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Everything posted by hckymeyer

  1. I've also seen a lot of TM replacements outside the 2yr warranty period, but most all have been driver heads when there was a previous known issue with that head line. But let's talk about those irons. I've never seen an iron that installs "a couple inches" into an iron head. Most are about 1.25" insertion depth and anything over 1 1/8" should be plenty. So if you are getting 1 1/4" insertion depth there is absolutely nothing wrong with those irons. I think a better question to ask is does he keep those irons in his car or trunk most of the summer? I really don't think it's out of line that you have epoxy failure in 2-3 years if he is keeping them in the trunk most of the time. Not to question your club making abilities, but the question also has to be asked if the tips were cleaned/sanded and if the hosel's were reamed out and made sure you got all of the dust and debris out of there from glue residue. Was the epoxy measured evenly and mixed thoroughly? I'm not sure what the initial email to TM said, but if it was something along the lines of the shafts are only inserting 1 1/4" and the epoxy is failing then I can see how they might have thought the problem wasn't on their end. I guess the bottom line is that from what you are describing I don't think the problem lies with any sort of manufacturing defect on TM's part. I would just get some new epoxy, make sure everything is properly prepped and glue them back up. Then don't leave them in the trunk all summer in super hot weather
  2. In men's league I'd go back and hit again. Any other round I probably just take net double and move on. Depends on the money game we have going on with the other guys in the group.
  3. Me and two buddies started a for money (Calcutta) scramble a few years back. Nothing huge but we usually get up to the 6-10k range in the pot and pay out 3 places. ABCD format and then split that in to high A Low A etc. High A gets Low B, high C, low D and vice versa. Everyone tee's off but the same player can't hit a shot twice in a row. If you take A's drive then BCD hit the next one. Everyone putts except on Par 3's each have a designated putter. We try to make it as fair as possible. The biggest thing though is we play as 8-some's so there is two groups watching each other on every hole. It's the easiest way to curb cheating.
  4. Honestly both are fantastic clubs. There's not really a wrong answer here and I would recommend either one. If you have the ability to hit both of them that's the best way to decide. Getting them fitted is even better. You may end up needing to tweak shafts, swing weight, loft/lie etc... Otherwise all things equal go based off price and budget.
  5. Highly Highly recommend Bestgrips. Quality is amazing, has some cool "stock" covers but can custom make anything. I did a full matching set of Transformers covers prob 5 years ago and they still look and feel great with zero quality issues. I've since replaced/added a couple more fairway covers and they are also great. Zach is the owner and a great guy. All hand made in his shop in Texas. Best thing is his stock and custom head covers are the same price. https://bestgrips.com/
  6. Great result Rev, happy you found something you like! Have you tried the new Ping wedge selector online tool? Of course a real fitting would probably be best, but from what I've read from people who've tried it the results are pretty spot on for a lot of people. https://wedge.webfit.ping.com/en/
  7. Very true, I was just trying to keep it simple. I got a brand new Ventus black TR 6x folds of honor edition with an adapter but uncut for $230 when I lucked in to the right guy who was a dealer through the Facebook golf club traders group. There's definitely deals to be had but it's many times a matter of finding the right person and they don't advertise because of MSRP restrictions.
  8. If you are looking to buy new I'm not sure it really matters where you get it. Most retailers are stuck at MSRP and not allowed to discount so it's going to be the same price just about everywhere. The used market is a different story and where the deals can be found, but also where you need to be an informed buyer. I stay away from ebay, but will buy used from golf forum classifieds sections (here and golfwrx) and also a golf club traders group on Facebook. Buying new at MSRP though can be done at any local fitter or a ton of different places online. Also if you want used but reputable without the hassle of dealing with classifieds I'd recommend mikesgolfoutlet.com
  9. Just based on your WITB in your signature it looks like you already carry a 2i. Do you play it? Where does that end up distance wise? Like already mentioned you could look in to a 2h and see how that works out. You could also try a 3hl (basically a 4w) and see if that fills the gap. Where does your 4h in the signature fit in on your gapping as well? Then there's always the club ho in me thinking, well maybe you just haven't tried the RIGHT 3w yet ...
