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Everything posted by GolfSpy_APH

  1. Another year makes it 6! I'm a little early as the actual date is in a few weeks, but with vacation coming an event where I get the pleasure of working 160+ hours in 9 days and the normal forum stuff this morning is just as good as any to drudge up this old thread again. This year has been a special one. Since the last time posting in this I've had the pleasure of joining the Mod team and at least in my eyes going a lot done over this time. We managed to rework and debug the new testing system, bring back the community map, had some fun with some new themes, select some 100 or testers and searching through countless others. It has been a lot of work, but a lot of fun taking on this new role and I look forward to continuing even if it is in a slightly different fashion from the last year or so. I was fortunate to make a second straight superbowl with the Fantasy Football league and come up short in 2nd ... grr ... and make another run at the Fantasy Golf playoffs. I also got to use my GT from golf on the Rapsodo which will be broken back out with the nice weather again! However I think the last big highlight(s) of the last year has been getting to know a lot more of you much better over the year. Whether through testing, focus groups, fantasy leagues and much more it has been a very eventful year and I hope that we can enjoy much of the same this year! Outside of MGS this was an extremely eventful year. Got married to an incredible girl Allyssa who has not only been a great wife, but an amazing mother.... Oh yeah had my first child. Ivan, who has been a dream so far and just brings so much joy into our lives. Took part of my 10th World Curling Federation Event as an Ice Technician in a short 5 years (#11 coming up quickly) Had a nice trip to Kazakhstan for one of those, great ppl, good food. Countless walks with the dogs and adventures Had my parents visit from western Canada for their first time in Switzerland! Runner up (i'm sensing a theme here) at the Club Championships at my home club (curling) in my first year playing since 2018. That and so much more which I'm sure that I've missed. Thank you all for making this such a great place and one that I thoroughly enjoy spending time in and working for all of you as a membership group. There really is no better other online community!
  2. I'm glad many have enjoyed the themes. I'll leave the poll open for a while still, however the Masters Themes have been taken off. Sorry for those who really liked it, but the votes were not quite enough to keep it going full time. Stay tuned for the next Special Edition Theme around the next Major. If you are a member and still desperately want to continue the use of the masters theme, let me know and I may be able to figure out something... maybe.
  3. Community Map is back up and running. Hopefully now with the full fixes.
  4. Oh I know they already have next year's release done and ready, but ad a consumer for me it is hard to imagine where the next step is? Of course there will be something along with some new tag line, but with stealth being s pretty significant jump in terms of new tech I'll be curious if it is more of a down year so to speak next season (2nd gen m1 M2 like) where i don't think either of those did amazingly well compared to the previous year.
  5. Not sure if it had been mentioned it asked, but where does TM go from here with their drivers? Now with carbon face I'm sure they can say they improve consistency of ball speed across the face, but they have bits and pieces from all their last 5 or 6 drivers built in and if there wasn't too much gain vs Sim2 for some I find it hard that they will be able to hype up the next version of Stealth. TM has done an incredible job pushing boundaries and making new Innovations that I'm sure they will come up with something, but when thinking for what they could do next outside of adding more adjustability it's a bit hard to see where they can really improve a lot over stealth. To this point it reminds me a bit of the original M2 and how that stayed in bags for a long long time and is still known as one of the better older drivers to look into. Could the Stealth be the new M2?
  6. Phil wasn't even a option because he isn't in the field? Any chance you accidently got last year's pool?
  7. Brooks and his back 9 killed me. Could be a nice -8. Hopefully a better day today for him. Both for this and my fantasy team.
  8. Going go leave the default for the Masters as the votes were too close and too few to give me confidence in making any big change even for the weekend. That being said I have removed one of the Masters Themes (mod vote). We are happy with the single one. Nice to see the info on dark vs light themes and I believe we will keep the masters theme up... Simply because we can for now. Thanks for those who participated and we will keep the poll open for another little while.
  9. Use the search function up to right. Hope this helps!
  10. That's awesome! My goal is top 699! Great to see the excitement for this week and the seasons first major. Hopefully we do see a few new faces start contributing and i know a few have reached out already to get badges so something here is working!
  11. One thing that is often missed with the MGS 2022 theme is there is a switcher from dark to light. I'm a big dark user for almost everything, but recognize it isn't for all. Right by the notification there is a little paint can and it swaps to a lighter version. No idea if you already saw that or not, but worth mentioning.
  12. I more then understand that some changes will be loved and others well not loved, For me as a Mod on the site part of my goal is to continue to drive the Forum forward and make sure it continues to be a go to place for golf testing and community. Of course a big part that is important to me as well (as I hope membership has noticed) is to be as transparent as possible with changes and provide the necessary support and assistance for those who may be struggling with any of the changes. I figure the Opt In function will stay, that is just a safer way to go about it and allow all those who want to make the change in theme can and all those who are use to and prefer the standard default then there is no disruption to their experience. I still would LOVE to make the special themes default for events like the Majors... to me I think it is just a cool way to freshen things up and give users a fun new experience for a couple days. Not to mention I believe it separates us from other forums by doing that. However it does look like maybe we need a better more prominent way of showing users that there are other options for themes so they can more easily change back. All that being said I know that some themes ppl will love and others users will not enjoy. As Jlukes doesn't like the 2022 UI, for me it is my most used and I know a few others who really like it. Which is fine! Just like one driver or iron won't suit everyone, a single theme won't be loved by all. Hence why the default is well very safe with its blank color pallet. Appreciate all who are participating in the poles and hope we can all enjoy this more as we continue on this year!
