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Everything posted by GolfSpy_APH

  1. Its so dependent on individuals. I would put it at around 18ish. That is just based off fantasy golf and the starts I get out of most guys in a season. Of course some of the DP World Tour guys play less... Not many play the min of 15 to my knowledge though?
  2. Not ready for full release... but sneak peak for those who check in on this thread https://forum.mygolfspy.com/staff/
  3. That is still something I am curious about with this whole thing. Yes right now it is 8 events, but when it goes to 14 or 15 events these guys will be obligated to play them all I would imagine? In subsequent years it would make sense that teams aren't drafted new each week, but are rolled over week after week? Meaning if a top player takes a week off it would be crappy for that team that week. Add in all the added media stuff and they are very much playing just as much as they would on tour with all the added stuff no? I'm trying to see it form a commitment side and golfing, not taking money into consideration. It seems like they will still be playing a lot and some still want to play on the DP world tour? If they can that is. The whole thing just makes me shake my head a little bit. Certainly keeping things interesting, but I do believe some of these players that want to play less will end up playing more and the other part which has been brought out with all the bigger names jumping over it is leaving less room for the lower end guys who have arguably put more on the line by going over.
  4. Morikawa has come out and said he is not at all going. So LIV is 1-1 on the day.
  5. From the sounds of it they will have a slow bleed of announcements to keep them relevant in news cycles longer. Sucks to see Brooks leave at least for me personally.
  6. Honestly can't say I'll miss him. Thankfully mostly watch on Sky so don't often listen to him, but truly don't enjoy when he is on the broadcast. I'm sure some will miss him, but as the game and tour heads in this new direction it will be good to have a fresh voice along side whoever else is in the booth I hope.
  7. As a quick recap from the responses here are 2 main takeaways of things I can look to address with the mod team. 1. Site Layout - including names or titles of categories/forums 2. Testing Section For what it is worth the Testing now does show up in Recent Content. We made a slight tweak this year in not as much other then the actual review is put in the review tab. This was to hopefully address what many are saying where they don't see it as much as edits to the review (adding in intros, unboxing, updates and such) don't prompt a bump in RC. Again I think it has come a long way, but I will admit that unless I'm involved in the review (moding and such) I haven't read much or any...
  8. ... and got so far, but in the end it didn't even matter ...
  9. Google searches are a whole other can of worms. We don't show up on anything ever... It's awful. JS is working with the Dev on a SOE solution so that they do.
  10. There is a reason most everyone uses Recent Content to find their content. Add in the Search function isn't the best I definitely get it. I've serached for new search functions... nothing available for us to add there. I know there was talk about changing a lot of the organization to OEM Categories and such, but that was shot down with previous focus groups... but could be worth revisiting. I would have to ask the other mods as to when the last time something was sent to the Hall of Fame. There is a whole lot that could be opened up here with reorganizing categories which honestly no matter what we do we would end up upsetting members... those who like it as it is wouldn't like the change and others who want the change wouldn't like it if we left it. So that is something that we can look into, but no matter what as with any change there will be a group that like it and a grouo that done. I've spent more time on the testing section then I care to admit and we have that thread from last year when it was new where I worked with everyone to better it. Which I do believe it is better. In terms of going back, that would have to be discussed more with JS (golfspy_thv). I know his goal with it is to create a data base of reivews and the new beta review system integrates in with it. Meaning if there is an official review like the Edel Wedges, member reviews can be added in another tab so you then have Official, Unofficial and comments all in one place. Or at least that is how I undestand it. I know the new testing system got off to a horrible start, was buggy and just bad. Plus a lack of communication didn't help on release didn't help. I know and am well aware of that, but think we have brought it a long way forward from where it was. Which returns me to the point of changing the categories... some like it some won't. That all being said IF we were to change that how would it look best? What or how would you change it and categorize everything? Open to hearing anyones thoughts on that.
