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Everything posted by Dweed

  1. Just be careful dude. See if you can't contact a "Sports PT" organization for some advise in this matter. Can't be too safe. Good luck in your healing.
  2. 100% concur. Slow and easy shots, no longer than 100yardsor so. As you start to hit the center more increase speed, feet still together and you'll be out to 150. Then after that confidence builder, start to widen your stance a little at a time and slowly increase your swing speed. That will help get you into a confidence level to look at things like shaft type and length and such variables. Good luck and smiling.
  3. I don't and am not a fan of music on the course. But, as long as they keep it low and respectful I will just suck it up and play on.
  4. Man, it sucks getting "older". I think you have the right approach. Swing with in yourself and "enjoy" the game. You have earned and deserve it. Enjoy. I remember my dad telling me when I was a small golfer that I spent almost as much time chasing butterflies as I did watching my own balls fly. I'm starting to catch myself stopping and watching butterflies or the geese. What comes around...
  5. I think it will be a hit. Especially at that time of year. Wish them all luck.
  6. I've been playing since I was 10 or so. I believe that as I have gotten older, I have taken the game more seriously. I have the time to practice more, so I do. I concentrate more on my short game and approach shots. Even if I'm not on the course, I enjoy hitting balls. At the local park I hit unto unoccupied ball diamonds from 100-150 yards away and pick targets such as 2nd base then 3rd base. Pick trees out and use their shade outline to be my target green. I take myself seriously but don't try to get too excited when I blow a shot. I have to admit I do enjoy the game and the ability to just go out and enjoy God's world. I've lost the ability to see as well as before and certainly hit as far as I used to. Thank goodness for the concept of moving up on tee boxes.
  7. I hear ya but I really hope that you do continue to enjoy the game and just play for the fun and for the memories that were provided.
  8. Well first of all, sure hope you are doing OK after the 7 month layoff. If you are just looking for a good second hand 5 fairway metal, for practice before buying a more current club, you might consider Adams Tightlies 5 metal. Found on many used club sites and very reasonable. Very easy to hit and ease back into it. Good luck.
  9. Yeah, pretty much feel inside 50 yards. I use a Swami GPS for raw distance as I really only take full swings until I'm inside my lofted wedge full swing distance. Still watch wind direction, topography etc but then it's how I feel.
  10. If you have the bucks go for it. I drive a 2011 PU with 157,000 miles on it and it stills works fine. I drive with a G400 that is 6 years old and my fairways hit % still in upper 60's as is my age. I'm comfortable with that. I have accepted that my distance has seen the best days past. Goals now are to enjoy tomorrow's round more than today's round. I'm not embarrassed to purchase second hand or past years models if I need to.
  11. Fixing ball marks on greens. The proper way. Playing music too loud. If within the group all are ok with it fine. But hearing loud music from 4 holes over is annoying. Cigar or cig ashes on the green near the pin. Many who take junior lessons or clinics seem to get the basics explained and they do well learning. The annoying part most is done by people who should know better. No manners anywhere so why would I expect them to honor a golf round?
  12. I don't know, what I don't know. I don't believe all the intricate details are necessary for me. Just dumb it down so I get the general idea and I am learning something. What scares me the most is being pushed toward a brand that I won't want in a million years. Yes, I have biases and I don't want to go up against their profit biases if they have any.
  13. Well done. Best of luck in your future games. Enjoy.
  14. I think I'm better than I give myself credit for, especially early in the season. I still surprise myself with some shots during the round. I do question why I can't repeat it every time but I do show myself I have that potential. All it takes is one decent shot in the round to keep me coming back the next time. Even after a bad round, 1 good shot.
  15. 28* today and 8" of hard pack all over. Got the barn heated to 45*. Concentrated on my 8 and 7 irons using impact tape to get more consistent in my strikes. Take it seriously but more interested in trying to maintain a swing for spring.
  16. Ah man. Be careful. 1 month for that kind of stress on a new knee. Push, sure just don't push too much too soon. Listen to your body, not your buddies. Good luck and good mending.
  17. Crazy good was a Hole in One 5 years ago. 142 yards. Crazy Opps! 50 years ago playing on our HS golf team, I was playing in a match at a totally unfamiliar course. First tee was elevated and the hole directly parallel and next to a 6 lane highway and the tee box faced oncoming traffic. Coming out of the country to the suburbs was a shock in itself to the system. Playing next to a highway another. As you might guess, my opening drive sliced bad...into the windshield of a cement truck. Thank God there was a tall cyclone fence between us.
  18. Totally in the house doing practice swings without clubs. Too cold outside -5* and 10* in the barn.
  19. I haven't used my foot wedge in years. Next least used would be my sand wedge. The primary 3 courses I play near home have very limited sand opportunities.
  20. Welcome and thank you for your service brother. Hoo Ah!!
  21. Good luck with this endeavor and hope you get as much out of it that I'm sure we will, following your inputs.
  22. I think my basic goal for each round is to always try to have an enjoyable round no matter what. Secondary goal would be to try and increase my number of fairway hits and GIR. Tertiary goal would be to reduce or hopefully eliminate doubles or worse. Primary has to be enjoy no matter.
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