  13. I would personally love it too be opt out as new ppl and test sign up ppl would then see the newer updates, but more then understand how change can be harder and less comfortable for many. It's a tough balance and when trying to attract new members while keeping current members happy we will do our best to find what is the best way to proceed. More importantly the default standard theme that so many are use to will still stay and be there no matter what.
  14. As some may have seen on Twitter the blog site is due for a big update sometime soon I believe and I would expect that we will see a bit of a change to the standard theme, even if it is just colors to help match and be more similar to the main site.
  15. Okay, nope. The distance, equipment, scores debate that some love to argue can go into its own thread where i can have the pleasure of having to monitor and read through the same arguments back and forth. This thread is for shot shapes and the pros in terms of why some prefer cuts and so on. Please stay on track with this as we don't need to infect another thread with that debate when a better conversation can be had on the related topic which the original poster intended to discuss.
  16. So many times these features fall through the cracks. We have had the Night Theme for years and years, but still many had no idea about it. Hopefully bringing more awareness to it will allow more users to find it and take advantage of them!
  17. I mean I have been promoting them everywhere that I can in various threads and pages, but often a lot of it gets missed so I'm glad that you've found this thread helpful!
  18. I'll try and keep this brief, but a few months back I got really bored with the look of the night and default theme (default truthfully I haven't used in years). So being in this position I was able to do some searching and get to work on creating some new themes for all of us to use. I'm sure many of you don't even know we have new themes. Along the way I learned a lot in the area of coding and my goodness how tricky these can be sometimes, however I managed to get 3 new Themes that I am really happy with. - Mygolfspy 2022: which is a light and dark theme with a fresh look, new features with a slider for testing and blog content and more. - Mygolfspy Alt Light: A basic theme with some more MGS like colors... nothing too special here but a theme that is easy on the eyes. - MGS Masters Theme: I think the title says it all. - Masters Special Edition MGS: This is the same as the Alternate Light, just with a Masters color overlay. So as I've been playing around with the various themes the beta group has tested many of them and provided very valuable feedback. Thank you to them! We are fortunate that there were several that were "free" to download and then just have to work to edit and get ready. My goal with these is to keep the forum fresh and give options to those that want to customize the look of the site to fit how they want to view the forum. Personally I would love to set the default to the Alt light or MGS 2022 and allow those who want to switch back to switch back. Then for Majors come Thursday morning set the default to our Special Edition themes which will stay for the course of the weekend and switch back on Monday or when the event finishes. For me I've been flipping back and forth constantly between all the themes and have enjoyed the fresh look for the forum. All the core functionalities are the same and work as they should, it is basically just a new color scheme that allows you to get a different look and therefore feel to the forum. So with that I'll open it up to questions and see what the polls come out as. Also for those wanting to try any of the new ones just scroll to the bottom of the page, select Theme and a list of different ones will come out. **We have two Masters Themes just this once, because I have tried two different templates and wanted to see which once ended up being more stable and functional** Going forward only 1 Special Edition Theme will be available.
  19. I believe there have been other threads about this, but I have to admit I love the content that they put out. Whether it be the hole in one challenge, one club challenge and the fastest holes in golf among others. However they just put out my all time favourite of them all a couple days ago. For one I am a big big Tyrell Hatton fan and just really enjoy watching him. He is incredibly talented and does such a entertaining job of well keeping us entertained and they put a full length video up of a ton of his highlights which had me laughing during my morning coffee... What are your favourite videos done by them? Wish that we would see the PGA tour do some fun videos like this. They are some fun ways to see guys we don't see often and just make for good content!
  20. Reading the thread will help you understand how our testing works.
  21. Don't forget we have a official Masters Discussion thread and Live Chatroom for during the event as well! It is going to be a busy week with testing, the seasons first major, contests and all the other content that normally comes to the site! Hard to keep up with it all!
  22. Also be sure to check out The Masters Pool Contest here:
  23. @Golfspy_CG2can't thank you enough for continuing to run these! Thank you very much and really appreciate putting this together for the community!
  24. As I work on a few things and put a ticket in with the Dev for the community map I have disabled it as we have been seeing far too many errors and places people are but are not. Hopefully by end of week I'll have it up and running again for all.
  25. As we approach The Masters I'll remind everyone we have a chatroom dedicated just for Masters watch along. Of course you can still post here, but there it will be a more instant back and forth which should be fun to engage. Simply go to the bottom tap chatbox - rooms and then Masters Live Chat.
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