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Everything posted by MattF

  1. GD garbage disposal took a poo last night. And why in the name of all that's holy do they NOT come with the bloody power cord? An extra $10 so it'll actually work.
  2. Did you bed the brakes in after the job?
  3. They're the same as my Maltby hydrids.
  4. Ordered a front transmission line for my truck last Sunday and it was meant to be here Thursday (I took yesterday off work to fix it)...the seller sent it Thursday and it may show up today. So, I went somewhere else, got what I needed, fixed the line and will be promptly sending the ordered part back.
  5. New driver, high on the list is the Mizuno ST 180.
  6. I should considering it's going to be 78° here today, but the only course that won't be soupy will be packed and I have to work on my truck.
  7. Salt and rust and pierce off! Just found one of my transmission lines has corroded and is now developed a leak. I've ordered the front line and will be taking Friday off to repair it. Have I mentioned before how much I hate the cold and snow...add rust because of salting roads to the list of reasons we'll be moving south as soon as my son graduates.
  8. I'm getting my clubs back from my in-laws today.
  9. Just want to remind you guys (and girls) that just because the Masters is here doesn't mean you have to stop. This is a marathon, not a sprint and it's all about a lifestyle change.
  10. Aren't they just the most petty bunch of ar#*^oles?
  11. I could do the Vegemite (be careful, I've got some for you to try when we play!) but if you ordered a Fosters back home, the barman would punch you!
  12. Starter: Balmain Bugs Main: Kargaroo fillet with red wine and juniper berry sauce and mixed greens Dessert: Pavlova
  13. It's more something you'd say to your dog back home (no offense Peaksy) but I've used it as a humourous saying for a long time. There's a lot of slang and a lot of that can be regional, but I'm an old school slang guy and I suspect Peaksy, Mdumble etc are too.
  14. Hell no! At least, not yet, still look like 10lbs of poo in a 5lb bag.
  15. I hope Adam includes a patch that can be sown on, I'd like one for my "cowboy" golf hat.
  16. Gained 0.4 after losing 1.5 the week before...it's maddening!
  17. You should try being in the sewer department...talked about angry customers! Goodyear or Bridgestone?
  18. I did and it was almost the same as my plane ticket, so riding in the FIL's SUV was waaaay cheaper. Next year I'll just spend the oversized bag charge with Southwest.
  19. Yes sir. Next year I think I'll fly with them.
  20. My clubs are loaded and headed back to me from Florida with the in-laws today. Should have them by next weekend.
  21. For those of us that didn't grow up in the US, I don't think that actually exists.
  22. What did you do, walk under a ladder and kick a black cat?
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