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Posts posted by Slap

  1. @550025KV Excellent! Without a local yeah Black Mesa's layout can throw you off with quite a few blind shots. And the fact that you are playing a mile high over sea level.

    Now that you played both Sandia and Paa-Ko how dumb is my statement that they are a coin flip in what to chose? Paa-Ko used to be $60 in the winter and I can't bring myself to pay $200.

  2. On 7/6/2022 at 4:44 PM, 550025KV said:

    I'm arranging a guys trip to Albuquerque this fall with 8 guys from Texas. Mostly single digit golfers. Looking for suggestions on golf.  Here's my tentative lineup: 4 rounds   

    Paa-ko Ridge, Sandia, Black Mesa, Cochiti Lake, Twin Warriors or Santa Ana.  
    Any adds or deletes from this list?  

    Have you made the trip yet? Please tell us what courses you chose if so.

    Most places only accept tee times one week in advance so I'd call a week before the tee date the hour that the pro shop opens.

    Kenny is right about his choices. I'd add to definitely play the Championship course at UNM and Twin Warriors. There were college and pro events there this fall so these courses will be in the best shape this Fall.

    Some people hate the greens at Black Mesa but its in good shape as well. The hate comes from them being unreasonable and not the conditions. A local pro claims the senior event chose Twin instead of Black Mesa because of the greens. But I like it and I'd say that's the 3rd course you should play.

    The fourth is a coin flip between Paa-Ko and Sandia for me but I haven't played Paa-Ko. I bet Paa-Ko would be the better experience.

    The tee boxes at Cochiti are boderline a joke right now. Some are like teeing off in the rough. nice lay out but not worth your time if well manicured courses are what you want to play.

  3. 4 minutes ago, chisag said:


    ... One of my old playing pards refused to believe golf balls made any difference in his scoring. He played to about a 10 but was short off the tee but had a very good short game and played balls he found because he wasn't frugal, he was self admittedly cheap LOL. "Why should I pay for balls when I find plenty of them on the course?" The problem of course was one chip/pitch rolled out 10 feet and another only 4 feet. I tried to tell him those 6 feet and full shots rolling or stopping are the difference between a 5 and a 10 index for him and he said even if that were so, it wasn't worth actually paying for balls when you can get them free. 

    Haha! He must not gamble on the course either. 

  4. 3 hours ago, Gullbyrd said:

    Which ball you play has very little impact on your score unless you’re scratch, and probably not even then. I’ve been a single digit handicapper most of my adult life (currently 6.7 index, up from 3.5), and I play whatever I find in the bushes or the creek. I especially like Top Flites because my playing companions are so outraged by them. The only exception is a ball that is obviously damaged. Mower cuts, bubbles on the surface. I won’t play those more than one round.

    You'd probably be a scratch player if you stuck with one good golf ball. Buy a dozen and see what happens.

  5. Played with another Spy [mention=75226]Slap[/mention] this weekend. The front 9 was a lot better than the back, but I should probably be posting this on "Blow Up Holes" and "3 & 4 Putt Holes". I had one 4-putt hole and four 3-putt holes, and shot 94 with a total of 39 putts. It was a lot of fun though and great to share stories with Slap and talk equipment and the forums. Can't wait to do it again, just need to purchase some good golf shoes for walking.

    I had fun as well! My 99 was trash though. On the brighter side it took me 35 putts to finish and had 3 3-putt holes. Inserts or sketchers are the way to go, but I’m ok with riding on competition days. Next time I practice there I’ll join the club.
  6. 3 hours ago, PAgolfer2017 said:

    Really curious to see how Brown does with the Raiders and how he'll respond if he's held to the same expectations as everyone else. With him it's never about the team. It's now about the individual.

    Me as well, I'm a realistic fan and this could blow up and quickly. I didn't like the Gruden hire but here we are and they better start winning.

  7. 6 hours ago, silver & black said:

    I'm not so sure he is the best WR in the game right now. I'd take DeAndre Hopkins over AB. To tell you the truth, I'm more excited over the trade for Trent Brown than I am for Antonio Brown.

    The real head scratcher is why Tom Cable is the line coach..... and Greg Olson is O coordinator because???? 

    You might be more sold on Gruden than I am. I didn't want him back, but it is what it is and I guess we'll see how it plays out.

    Hopkins is smooth but the texans are treating him right. I feel you on Cable, but he and Gruden are what the Raiders are rolling with so lets see how this year plays out. 

    I just hope the first rounders are all on defense in this draft.

