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Everything posted by GolfSpy_APH

  1. As someone in europe electic carts or trolleys are king. So so so many of them.
  2. Not really sure. From the focus group it was something that was highly requested by the focus group and others to bring back. Hopefully more will use it and its features, but also just could kinda be a sign of the times and where we are at right now.
  3. @Peaksy68 the issue was that at launch we had some issues with the map and it was putting ppl everywhere. Forget all the specifics, however we had to delete it all, reload it, run some different settings and it is now back up and running. So no bug in the system, just had to do a reset on it which would have removed your location when we started fresh again.
  4. PGA already has system much like this in their play 15 system. Any player who plays 15 events gets $50,000. Making players employees doesn't make sense because then you need to have a players union or group along with there likely being a lot of other fall backs as they are a non profit organization. And remember they are already as much if a union as they can be as it's a player or membership run organization. Not to mention what about guys who don't make the 150 field or limited field events will there be opposite field events every week? Opens up so much more trouble logistically, financially and confuses an already complicated system.
  5. This. Exactly this. Players signed a contract, they knew what they got into. Leaving and breaking the contract lead to suspensions. Same happens in NFL and many other sports when players hold out. If someone likes LIV fair enough, not going to change your mind nor have the will to try to, but the PGA and LIV will have a near impossible time working together. I still would love to see a Formula 1 type setup with individual and team championships and where events are on a world circuit, but also understand why this isn't possible. I would love to see all national opens elevated and made into a Players level field. Again I know why this can't and likely won't happen. Even though LIV has hints of this in the end the events are still solely about the millions of dollars and that just doesn't get me excited to watch or care about the golf they are playing. Canadian Open was a great example of the opposite of that. If there is middle ground I don't see it. The Majors are over and in another 6 Weeks the fantasy season will be over and I'll be quite happy to be playing more golf then watching.
  6. Why would the PGA want to work with LIV given the damage it has done and the way it has gone about getting players? PGA has started some changes, that have been in the works for a while and yes should talk to another outside body, but that should be the PGL not LIV. Why would LIV want to do anything with the PGA? They are getting what they want. Disrupting the game and each and every week that passes the main story of why this league was founded gets buried a little deeper. DP World Tour had tried to work with this group in prior years and were essentially left on hold and calls were never returned. They have very different agendas and the likelihood of them aligning is so slim. A LIV player has better chance at shooter 54 and collecting the 54 million for that. Maybe just maybe before LIV got off the ground there was some chance in the slimmest of ways they could have worked together, however the PGA liked and wanted to keep its product as was. LIV really wanted a different path and seemingly didn't truly want to work with the PGA too much. I also believe Greg is getting exactly what he wants out of this by throwing off the PGA Tour with his disdain for them.
  7. Typically it is only new models which have come out and not been tested which are done for Most Wanted Testing. That or there are times where OEM's won't send the hybrid or club to MGS for testing.
  8. Of course from a golf side and aspect there are valuable questions to ask and talk about inregards to Trump. It is as I said just to be very careful treading.
  9. Themes - MGS 2022, Alt Light, Alt Dark have been updated and are running as intended. Please screenshot and send me any issues if you find any. I will also be tweaking a few of the colors of MGS 2022 with the text as it is a bit on the light side and a bit more contrast would be nice for everyones reading and easier on the eyes. Apologies for the down time with them and we hopefully have a plan in place to ensure any issues like this do not happen again.
  10. Again the key is at what point? If it is too late the players involved with LIV will have to somehow play catch up. The main guys are in the Majors for a while anyway, it's guys like Gooch and Ancer who will be hurt the most. Brooks, DJ, Phil, Bryson and Reed all have exemptions for a little while which means the OWGR doesn't matter as much to them. Which could beg the question, who do you think LIV cares about more? Their big names or the guys like Ancer? Maybe it isn't quite as important to them to get it through right away because their big names aren't effected as much by it... at least for now.
  11. There are some very key points within the OWGR and how it works which should be addressed. There are upwards of 15 different qualifications that any tour needs to meet in order to gain OWGR points. There are some grey areas LIV can take advantage of and yes PGA Tour China got an excemption early, however if you look at the name PGA TOUR should be highlighted as it was essentially an branch off the PGA Tour not it's own individual tour entirely. Keep in mind many man other tours have been forced to have and meet these standards in order to gain OWGR, handing LIV a free pass would actually be more anticompetitive and unfair to all the leagues that went through and spent the money before to meet these criteria. So lets get into this 1. A tour must operate at least 10 events a year - Check 2. Those must have a min purse of $50,00 - Check 3. An average field size of 75 - Not there yet, but talk of them expanding larger events internationally to 144 which would help offset this and provided they expand enough they can get the average to 75, but the format must change. 4. Events must be at minimum 54 holes (Check) but with a cut after 36 holes (no check). Again yes there are some exceptions to this rule, however it took any tournament that doesn't reach this criteria years to gain the allowance of OWGR points. 5. OWGR requires that a tour provide a pathway for its player onto the full-member tour. In order for this to work for them they must work directly with the Asian Tour by guaranteeing cards for top X amount of finishers. So again partial check. 