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Rick Bouchard

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  1. Like
    Rick Bouchard got a reaction from poprocksncoke in The Good Morning Thread   
    Fun night al league tonight. Shot 39, just ok (par is 34), and won my match. My partner won his also, so we moved from T- 6th to T -2nd, (24 teams).  Only 6 more weeks remain. 
  2. Like
    Rick Bouchard got a reaction from cksurfdude in The Good Morning Thread   
    Fun night al league tonight. Shot 39, just ok (par is 34), and won my match. My partner won his also, so we moved from T- 6th to T -2nd, (24 teams).  Only 6 more weeks remain. 
  3. Like
    Rick Bouchard got a reaction from cksurfdude in The Good Morning Thread   
    League night tonight! I hope to play as well as last week. I had 9 pars, including a sandy and 2 barkys (hit trees on 10, hit 2 trees on 12).  Got to improve on GIR's, hit only 4.
  4. Like
    Rick Bouchard got a reaction from William P in The Good Morning Thread   
    Fun night al league tonight. Shot 39, just ok (par is 34), and won my match. My partner won his also, so we moved from T- 6th to T -2nd, (24 teams).  Only 6 more weeks remain. 
  5. Like
    Rick Bouchard got a reaction from jbern in The Good Morning Thread   
    Fun night al league tonight. Shot 39, just ok (par is 34), and won my match. My partner won his also, so we moved from T- 6th to T -2nd, (24 teams).  Only 6 more weeks remain. 
  6. Like
    Rick Bouchard got a reaction from fixyurdivot in The Good Morning Thread   
    Fun night al league tonight. Shot 39, just ok (par is 34), and won my match. My partner won his also, so we moved from T- 6th to T -2nd, (24 teams).  Only 6 more weeks remain. 
  7. Like
    Rick Bouchard got a reaction from ZJeb67 in The Good Morning Thread   
    League night tonight! I hope to play as well as last week. I had 9 pars, including a sandy and 2 barkys (hit trees on 10, hit 2 trees on 12).  Got to improve on GIR's, hit only 4.
  8. Like
    Rick Bouchard got a reaction from ejgaudette in The Good Morning Thread   
    Fun night al league tonight. Shot 39, just ok (par is 34), and won my match. My partner won his also, so we moved from T- 6th to T -2nd, (24 teams).  Only 6 more weeks remain. 
  9. Sad
    Rick Bouchard reacted to RichL85 in The Good Morning Thread   
    Morning to everyone. I'm currently on a break from the conference I am attending today. It's too bad the majority of people are located in Florida so they are quite inconsiderate to my schedule to start a conference at 5:30 AM my time. Maybe they should stay late instead of making me wake up early. I can dream right? Strangely enough, that's about the extent of my personal struggles even though everything feels like it is on fire around us right now.
    FIL met with his oncologist yesterday. I was with the kids so I only hear the pass down from my MIL regarding what was said during the appointment. Basically, Radiation and Chemo are scheduled for next week, but it sounds like he's known about this a lot longer than he told us. It's basically past the point where there would be any hope of curing his cancer and at this point he's just buying time. He's already said that he would give the treatment a try, but depending on how he takes to it, he may not stick with it because he doesn't want to prolong being absolutely miserable.
    On top of that, my sister-in-law has apparently been in the hospital for about a week. Again. This is, I think the 3rd or 4th time this year she's had to be hospitalized. Always seems to be symptoms related to her drinking habits. I'm sure in her mind, there is a reason for it, but I can't understand it. She has a 12 year old son that has seen her in pretty bad shape a few times, and I would have thought that would be enough to wake her up, but it hasn't changed a thing. My wife says that it's probably related to some kind of guilt or secret she has about something, but the full details are outside the scope of my knowledge. Even if I knew, I'm sure it wouldn't be my place to say anything, but it does lead to the question at what point should my wife say something because it could absolutely blow up her sister's world. She seems to be stuck between her promise and relationship to her sister, and trying to protect her sister from killing herself with the alcoholism. 
    I'm not going to lie, I'm over 2024. 
  10. Like
    Rick Bouchard reacted to rkj427 in The Good Morning Thread   
    Good morning Spies on a later start than usual for me today,
    Heavy rain overnight here caused my car alarm to go off 3 times during the night, and unsure why that happened.
    Did play yesterday and posted in the Virtual Tour area, on a great course here in the Wisconsin Dells.
    Nothing on our agenda today, but another round scheduled tomorrow.
    @Northern Monkey great eagle start and steady playing throughout your event.
    @cksurfdude glad the return trip wasn't too bad, and all went well in NE.
    @GolfSpy_KFT congratulations to your son, and thanks for sharing the details.
    Hope the rest of the Spies have the best day they possibly can, and that something fun and enjoyable is in your plans. ⛳

