I am good enough to play the Paradym TD with the heavier weight in front to reduce spin that way. I'm already gaming low spin balls (Vice Pro Soft and occasionally AVX), and I'm still learning about what affects shaft trajectory and spin. Some brief reading suggests stiff tip shafts to reduce spin, but I know that is not the end of the analysis. Might anyone have recommendations on certain shaft profiles in the Otto-Phlex world that may reduce spin even more?
  6. If you figure it out @Merlin1313 please share. Drilling and practicing is definitely making things better, but man if I could just avoid that random driver OB/wedge skull/9 iron topper/etc. scores would plummet! Very glad you are ok @Kenny B. Do rest, and watch out for concussion symptoms, please.
  7. I just remembered something I meant to share here with the Good Morning Crew. This past Sunday, while playing in the rain, alone, on a deserted course north of Indy, I watched a large coyote dart out of a riverside treeline while a young 3-4 pointer buck gave chase. The buck, apparently content to scare the coyote off but not trying to catch it (smart), followed the coyote across three fairways and around a pond before both disappeared into the opposite treeline. That tandem was a first for me. Oh, and fwiw, this giant snapping turtle was enjoying the rain and solitude, but was not happy to have his picture taken.
  8. Good morning, Spies! Post-workout and at the office, hitting the coffee hard. Yet another long day ahead of pushing lot and lots of paper, but it's all in furtherance of client goals and my own goal of clearing the decks for the family golf trip next week. I've mentioned it, what, four times already and it's still 5 days away? A bit eager, are we? Contemplating how to be consistent during those four days of golf. My game has improved so much, but I'm still prone to the occasional flub/quit/chunk/sh*** that just kills my ability to score. I can shoot 82-84 everyday, but cannot seem to break the habit of blowing up (double or worse) twice a round, which keeps me from 80 or lower. If I could avoid those costly bad swings . . . That's what's on my mind during the paper pushing today. I hope you all have super days, and a lot of you get to play a lot of excellent golf.
  9. Wow @vandyland those are fabulous results. I don't think you can go wrong with either of those shafts. You must have a very nice swing. Well done.
  10. Great video @McGolf! Thank you for sharing that.
  11. The new (to me) TS3/TS1 combo set arrived this morning, and I took them to the range for a brief session over lunch. Again, the TS3 5-8 were total point-and-shoot. Even a thin shot with the 8 iron went low, but the right distance and settled on the faux green target. The TS1's seemed similarly easy to hit, albeit not quite as forgiving (but objectively forgiving no doubt). They arrived with some lead tape on them to lower the COG and probably balance out the weights with the TS3s (which are relatively heavier). The tape seems to render them not workable; I failed to hit a fade with the PW in several attempts which I can manage to do with other clubs no problem. Will have to try them without the tape and see what I see. These clubs inspire confidence with distance and accuracy. I think they're keepers in a rotation with my other gamers, likely for longer courses and windier days where distance and penetrating ball flight trump workability and finesse. Lots more testing and comparisons to do, however.
  12. Good morning, Spies! Another busy workday, but it’s much better than being slow. I did sneak out to the range yesterday and practiced irons and driver. May do that again over lunch today. Good luck in your qualifying @Daniel Carrier! Hope your days are good ones!
  13. It sounds like you swing a bit faster than me, as I was averaging 270+ with the MP, but to your point I am trying the L flex and I find it to be very stable and manageable. It does not feel like the PLB L flex at all, which I could not control.
  14. Huge congratulations @GolfSpy_APH!
  15. Good morning, Spies! I have my annual family golf trip next week, starting Wednesday, and the push at work to get things accomplished before then has already begun. So I have a busy day on tap today likely with no golf (except for speed training this morning). As always, the daydreams will sustain me. FABWIFE and the dogs are out of town until later today. So our tomcat is taking advantage of this opportunity to sit on my chest and purr loudly in my ear as I write to you. I am definitely not in charge. I wish you all fantastic days.
  16. I was not close yesterday, but I did hit 3/4 greens on par 3s and all were pin high or just past. It gives me hope. Meanwhile, a good friend got his first last week … on a 308 yard Par 4. Albatross Ace! Wow.
  17. I gamed the Miura CB-57s today, which I am growing to love. But when it came time to hit the 7 iron, I played the TS3. It was nothing short of amazing. It found every green but one, when it was online but short due to hitting out of very wet, long rough. I’m not saying it’s point-and-shoot, but …. It’s point-and-shoot. The Miuras are extremely workable. I am eager to find out if the Maltbys can do the same.
  18. There was a group of TS3 heads for sale on eBay yesterday. Go get ‘em! (Not mine obviously.).
  19. Date 06/11/2023 Course Name River Glen Country Club Gross Score 85 Course Handicap 14 Gross Strokes over/under par 14 Net Score to Par 0 Net Score 71 Net Birdies or better 5 Longest Drive 275 Played in the rain most of the day from the tips in order to get more iron practice. That makes the course play much tougher than I am used to. Thank goodness for Foot Joy Rain Soft gloves. They were fantastic.
  20. I broke down and bought a combo set of TS3 (5-8) and TS1 (9-G) on eBay, at a great price. They have KBS Tour 120S shafts and midsized grips already, so they may be plug and play for me. If not a simple reshaft and off to the races. All the great reviews and the sweetness of my tester TS3 7 iron were far too much to resist any longer. Fingers crossed.
  21. Good morning Spies! We are getting some much needed rain today in Central Indiana. Still, it likely will screw up my afternoon game today. I am really looking forward to it. Fingers crossed for both rain and a clear golf window. I hope you all have a nice Sunday!
  22. And to the PGATSS Foresight sim and dialed in the weight placement in the 9° Paradym TD, then dialed in the adapter settings (N -1), then did a ball test (Vice Pro Soft/ProV1/AVX) of relatively low spinning balls to see which ball gave the best spin/launch/dispersion/distance. I was surprised to learn the AVX won out, but not surprised that the Vice was a close second. I have been gaming the Vice; will try the AVX now and see how my irons and wedges like it! It was a very productive 90 mins.
  23. It looks fantastic. Have a super time all!
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