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Everything posted by GolfSpy_APH

  1. Altho would be funny and a laugh we will do our best to keep that to other "joke threads" and not adding another to the list.
  2. Amazing how no matter how big we make the posts, put it in the title or anything else the basics are just ignored because ppl want free stuff.
  3. Sorry but what test? This thread has a huge DO NOT APPLY HERE at the top. This is a information thread about how testers are selected.
  4. I keep get notice of delays after delays so not entirely sure when they will come. Also a reminder I'm in Switzerland so we definitely have better availability of many products vs the US right now.
  5. Good luck all today and hope everyone is having a great time! Maybe next year I'll make the trip across the pond to join? Or Scottish meetup anyone? Really cool to have the event for MGS and hope it becomes a staple of the community.
  6. I'm trying two different ones. Avx and tour response. Both have been similar so far in play. Not sure which one will win out in the end.
  7. Interesting. I've never heard that about wedges and personally found it the opposite. I'd actually rather have mine a bit more upright. But maybe that's because I'm a lefty haha. More to the point I would avoid lie boards if possible. Better to go to a range hit some balls and get some foot spray and see strike locations and Ball flights. Note of balls are starting their flight paths left or right and if you're able to get to a fitting center where they can adjust your lie angles and hit some more balls to ensure they are doing what you expect.
  8. I'd have to double check with @Golfspy_CG2 however i believe it will be about a week before the winner is announced. Thank you all for participating so far and even if you're not the winner i hope that everyone still participates in the follow up afterwards!
  9. I'm whatever it needs to be to make my entry eligible.
  10. Explain why you chose the model you did and what you'd hope to get out of them performance wise I have always been a Cobra fan and used their products in the past. I still have a 2016 Forged Tec Iron that goes in play fairly often. I believe these Forged Tec Irons will give improved forgiveness and distance to my game where I don't play quite as much and allow me to score better even on less then perfect days. Not to mention they are bloody stunning irons! List your first name/city state (US Only entries) Namie: Jamie City/State: Whichever one of you guys in the US that will ship them to me after I hopefully win What current irons you're playing Ping i210 5-gap and a secret set of irons that will hopefully be coming soon Handicap 11 Will you agree to patriciate in discussions on the forum about your experience with the irons after receiving them. Of course! This forum is my main social media and where I spend the majority of my time online. I would happily dive deep into a review/discussion with any and all members about the product! I'm not too late on my entry right?
  11. Toying around with the idea of a keeper/dynasty league. Would likely be a smallerish league as would only want guys who are committed for the long haul. I'm still working some details out with how it works on Fantrax (they seem to be the only viable option for this). With LIV kinda sucking the life out of our main league to an extent I think a league around younger up and comers could be fun as it takes a bit of the sting out of the "star players" if you are interested send me a PM and we can work things out from there. I would likely look for this to start up post fedex cup so still some time!
  12. It is called silly season for a reason! The shake ups so far have been interesting and there are still so many possibilities.
  13. What you are saying is countering each other and not makng sense. I have read what you are saying or typing however you want to put it. Saying a shaft shouldn't change a swing counters saying that not all shafts will perform the same. If they don't effect the way someone swings then there is little need for different shafts or weights and everything else. If they do effect a swing then that counters saying just swing the same. A golfer may feel (there is that word again) they are swinging the same, however a shaft that is heavier or lighter, counter balanced or not or has different kick points or profiles will effect the delivery of the club at impact. I get you have experience and are a club builder, but you are countering your points in the same post. Either shafts have influence and create a difference in swing delivery (which is true) or they don't and we can all swing the same regardless of what shaft it is. You've said However shafts are designed to do different things to influence a swing in order change the feel and overall delivery of the swing to lead to different impact conditions. Then said: Which I get you are trying to make the same swing, but if a shaft is designed to do something different then it is inherently influencing and change your swing, so the feel of the swing may be the same, but the actual swing is different. This isn't even to mention several other factors such as fatigue and other variables that can come in to play where heavier shafts/heads will have a greater influence over time. I just don't get what you are trying to say at all and believe several things of what you are saying are wrong from experience and my own real world application. We will (and have) disagreed on a lot since you've started posting on the site and agreed on very little, but some things however I completely and entirely disagree with just make the same swing because then we get into feel which you don't seemingly believe in or take into account and so many of the top club builders in the world when a new shaft is installed for fitting or testing will ask right away "how did that feel" as it will cause a different sensation and change in how someone delivers the club.