  11. There is no current test available for signup. Shot Scope was our most recent, but the signup closed on Friday. Sorry. There is a review template at the very top of this page linked for all to see and use. Welcome!! Appreciate you asking the questions and happy to provide the answer I can.
  12. They tried to do some monthly competitions, but got confusing and not sure what else came of it. We have enough shot scope and arccos users there could be something there we can do...
  13. Maybe it should be stated as how can we as mods make things better that are within our control. The testing discussion is valid, but we have been trying to work with it for literally months. We have done all that we can and in the end that isn't in our hands. We have other ideas which can aid it and will disclose when we actually have something. So again what can we as mods to help improve this community that is in our control.
  14. Again i feel it necessary to reiterate that the goal is not anything with HQ or their SM platforms. It is how do be build on what we have existing and make it better? What features have you liked that have been introduced? What other features on other sites have you seen that were catchy or ones which could be brought here? If this just turns into complaining about various things I'll shut it down. There is enough of that sort of stuff in the LIV thread. I don't need that here. For reference (on my end) ads are way better then they have been and I don't see them often or notice them. No pop up ads and compared to WRX way less annoying. So a win there in my books. So moving forward in this thread, what do we do to bring meaningful membership and help the forum grow as a whole. Finally for what it's worth my idea for forum identify is community and testing. Both a great engaged community and awesome tests both official and non where golfers can go and get good honest reviews.
  15. The what happened to major OEM test thread will go into how stuff becomes available for testing. Short version in 2022: HQ searches, asks, requests and leverages for tests. Most come from sponsors of the blog.
  16. As was stated in another thread, testing has taken on a bit of change this season, with it hopefully gaining traction in the latter half of the year. With that, as a mod and member of the community, I have my concerns, but truly want to see the better side of things even if we are at a bit of a crossroads. In the past we have done focus groups, but I think this can be used as a larger focus group from the community. I still want to see membership grow, I still want to see testing opportunities happen as well as this community thrive and prosper. I know testing is a backbone in getting new members in the door. The numbers back that up in that when we have a test week our registrations double to triple. In the case of larger tests we see that number increase by 9 or 10 times. So what is the basis of this thread? I want to reach out to you the community to help us mods figure out the direction and future of MGS Forum with the current structure. We are after all as mods, still members of the community. Some of these questions I've asked before in other threads, but feel this is deserving of its own dedicated thread. What brought you to the forum? What made you stay? If testing is more limited in the future (again hopefully not, but if) how would you suggest we grow the forum? Would growth on Social Media help? If yes, what accounts should we look at for the Forum? What do other forums have which we can use or bring over the MGS Forum which will help grow a productive membership? This could be features, contests, activities or anything. What is the core identity of MGS Forum in your opinion? We have done a fair bit so far this season in bringing new features to the forum some of which include - Community Map - Course Reviews in Community Map - Beta Testing for Member Review (Link will only work if you have asked for beta tag permission) - New Stock Up/Stock Down from our Content Hunter - Themes (Beta users have access to all themes) - Chatbox feature - underused at the moment - Messenger Live system also available and may be introduced soon - Major Pools by Titleist - and more Thanks all for reading and hope to keep this discussion in a productive manner as to help us best improve the forum now and for the future.
  17. Got a good hour long range session in today. Had a good sent coach too. Snapchat-76789908.mp4
  18. Of course! Baby interrupted screaming and needing to be changed but was good fun for sure.
  19. With all the nonsense with LIV and such today has been awesome day with the old threads popping back up for some good laughts and The US Open starting have to say it is bringing a much lighter enjoyable feel to the forum which has been missed since LIV took off.
  20. No no I like Fleetwood this week. He has been solid this season and forget who else was in his pool but his name stood out the most for me. I also took all of 8 seconds to do my selections and didn't look at them again till after it started.
  21. Do i get the irons for being the top mod? Scheff and Webb haven't tee'd off so still time to improve!
  22. If i was to explain this thread in a single gif...
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