    Was your screen name the some on the inside the oakland raiders blog that Jerry McD and Crokran used to run?

  8. 6 hours ago, GolfSpy Stroker said:

    not sure who is running the show in Oak-egas, but this one is a head scratcher.  I know they want to put butts in the seats and get some enthusiasm for the team but 3rd and 5th round picks for a team looking to rebuild its franchise are pretty valuable.

    And what happened to Osemele?  I know he's older and all but losing a vet on the OLine is tough.

    Gruden and Mayock are running the show. It's not really a head scratcher since they traded their #1 WR and needed another one.

    a 3rd and fifth is nothing for the best WR in the game.

    Osemele is a power scheme blocker. Tom Cable is a zone guy who needed zone blockers. They just needed a better fit to their run game and osemele has value. I just wish they got a higher pick out of it.

  9. 6 hours ago, silver & black said:


    This was about star power for the move to Vegas. 

    This was about winning football games the way Gruden knows how to. Remember they traded their young WR stud who just didn't want to play for Oakland. The second half of the season made that painfully obvious. He still dropped a pass a game though. I'll take AB over Cooper anyday all day. For better or worse .... We'll see

  10. 8 hours ago, PAgolfer2017 said:


    Has nothing to do with who is a better leader at qb. 


    I disagree, Ben did his talking through the Radio and then lately the GM. I bet he just ignored AB. Tomlin's lack of calling out brown and the GM who gave e raises every year the past three years also added fire to the AB ego train. Read Peter King's FMIA on profootball talk for a better perspective.

  11. Antonio Brown possibly traded to the Raiders just made this year a lot more interesting for me. I'd like to think this is a good move because they didn't give up much for him but he could cause more drama. If Carr keeps his job, I believe he is a better leader and person then Roethlisberger so hopefully there's no issues between them.

  12. I have been using the Garmin Approach G8 for a while now, which I like off the tee box and for score/stat keeping. However, I really wanted a range finder for accurate pin distances on approach shots, and to shoot targets on the driving range to make sure my yardage gaps were what I thought they were. So, I got the :918457628_PrecisionPro:NX7 Pro with Slope for Christmas and have really enjoyed using it on the range and in the 2 tournaments I've played in so far this year. I like that it does what I need it to do, and most importantly, it didn't break the bank like most of the other range finders do.

    We should compare my Dallas Golf Range finder to your NX7 when we play. I got their house ranger finder as an open box purchase for $115.

    Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  13. Hi all! I have never formally post in this intro threads so here it goes:


    1. How long have you been playing golf? My dad is a big influence on my life for better or worse. He took me out maybe around ages 10-12 a hand full of times. I have natural talent and coordination for sports and it showed with golf. He wanted me to play in high school but I chose otherwise. My other sport of choice was basketball and when my ACL and meniscus gave out for good in the spring of 2016 I started playing golf every weekend starting around the first weekend in July 2017. Haven't stopped since.

    2.  What’s your handicap or normal score? 24 is my index and I shoot between 90-100 nowadays.

    3. What do you love about golf? The challenge. I think I can become a scratch player but who doesn't. Its been 20 months since I started and its just now that I think I'm starting to understand how to play the game. I'm breaking 90 this summer. I also like being outside and walking for a few hours. Sometimes it doesn't even feel like you are in a city while playing. I love the new viewing perspectives golf courses give you of a place I've lived in for awhile now.

    4. What brings you to MyGolfSpy? I googled "best driver" and the rest is history. Being a chemical data analyst, I appreciate real data. The quest for knowing the truth about golf clubs was why I googled what I did. I had no idea what MGS was all about. Then after reading the Most wanted Hybrid testing of 2017, I bought the Cobra F7 3-4. And guess what? I bought off the rack, and its my favorite club and the best one i hit. SOLD! Reading Tony and listening to Adam is what keeps me coming back.

    5. Do you already know any other Spies? No but that should change. DM me and lets play! Instagram is @silverhillbean Hit me up.

    6. Where are you from? live in Albuquerque, New Mexico

    7. What is your home course? I have a city PM pass so any muni here really, but I play the one closest to my place which is Los Altos.

    8. What are the best and worst things about golf in your region? I'm too new at it to say but the Sunday starter at Arroyo del Oso pisses me off. He jams the box and rounds can be over five hours on Sundays. This is the toughest and best city course but when this joker loads the tee box at noon I hate the place. The best has to be the weather, mostly sunny year round. Maybe like 4 weekends a year are unplayable. Oh and the rates are cheap here. With a PM pass which is $325 annually, weekend walking is $12.50 and weekday walking is $10 after 12PM. The best courses here are only $100 a round. The UNM south course is the best I think and they always have off season and in season deals. Even if you don't mind the full rate its only like $50 to play a real course. The Nike tour stopped here a few times in the 90's. Regional US open qualifying is at UNM south as well.

