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Everything posted by GolfSpy_APH

  1. @GolfSpy_BOS We need to represent the mods and do our group proud. Last year we had a few get distracted with actual mod work which lead to not great records so now we need to step up!
  2. I know this will be more known once we have numbers, but how many copies are we thinking of each player given the additional 2 spots for the roster AND will we be drafting a full team or 6 much like last year and fill out the rest with FAAB/waivers?
  3. Of course I'm in. Need to grab my title back from Bng. I like the changes and the 5 and 5 I think... will certainly make for a interesting season!
  4. New thread will be posted shortly. For now I'll lock this one up and we can all converge on the new one!
  5. I'm really hoping this is just the start for Kelce after his lackluster few weeks. Also hoping that this isn't the best week my team is putting together when they aren't actually even playing because of the bye. Just hoping this is their warmup for the real show! With the 4 starters I would have cleared 110 points!
  6. There are some stellar teams. Was going through my section of the bracket and I think I know who I would put money on to get through, but wow the matchups this and next are going to be so tough. Almost makes it less stressful knowing that the teams will be so good and that I won't have the same expectations. Good luck to all this week and let the grind continue!
  7. At least from what I've hear or read it looks like Conner and Ekeler will be back and won't miss time.
  8. I don't think it is every too early for a Masters thread. My early top 3 will be Morikawa, Hovland and of course Spieth! Gotta love that your kid is into golf @Shankster!
  9. As we have headed into the offseason the MGS Mod team has been working hard to look at areas of focus on the site and where to make some adjustments and changes to help improve the site for everyone who visits it. This includes the addition of a new Mod @GolfSpy_BOS who will be joining us. Bryan has been a part of the site for several years now and provided us with some truly great reviews and posts over his time. We are very excited to bring him onto the team moving forward. Everyone please welcome him and I am sure he will do his own introduction post/thread in the near future. Some of these changes have already been determined for the upcoming season. As most of you are aware we had a fair amount of turnover and change over the last year both with staff and the site itself. With this we all had to find our roles and we have had the time to find where everyone is best suited to assist the site. For everyone’s reference here is a quick breakdown of it all. @GolfSpy_THV is our Community Manager. JS has the majority of his work behind the scenes for the site. He also joined the site a few years back and is coming up on his 1 year anniversary as our Community Manager! I’ll leave a link here for his intro post from last season which dives a bit more into his role. @GolfSpy MPR is our Community Director. As the longest term Mod most everyone knows him and what he brings to the site. What some of you may not know is that Michael handles most all of the emails to the forum, which includes members getting locked out of accounts, responding to email complaints and has been our designer for the badges we all ask for and much more. This is all on top of everything he does on the visible side of the site. @GolfSpy_TCG is our Social Director and Community Outreach Mod. Chris as a lot of you are aware brought the AMA to the site as one of the biggest new features to the site this season. Chris will continue on with the AMA’s as well as push us (the forum) forward on other Social Media platforms. Keep an eye out for our twitter account (@mygoflspy forum) and more to become more active! @GolfSpy_CS is one of our Member Testing Directors. Tony has done a ton of work for us behind the scenes to help organize a lot of our work and within this new role he and myself will take on the testing side of the site. We had nearly 30 tests this season and are hoping to ramp that number up for next season. With this there is a lot of communication between OEM, members, testing set up and more. Tony has been vital to keep us organized along with keeping work on schedule and in rhythm for testing as well as working on updates to the new testing site to continue to push this updated feature of our site. @GolfSpy_APH as mentioned above is one of our Member Testing Directors. As stated above Tony and I (Jamie) will be working mainly on the testing side of the site, but will of course continue to be visible and active on the site. @GolfSpy_BOS will be joining myself and Tony as a Testing Director and working with us as we continue to work on the new testing feature and continue to try to improve on this new feature and make it focal point for our site moving forward. Added to all of this we will all continue to be active on the site and handle other more visible site responsibilities such as reported content, monitoring contentious threads and stepping in when/where need be. There are also all sorts of other small things that we will all continue to do including updating badges for members, responding to PM’s, promoting blog content and of course just being members on the site as well. I should also not let it be forgotten that Rob (@Golfspy_CG2) is still part of our team as he is still very active and an important member of our team even as he has taken a step back from full time duties. We have a few exciting features we are working on and hope to have some of them roll out nearing the new year. A few other quick hits before this post is completed is we are still actively engaging with HQ regarding ads and solutions for this continuing issue. We, like you, experience much of the same and like them all as much as all of you. We will also be sending out a survey to everyone on a variety of topics and encourage you to fill it out and provide feedback as we continue our work, the answers in this survey will be important to several decisions we will have moving forward to 2022 and beyond! With that thank you all for taking the time to read this lengthy post and please once again welcome our new member Bryan to the Mod team! Cheers,
  10. I was hopeful but honestly didn't think it was going to happen. Thank you Murray/Kupp and Prater for getting me 40 and 60 points I needed to pull out those wins. Managed to snag a bye in the playoffs which was goal 1 and now we see where the fantasy luck lies into the final weeks of the season. Fade Division be happy you were there, Draw Division was TOUGH! 4 teams with 500 or better records managed to miss out on playoffs with 5 teams all finishing at 20-8 to decide the last 3 bye week spots.