6. OWGR Requires a tour hold a qualifying school before the start of the season or a qualifying process into each event... yeah no, don't meet this one. **note LIV has a plan for this, but it will take 1-2 full seasons to implement** 7. OWGR Requires that a tour be in operation for at least one full season meeting all the above requirements. (no check and this is where LIV argues about PGA China) I'm not going to say it is a slam dunk any way or another. There is a ton of grey area and in the end it will be the Majors that decide whether LIV gets OWGR points, however with all the big names exempt for the next couple seasons anyway (again urge anyone to listen to the NLU podcast where DJ dives into this big) why should by pass making LIV meet all of this? **There is a OWGR board who votes on all of this made up of 7 I believe and all the Majors have their own vote** Now while this is all going on and we/anyone truly doesn't know how long it will take to get reviewed (the official application was only submitted July 6th) with the new OWGR changes as I previously elluded to takes into account the whole field. Meaning Mexico this year would have been awful because it was Rahm and nobody else really. Whereas this year because Rahm was in it he boosted them big time. There needs to be an even balance of high ranked players in order to truly get a better strength of field. Meanwhile now that Major season is over all the LIV guys will not be gaining points. Loosing spots, dropping down the rankings and for reference it takes roughly 30 weeks total to drop out of the top 100. So say even if this all settles and the fog lifts from this mess in say 8 months in time for the Masters and start of next years Major season most if not all these guys are going to be outside the top 100 and given that they will have no way outside of pulling in new guys of getting a strength of field to boost their events and rankings for winning them. So how do guys that are now outside of the top 100 now get more points to boos their standings and therefore strength of field? Well they have to play well at the Majors for one and likely have to play more Asian Tour events... which if we remember for many of them said they wanted to go to have more time off. However with 14 events scheduled next season 4 majors and now Asian tour events to try and keep their OWGR ranking they will be playing way more then they would have had they stayed. This is a long post, but seriously there is a long road ahead it won't be pretty and there is going to be a lot of nonsense moving forward however there are regulations that many many other tours have had to put in place like the DP World Tour, Japan Golf Tour, Sunshine Tour, PGA Tour of Australia and Asian Tour which have been made to follow all of the points above and more before getting access to OWGR. LIV should be no different, doesn't matter who went over, bending or ignoring all the regulations which others have been made to follow could open up cases for other tours to sue and so much more.
  12. This is very much on the line, just careful treading here. However there is zero news, discussion or evidence to support any sort of merger. There is no benefit for the PGA Tour, GN wants to burn the PGA Tour to the ground and ruin them so extremely difficult to see him even thinking of working with them and not to mention said person quoted above benefits from LIV as he is hosting them, so why should anything being quoted by him be taken as the what will for sure happen. Again fine Line here so let's just not go past it, but so many holes to poke into those statements.
  13. Even if LIV gets OWGR they need a lot more then a few big names with the upcoming changes to how strength of field will work. In addition they do not meet several of the criteria which other leagues have been forced to do prior. Just listen to a NLU podcast and they will cover it. It's a Long road ahead and there is still so much to come. Yes LIV is a threat, but at least to me not in the way it's being viewed. Especially with it's limited field.
  14. How are the PGA any different, better or worse (likely better as they are a member run association) then any other professional sport? NBA, NHL, MLB, NFL and the other major sports? All have similar structure in they are the pinnicle of the sport. They are not the monopoly, there is the DP World Tour, Asian Tour, KFC and other tours much like the NBA has Euro leagues, Asian leagues, G league. If anything the PGA Tour and the members that make it up are better off because the players are the tour and have a larger say where NBA have to go through collective bargaining against multibillionaire owners. LIV leads to a fractured golf world where we won't see all the best in one place excpet for a couple times a year at majors. They have no feeder league or program, it is just a inviitational... so how will that be any better if you get one someones bad side and get the boot just because he doesn't like you anymore? Make no mistake LIV has significantly greater risk at becoming a dictatorship then the PGA will ever be and also has a much higher risk at blowing up and folding into nothing in a instant. The PGA should go to PGL and ask for support and work with them, that I am all in for. However LIV is not that or the long term answer as it is by no means a sustainable business model, nor is it meant or built to be.
  15. Would suck for him if he signed before and would loose out on what he could have gotten now that he is a major winner.
  16. Fair to have your opinion. However couldn't be further from the truth. Unfortunately if you haven't taken the time to read the thread or look at the several testimonials from the years and years of testers I am really at a loss as to what to tell you or say. In the end the forum is a great place and getting involved can provide any member with so much information and value to those who choose to read it get engaged. If that's not you then okay, however given the wealth of information in this thread on how testers are chosen all your answers are there. Hopefully you are able to have a more positive view on the forum, but if your post is truly how you feel it will be awfully difficult to change your mind.
  17. Guess it may be a more north American thing? Played several courses here and Europe/NZ/Australia that do not have that standard template or hole allocation. From pace of play, land space and what people like and are use to the standard hole allocation works and works for a reason. Not to say others don't or couldnt, but it could very well be if it ain't broke type deal. I'll add we have several golf parks here which have one championship 18 hole course, one 9 hole course a 6 hole course and part 3 course. I'd rather see that become the norm then 6,6,6 hole Formats. Oh and we have an awesome course with a sweet par 6.
  18. Brand Y. Nearly just as consistent as X with higher spin and longer distance. Seemingly looks like a no brainer.
  19. Due to the latest forum update several theme colors/functions are broken. Over the next little while I'll work to get them back to as they were and with the appropriate colors. Apologies for this and hopefully future updates won't have these issues/consequences.
  20. So freaking happy that it is the Open this weekend. Been watching all morning and may not move for the next 4 days.
  21. I ended up going KBS Tour V 90 Stiff. I've used the Tour V 110 and CTaper and just overall had good luck with KBS in the past. I know I do not get on with the DG and xp95 were awful for me so I avoided those.
  22. Shafts are in, heads in next week and being built. Then shipped off hopefully by the 24th.
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