  10. I wouldn't call it silly, but I agree that a match should be decided by continuing play. However tee times are limited, as is daylight. If all the sudden you have several match's going extra holes it gets harder to finish on time. I understand the need for scorecard playoffs. If everyone knew the rules going in, and technically it is based off play since you are starting with the hardest hole and comparing cards, then I don't see any issue with it. It sucks to lose that way, but I'm willing to bet if you had won that way instead we wouldn't have seen this post
  11. Tiger was on the Today show this morning and had a great chat/interview with Carson Daly. They talked about growing up in SoCal and how Tiger never play country clubs except for some occasional tournaments. He grew up on public courses etc... After that I was hopeful he would've chosen an affordable line of clothing, but nope. Chalk this one up next to everything with a Barstool logo as things I won't be spending money on. Looks like I'll be sticking with Kirkland Signature and 32 Degrees from Costco
  12. Strategy - Have fun, drink lots, go for everything. Rinse and repeat
  13. There used to be one. Then they made it extra fancy with a bunch of options and everything split out by category. Then a site update broke it and it had to be taken down. I would also vote for a basic WTB section like we used to have though. I personally just liked looking through everything for sale (similar to other sites) vs having to pick different categories.
  14. Unless you are playing in tournaments where technology is not allowed I don't see any need for a yardage book for amature golfers.
  15. Just saw the Under Armor hat that Spieth wore the last 2 tournaments. They make it all the way up to size XXL, unfortunately they are sold out until July but I'm keeping my eye on it.
  16. Graphite shafts last longer than you will ever play them. As long as they aren't physically broken you will never wear one out. It's literally the last piece of equipment I would ever look at as a cause of shorter flight. Things I would look at... Age, weather conditions, temperature, wind direction, strike location, any swing changes, damage to the ball, damage to the club head (they actually usually get faster/longer before breaking).
  17. Would I rather go to a practice round in person and then watch the actual golf at home? Absolutely Would I straight up trade $3k worth of tickets for a $6k ticket, no chance. But if there was some financial compensation thrown in I would 100% pick a practice round over an actual round.
  18. I've been using Frogger for years, I think I'm on my 3rd one. I also have a Groove it and it's been great. I like having the combo of both, Frogger most of the time but Groove it when I need the water. My only complaint is I really wish the Groove It brush head sat at an angle instead of a T. I find myself using it more just to get water on my golf ball to clean it off when there isn't a ball washer handy. I did just get my kid the caddie splash but he's had it all of one day so no opinion on it yet. I have not had any issues so far with the Groove It and the magnet.
  19. I would get the swing weights checked then. If all the sudden the new irons are much lighter you might be having an issue 'feeling' where the club head is. Also like the other guys have mentioned I would've hoped that this was something covered in the fitting.
  20. I took a big hit in the middle, then out of nowhere hit some PR's with 195g. Had two sessions in a row where a single swing hit 119mph and 120mph with the 195g. I really wish I could replicate whatever feels I had during those two sessions but it hasn't come back yet
  21. I use an old bottle of Monster LCD screen cleaner I got a very long time ago and a microfiber cloth. It's the only thing that I've found that get water droplet spots off from our pool. I used to work at Best Buy so it's probably 20 years old but still works great. A quick check on Amazon and this is probably what I would get as an alternative when I need to replace it. https://www.amazon.com/Monoprice-Universal-Cleaner-Smartphones-105176/dp/B00303LRME/ref=sr_1_4?crid=1A4XPSB8FOAMH&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.sgkgSvKIkvtY8k6OUb9Ubr0T2ZCJxhQV0X4NtTyA2g4JQZtVvUe1euxLCbEGPVjro7S8YJ3nk6N6wiRMT1lQW4xCMvZfPSK-1tJJ5lzJffDVL-iy4A3xFqSRjkjqLVA_BHn13O6aeq1m37fnsW32K2M1KRlvFxeq0WOPa2wSlFdzywMMhmD2nK7Ece2AtxKtjJ2fTLzR8LOrHJWZbTzVJHrhwHT4TPgwJME94rrRX4U.TMWs9ssQNw5mD8sfAXHu1lMydnRaUIKfa0CIGq1MJXg&dib_tag=se&keywords=monster%2Blcd%2Bscreen%2Bcleaner&qid=1712508992&sprefix=monster%2Blcd%2Caps%2C303&sr=8-4&th=1
  22. Hope they play bad, but expect them to play well. Either way try to play my game and just be a little bit better than them. I can honestly say they only time I've ever rooted for an opponent in match play was one time in a double's best ball match. We were getting absolutely demolished but one of our opponents was on a heater. It reached a point half way through the match that I was just rooting for him because I wanted to see how low he could go. He shot 64 on his own ball. It was impressive.
  23. I'm also on version 1.24 (493) of the stack app. iOS version 17.3.1 No issues with the app here
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