  11. I know that feeling. Down 60 plus with 3 players left doesn't feel good.
  12. In a season that had more then its fair share of crazy or epic finishes who knew it may have finished the most crazy in the last. Not sure how "fair" it was and I know there will be a lot of talk about it moving forward and I'm not sure where I sit on it. I am happy Max won, if not only to see someone new winning. Give all the credit to Lewis and his drive today as it was flawless. Truly he did not put a foot wrong and more can be put on his team then him. In the end a great season overall and one I was very happy to witness regardless of all the controversy and fia missteps along the way.
  13. I would be curious to see this too. And more to it would different dimple patterns have benefits for players who may have different needs for certain spin profiles.
  14. Simple. Use the search function with what specifically you are looking for and explore from there.
  15. Thankfully we have several awesome members who already reported it and its been taken care of! Thanks for the heads up.
  16. I did a little trouble shooting last night and you do have to finish all the blanks to get 100% this includes twitter handle, instagram name, handicap, location and a little info about you. I didn't have a twitter handle on so after I added that in it now shows as 100% rather then 67%. IF anyone does not have those or use those platforms then just leave them blank. Yes it will show 67%, but it is nicer or more important to see a profile picture anyway. Hope this helps.
  17. I've mentioned this a few times before, but worth stating again. Given the age or roster Atlanta had before the draft it truly is too bad they didn't go with a QB with their top pick. PItts don't get me wrong is great, but they don't have the weapons to enable him to succeed at the level he is capable of. Of course Patterson has been a great surprise and Ridley leaving for personal reasons has changed the outlook on the season, but still never saw them competing for the playoffs so would have been great to see them snag a QB like fields and start the next stage of the franchise.
  18. Send me a PM and we can trouble shoot this for you.
  19. A picture worth a thousand posts? hehe
  20. It has been interesting following along this season and where their wheel to wheel battles at the beginning were more respectful I dare say. Then Silverstone happened and at least from what I watched that seemed to be a massive turning point. The last race was chaos and I think the NLU boys put it the best way by saying it was the best bad race of the season. Too many side games being played by both teams on a track that was difficult enough as was. I truly just hope that this final race is just that a race. No penalties, no FIA intervention and a good solid battle on the track... not to mention no crashes that would ruin what has been one of the best seasons I can remember. In the end I do think Merc has the leg up and will take it. I kinda hope Max takes the win, but just seems like Hamilton is destined to win it especially with the way their car has been performing recently.
  21. This is also posted as a note at the top of each page for anyone looking.
  22. Draw Division Congrats to these teams for securing their playoff births. Even though seeding and the final 4 spots are still very much up for grabs! In Draw we also have 8 teams who could make the final 4 spots... looks like it could come down to points scored for the final spot as well! Fade we have 13 teams who secured their rights into the playoffs. Leaving a few spots open for some change
  23. Not that I have been made aware of. I do know if you put enough footspray on a club you can trick GC2 and such into thinking you have hit a ball even if you haven't... but I don't know how accurate the club path information would be?
  24. To my knowledge there are only 2 options. I think we may have covered this before, but its likely hidden somewhere in the pages of comments so not bad to do a refresher. It is worth noting that these devices are usually a extra cost, but really important to the program else you are just swinging blind. Superspeed originally offered a SwingSpeed Radar which does what it says. It measures club head speed and that is all. Here is a photo of the device. No ball needed just swing till you can't swing anymore. The second is the I dare say better option? It is the PRGR. This is a small simple radar device that gives club head speed and ball speed as well as total distance. This is a radar device and does a good job, it can take a bit of time to sort out where to put it in your swing, but it will also read swing speed with no ball. Again here is a photo of the device (its the one on the right on the Rapsodo). I think it costs about $150 usd so not too expensive and gives reliable numbers for the price. Hope that helps!
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