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Everything posted by MattF

  1. And there's the problem, I'm the majority of the time as I'm sure Theoo, Rev, Barbajo, Foz etc can attest to.
  2. I've actually used that line a time or two when someone has asked how old I am. I think they're surprised when I tell them because I act like I'm 12.
  3. Well, I can't believe I turned 47 last month. Last time I looked that seemed like a long way away.
  4. I can't believe my oldest daughter turned 19 today (back home in Oz). How do I have a child that old?
  5. @mpatrickriley you can also put masking tape on your clubs and draw a straight line with a sharpie on the ball, does the same thing and all you have to do is take the masking tape off the club when you're done.
  6. Can't drive you crazy when you're already there mate!
  7. That contest pages grows about 20 or so pages in 24 hours.
  8. We did when John was there 2 years ago, made a bogey. Just got it over the swamp, 50° onto the green then 2 putts.
  9. Good for you Kev! As for myself, down 1.5lbs from last week...at last! I know what I did to achieve that so I'll be living that now.
  10. See as though Rookie doesn't, want to adopt a crazy drunk Uncle? Have a great trip mate!
  11. It's all about me, me, me and screw anyone else.
  12. Son of a biscuit, I thought I was on track for a loss this week, but maintained. Better than gaining so I'll not complain too much.
  13. Mookie, you take photo's of everything BUT the personalisation...c'mon man!
  14. Just picked up some old tech...73" of awesome. 6 years old for $200. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk
  15. Kor, I had the same thought, but I'm guessing that it has to do with the program that Kev is on at the moment.
  16. With the weather in NEO right now, a couple of fingers or two of bourbon sounds good.
  17. I wish I had that car problem...
  18. It's Friday biatches!
  19. 16.8, up .5...happens when you barely play, then play not so well.
  20. The offer is still open to adopt me...or I could become your favourite drunk Uncle.
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