  14. If I'm teammates with @blackngold_blood I'd be down! I think we could maybe break a record for most trades in a day!
  15. I figured as much, but given all the various nonsense and everything else that has gone on in this thread I wouldn't be surprised at anything someone may believe or have read and believed to be true.
  16. Article? or is this a joke? Pretty sure that can't be possible as they have had to do all these different things like PIP and WGCs to get more money to their high profile players. As the way they are structured they can't just give money to any player they see fit. If that was the case they would have looked to add bonus' to the guys that add value to the tour. Unfortunately that isn't possible.
  17. Okay... just no. If this was true then there would be one shaft for all. So so much no here. Weights, kick points and much much more will effect your swing as they are a change. Just like a different head and weight would change your club. You cannot possibly tell me a 40 gram A flex and a 78 gram X flex will not influence your swing one way or another. I don't even know why I'm replying to this because there is so much wrong. Again if what you are saying is true that shafts don't change your swing then why don't we just have one shaft for all... or as you said before you must get a shaft spine flowed and such then again why would that matter because you always make the same swing. I understand you like to base your posts and what you write here on testing you have done and what you find to be facts for yourself. You always have reiterrated time and time again that people should do their own testing and find what works for them individually, but seriously this? I'm glad you have a repeatable swing, however companies wouldn't build X amount of different iron shafts or driver shafts and companies like TXG wouldn't exist if shafts didn't matter and change the way someone swings. This isn't even getting into shaft droop and all the other million ways a shaft influences the way someone swings. A golfer may try to make the same swing, however that does not mean that a shaft does not subconsciously change the way the golfer swings. Whether they meant to or not.
  18. Wish we were able to provide more testing opportunities, unfortunately that has been taken out of our hands. I'll add it would be great to have all test something, but when we have 5k plus sign up for testing that just doesn't seem possible. I believe we had about 150 testers last year which was really cool. We also need to be fair to the OEM that provide it for testing. It looks really bad on us for selecting someone who doesn't finish a review. Plus sucks for membership to not get to see a review. Definitely encourage getting reviews on your own equipment!
  19. Please update your ad to meet the Buy and Sell standards asap or will be taken down. I've listed them below. CLASSIFIEDS: MORAL CODES Got some golf gear you need to unload? We want this to be a place to help you guys be able to buy, sell and trade with other MGS Forum members. We do not want this to be a place that is for people trying to unload a surplus of equipment, counterfeit equipment or a place that is a flipping ground to make profit. Simply put this is a place to help you get rid of some of your old gear so you can maybe get some new gear. 1. All items must be in your possession and be owned by you. 2. Sorry but only personal items can be posted. New/used is fine as long as you're not selling this for your business. 3. No ads or external sale links will be allowed. 4. Please provide original pictures of your postings. Do not used images from the web. 5. No selling of counterfeit equipment. 6. Include a price for each product listed. 7. Please provide all pertinent contact info needed. Thank you
  20. NLU and a lot of it. I'm on the opposite end tho i love the 1+ hour pods because i listen on my way to work and for my start of work which usually is about 2 hours then i have a break till another 2 or 3 hours. I also work alone so throw my headphones on and get to it. Typically i get through 1 nlu pod and a fantasy football pod each morning. Don't listen to to many others. The golfers journal from time to time, but that's usually about it.
  21. Please to all abide by the top note. This thread is the discuss LIV golf as the entertainment product and it's golfers. Discussion that revolves around the political background, the other stuff behind the scenes of it's backing which will lead into the debate that has nothing to do with the golf will be hidden, deleted and the posters given warnings. We are a golfing forum and there are other platforms to discuss the other topics that go along with LIV. There is also enough LIV topics which fit within our moral code to discuss and talk about. This will be the last message about this and if we continue having things run down this path we will turn to other means such as post approval in order to keep this thread to where it needs to be for our forum.
  22. I'll respond as Enrique isn't on the forum much anymore. Few things - there likely will be a Fantasy Football league again. However we won't be running it through the forum. With all the talk and chatter on Fantrax we will likely keep our core group of players and run it from there. @Berg Ryman after he is done with the meetup may have more to follow up on that as a a commissioner. Second due to the lack of testing opportunities and the uncertainty of how it will be in the future this year's golf league is the last time we will offer a golden ticket. Sucks but we simply just can't offer one when we my only have 5-10 a year. Maybe if something changes in the future and we can provide our own again we can offer it, but in the current state no GT will be awarded for Fantasy leagues. Again this year's golf is an exception. I believe for football it will be paid again and there will be payouts at the end, but we will likely setup slack/discord or something to see who is interested from last year. I don't have any further details, but again looks like we will move this off the forum for the future.
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