    9. What do you do for a living? I'm a technical director at a environmental analysis lab.

    10. How’d you pick your user name? My dad gave me many nicknames growing up, some I can't say in public. He called me Slap alot around the age he took me golfing. I think I reminded him of Slap Maxwell. I just goolged him for the first time just now. I should watch more and see what he's talking about.

  14. Hey Guys! I want to give an update to my journey in this project.

    I stopped doing the workouts around Thanksgiving because I developed a huge slice from doing these protocols. I don’t think it’s the DIY sticks them self, more that being such a new golfer I can’t control the face very well. On top of that my swing speed went down about 7mph.

    I just don’t think I put enough concentration into making actual golf swings while working out. Particularly I think my transition is too fast and rushed compared to how I was swing before. I saw that the speedsuper guy posting in the official review mentioned that people who experienced what I’m experiencing need to do some drills to help to control the face a bit better. Anyone know of good drills for this?

    So I think my sequencing is just off and I need to work at it some more. Any advice will help.

  15. I just started week 3 yesterday. I’m putting in the work every other day including weekends. About a month ago I checked my baseline swing speed and it averaged 99 out of four good swings. Today the kind folks at Golf Mart let me hit some balls and my average out of the five fastest swings was still 99. Out of those five my biggest miss was -60. My best offline number came from my fastest swing at -6.

    Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy

  16. 12 hours ago, romeopapazulu said:

    What do you think is more important? The overall weight of the trainer or the swing weight? Is there a swing weight progression as well?

    I think in terms of swinging one driver clubhead faster which should be your gamer. So having three of the same driver shafts with the same tips and grips is a good place to start. Naturally after that the only way to add weight should be at the tip end. So yes and even in the SS trainers the only variable is the weight at the end of the trainer. So there is a natural progression of weight at the tip. I weighed my overall trainers but I knew the shafts were very similar to the weight of my drivers' shaft.

    Again its clubhead speed that we are looking to increase. 

  17. Thanks to Stud and Mr. Riley for letting me jump on this thread. I just finished building this project out for $86.56. I also want to thank Golf Mart for trading my shafts from RBG for ones that fit the latest Ping driver adapters. They are also letting me pop in every other week to track my progress. Additional costs not listed before were: $11.76 for washers and three plastic grommets from Ace Hardware. $32.36 for gluing labor from Golf Mart. And 0.99 for ten pieces of lead tape. I just used 5 of them. If you can glue grips and adapters yourself, this project would only run you about a quarter of the name brand cost.

    The weights of the shafts, with grips and adaptors, ended up being really close to my drivers' shaft weight. The Atmos was the lightest at 114g and I used that one as the lightest trainer. The others including my driver was 121g. I recommend using driver adapters. With the screw and the grommet I found at Aces, I don't think the weights are flying off. I duct taped the finished product for stability, and after swinging the trainers they seem fine. Just see all the pictures below.

    I used two different washers with different hole diameters, all weighed about 12g. Six of the smaller hole opening washers were used on all three trainers. These fit flush with the opening for the screw on the beveled part at the top of the adapter. The changing variable was the larger holed washers. Final weight dictated the amount used for these. Since these had a larger hole opening, I used two pieces of the lead tape to wedge the washers snugly up against the top six washers. Before taping these, I placed the grommet between the top washer and screw hole and tightened the screw in until the grommet compressed almost all the way. The heavier trainer only needed one piece of wedged lead tape because the stack reached the larger diameter of the driver adapter. Whats shown is just the heavy one.

    The Final numbers are 262, 296 and 349 grams for each trainer. Not prefect from my 322g driver but almost matching a 330g driver. When you swing these trainers its obvious that there is a weight progression. Well I think that's about it, and this was super easy. Try it yourself! What's shown below is the heaviest trainer.












  18. Using 263 red Loctite will make it really difficult to undo if you want to remove the screw without breaking it, I would use 243 or 242, they are basically the same 243 is a thicker consistency than 242. Both will allow you to remove the screw without it breaking, but will be strong enough to hold during use. I am curious how these will turn out for you guys.

    Thanks for the help. Yes I think removing the screw is a must if I want to use these with heads.

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