  11. Like
    Rick Bouchard reacted to EnderinAZ in The Good Morning Thread   
    Good morning spies!  Oooo did I have fun at the Wild Bunch game yesterday! 11 pars, 3 birdies, and 4 bogies for a 1 over 74 on my home course 38/36. Best I have shot there! My playing partners could not get their games on track and none of my birdies held up for skins so no money for a great game. Oh well, there is always tomorrow. 
    Hot today with a 50%+ chance for some much needed monsoon action, but my bicycle is calling and I may skip the afternoon round for a good long ride. I am retired, I can be - as Lucy from the old Peanuts comics used to say - wishy washy like that. 
    @skraeling I have put in a few patios like that. It is a ton of work, and yours looks very nice!
    Hope you all have a great day.
  12. Like
    Rick Bouchard reacted to William P in The Good Morning Thread   
    Good Tuesday morning Spies!
    Starting the day nicely cooler again with a light shower earlier, however already cleared out and just remaining muggy with high humidity. I'll take it over the normal highs this time of year...
    @Erin B hope your visit to the Dr is able to provide some relief with the elbow.
    @GolfSpy_KFT Congrats to your son on his performance.
    @Wheelieb hope you get to feeling better quickly.
    @Kenny B Take it slow with the back and try not to aggravate it further.
    Everyone have a great day and hit 'em well if you have the opportunity!
  13. Like
    Rick Bouchard reacted to ILMgolfnut in The Good Morning Thread   
    La Guardia is always a fun landing. Used to be just about the worst terminal in the country, too, but they spent a lot of money on it and it's better.
    Glad you landed safely.
  14. Like
    Rick Bouchard reacted to cksurfdude in The Good Morning Thread   
    Morning! Made it back home .. eventually .. thx all for the positive vibes.
    Plane was late boarding due to waiting for a flight attendant coming in from a delayed flight 🤷‍♂️ .. then a holding pattern coming into NY followed by getting sent out on a hold off loop for whatever reason.
    Exciting landing, though - if you've seen the La Guardia airport both ends of the runway are over water - pilot came in low and hot and dumped us down like a carrier landing!! 😄
    Anyway heading out to a very much needed acupuncture after travel, car, golf, strange hotel bed, golf, travel, .... Prob take it easy this afternoon then meet an old friend for happy hour for a little more muscle R&R 🍻
    Have a terrific Tuesday!!
  15. Like
    Rick Bouchard reacted to ILMgolfnut in The Good Morning Thread   
    Neither one is fixed, yet. The dishwasher needs a control board and a drain pump and the fridge needs a new diffuser and a couple other parts. He said he'd have to submit it to the landlord to see what they want to pay for. So we shall see.
  16. Like
    Rick Bouchard reacted to ILMgolfnut in The Good Morning Thread   
    Having once attended a PGA in August in Tulsa... I know why they moved it. You don't want to be out there in August in that kind of weather in a large chunk of the country.
  17. Like
    Rick Bouchard reacted to Shrek74 in The Good Morning Thread   
    Good morning, Spies!! Happy Second Monday!!
    Overcast and rainy here, which will be a theme over the next week or so and possibly beyond. So I have a feeling not much will happen golf-wise around here for a bit. Although I may try some garage time.
    Not much to share at this point. Everyone have a wonderful day!!

  18. Like
    Rick Bouchard reacted to Erin B in The Good Morning Thread   
    Crap! I forgot to share a couple pics in my earlier post that I came across. Here ya go!

  19. Like
    Rick Bouchard reacted to SDGolf619 in How'd you play?   
    Dan Grieve is a short game master with excellent instructional content.
  20. Like
    Rick Bouchard reacted to Erin B in How'd you play?   
    I don't think you'll be disappointed.
  21. Like
    Rick Bouchard reacted to ClevelandGirl in How'd you play?   
    Ooo excellent intel, thank you! I admit to being a bit skeptical as I said in the intro after doing a full bag fitting - talk about exhausting! Just for drivers I swung enough to play 13, and I think my first go I “played” 27 in 3 hours until my fitter took pity on me and we finished up a few days later. I’m gonna have to learn more about these things, and FAST!
  22. Like
    Rick Bouchard reacted to Erin B in How'd you play?   
    I can absolutely relate to shooting a high score but still feeling like I played well, so congrats! A full bag fitting is a must do in my book so again, congrats and it will get better!!! That you are a tester for the Vokey wedge app, I am jealous, but again, congrats! I have actually used the app then took the data to PGA tour superstore and I must say, spot on. I LOVE LOVE LOVE my 48 and 52 degree SM10 wedges! Not as fond of my 56 TM MG4 TW grind, but it doesn't suck by any means. It spins 1000 revs more (10,000 to the Vokey 9000) than the 56 Vokey and that's the reason I have it. I cannot wait to read your review of the wedge fitting app and see how the wedges improve your game. Finally, congrats!!!
  23. Like
    Rick Bouchard reacted to ClevelandGirl in How'd you play?   
    Just back from a toasty 18 and found myself a tester for Vokey fitting app, so I’m sweaty AND stoked. 
    Not sure if you can shoot a 100 and still feel like you played well, but truth be told I did, somehow, accomplish this unlikely feat. My drives were not spectacularly long but they were spectacularly accurate - 71% FIR. I have to say that my full bag fitting is finally paying off and my confidence in the clubs means my misses are not killing me. I have way fewer missed balls, and this was a narrow course too. 
    Where my game gets a bit sketchy is around the greens, and I see you, Vokey wedge fitting and challenge you to lower my scores!
  24. Like
    Rick Bouchard reacted to Northern Monkey in How'd you play?   
    It was Weald of Kent, which is south of Maidstone. It was a little firm but not too bad at all really
  25. Like
    Rick Bouchard reacted to Green4Spinach in How'd you play?   
    Excellent work. Which course were you playing? It looks like the course would have been quite firm underfoot. 
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