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Everything posted by MattF

  1. Well of course I use the Aussie voice on my GPS and phone, I like the mispronunciations!
  2. Well, weighed in and am at the same 204 as last week. I can see why, being sick and not working at Lowes means I come home and flop on the recliner hoping to die. I'm on a z-pack now, so I should be getting better any day now....onward!
  3. Getting ready for the Florida trip next month. A Caddy Daddy Constrictor 2 travel bag and a BagBoy backbone.
  4. We sadly, can't play golf together then...
  5. I'm sick as a dog, got whatever virus with the sore throat, blocked ears etc. Just got off the phone from our telemedicine doctor and I'm getting a z pack. I'll still be weighing in tomorrow though.
  6. Donated this morning for the first (and not last) time.
  7. MattF

    Spy Ink

    Yeah, seems legit to me too.
  8. Don't sweat it, you'll have fluctuations. Only weigh yourself once a week or every second week. Jumping on the scales every day or two doesn't help your mindset.
  9. Watched Bright on Netflix. Despite the panning it got from critics, it was not bad at all.
  10. I'm really happy to see all the people on board with this. You bastards better stick with it and not leave me on my own!
  11. MattF


    Here's Hireko's: https://www.hirekogolf.com/golf-components/clubheads/golf-drivers/acer-xv-ultimate-thriver-clubhead.html I'm sure they came up with the term well before the OEM's got onto the mini driver.
  12. I know it's not January 1st but I weighed in this morning like I usually do every Sunday. Last week I was 207.4lbs. Today I'm at 204lbs...even after having a couple of vanilla porters and some apple pie shine last night.
  13. I made my wife happy. Chanin is going to a concert at Northfield Racino tonight to see Brett Michaels. Her mother got her the tickets for 2 and the person she was going to go with is sick as a dog. OK, backup person was getting sick yesterday and I said this morning, jokingly "You didn't ask me if I wanted to go". She asked do you? To which I replied, not really, but I'd go to see that you had a good time and enjoyed yourself. Well, backup is even sicker and what I said apparently meant a lot to Chanin so I am now going to endure Brett Michaels for a couple of hours...and perv on the assortment of old ducks that will be there.
  14. I do have a tip. Track what you eat, religiously (Sorry Rev). I use myfitnesspal.com and you'd be amazed at how conscious you get about how much you are eating. Not what, but how much. Want a beer or 3, log it...150 calories for each beer adds up. My exercise consists of walking. I walk about 5-6,000 steps a day in my office job and an additional 8-12,000 steps at Lowes. I work 2-5 nights a week there. There's also strength training with all the lifting we do unloading the truck...up to 130 lb safes or 2 guys with a vanity that weighs close to 300 lbs. There will be ups and downs but don't get discouraged, that's what I hope this thread will do, help each other to do what we'd like to do regarding our weight.
  15. Well, I'm in it for the long haul. Not only lose weight but maintain the loss, so I'll be checking in until the thread dies.
  16. Absolutely Dave, you first!
  17. Further to OG and GS Barba's posts regarding weight loss and helping each other out, I'm starting this thread in the hopes that those of us that need or could stand to lose a bit of weight will chime in. I really want to get down to 180lbs. I've been struggling with my weight for years and my lowest (about 6 months ago) was 199.2lbs. I've crept back up to 207lbs and am not really happy about it....but that's the holiday season. So, I'm thinking that those of you who want to participate can just post here, maybe what you're doing, eating etc or just a weekly/fortnightly weigh in. So that's it in a nutshell, chime in or I'll talk to myself.
  18. Nice work Stud! I've got another one. Electrical work...what do the sparkies over here smoke before wiring a house? Grab a bunch of wires and throw them in a breaker with no rhyme or reason as to where they're going. I've got breakers that do stuff for upstairs and downstairs...who does that? I'm replacing all the switches with the paddle type and only buzzed myself 3 times...110v just tingles. I've been hit with 240v (that's household size back home) a couple of times and it's a big difference.
  19. And are you going to remain a member?
  20. I've seen it doing the rounds on FB...sounds about right.
  21. Thanks for answering. I'm not 100% sure what we're going to do yet.
  22. Looks like an Eastern Grey to me...about the most common roo there is.
  23. We're with Erie as well. What's making you want to change? I've been thinking about it because I think our rates have gone up on the same vehicles we've had for years, with perfect driving records.
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