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Testers Wanted: Precision Pro Titan Elite Rangefinder ×


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Everything posted by CarlH

  1. Really thinking about getting a 51 and 57 degree Edison wedge ... (as if new wedges will cure my wedge woes...lol).
  2. My normal Saturday game was cancelled because of the snow from Friday evening. Although we had about 2 inches of wet snow, it was gone by Saturday afternoon and today was headed back into the 60s, so I signed up to play with a different group of guys today. I think I was the highest handicap player out of the 10 playing. We had 2 5somes tee it up, tossing in 10 bucks for the game and skins. I didn't play well, although I did manage to birdie both par 3s on the front side and holed out an 80 yard shot from the fairway on the hardest hole on the backside for another birdie (long par 4 after duffing my second shot with my 3 wood). All 3 birdies held up for skins. On the less than stellar side, I didn't have a par until #13 and then only had one other par after that. To my credit, the wind was rather brisk and mainly into our faces during the round and our greens still haven't recovered from the recent aeration. Shot 42/43, in spite of the troubles I had. As has been the case all winter here, I'm a basket case with the wedge in my hand on these tight lies with wet soil beneath.
  3. I recently moved from my Tifosi sunglasses to a pair of Rock Bros Transitional lens glasses. The lenses aren't as optically good as the Tifosi were, but they're still very acceptable for golf and I like that they adjust the tint as necessary. For years, I wore Oakley Flak glasses, but got tired of buying them every time I lost/broke/misplaced a pair.
  4. You're in the same storm belt we're seeing...you'll just get it a few hours later...LOL
  5. I bought the Arrow (with Red) size 11.5. I knew (and did) return the shoes, along with the extra set of spikes that I ordered. Just sent via UPS yesterday, so haven't been refunded yet. With a $12 return shipping, I'm not willing to try on another pair of shoes that may or may not fit me well. Perhaps "dig" was a poor choice of words, but it was definitely not a comfortable fit for me. I do not have a particularly high arch. Perhaps if your shoes are available at retail stores, I may opt to try them on again, but I'm not willing to do it via mail order if I have to pay to return them. I realize that shipping does cost you money and paying for the return would also affect your profit margin, but it might be a factor that you might want to explore further. Thank you for reaching out to me on this matter. That says a lot about you and your company. Best wishes.
  6. Got out today, after they finished aerating the greens earlier this week but before the anticipated snow was supposed to hit later this afternoon. Only got in 9 holes, as the cold winds were getting "fun". About a 2 club wind coming in the home stretch. 2 guys made the turn, the rest of us called it a day. Even with 2 silly doubles, I shot 40 for the 9. Not unhappy, even tho the aerated greens made putting less than stellar. Edit: Why I didn't finish....and it's getting worse. Expecting 1-2 inches this afternoon and evening. Be back in the 70s next week. LOL. Looking out my back porch at #18.
  7. I'm currently soft capped because my handicap has gone from its low of 6.8 to the current 10.5. The 6.8 was just 6 months ago. It was slowly rising while still at my old course, but was still <7.5 ... In December, I moved to a new course, much harder, longer, and with different style grass, tight lies, and dormant conditions. As I'm adjusting to the new course, my scores are understandably higher than my previous course. Couple that with the winter conditions making the fairways and green side areas very unforgiving, and ... well ... right now, I'm having adjustment issues. Having said all of that, I know that my game will turn in short order and I will begin to post scores more appropriate to my ability. Now, I could complain about being soft capped and the rise in handicap being restricted to 50%, but I've seen enough sand bagging from too many people over the course of my playing days that I have no heartburn with putting up with the mild inconvenience. Unfortunately, if my game does not return as I suspect it will, then I'll be struggling to shoot at or near my handicap until those low index numbers disappear toward the end of this year....but, c'est la vie!
  8. Well....got the shoes today and I'll be returning them, eating the return shipping. Although the length and toe area felt great, the tongue and upper area dug into the top of my foot. And with shoes, if you don't love 'em when you first put them on, chances are you're going to not like them after you wear them and can't return them. Too bad, as I was looking forward to giving them a solid go. Weather is up and down here .... 70's one day and 40's the next day. Might even get a touch of snow this weekend, but it likely won't be cold enough to do anything. You still in Medford or did you winter south?
  9. Hey Jim! LTNS bud!! I also ignored them until recently. Finding wider shoes has always been a limiting factor on choices. I wore True for. awhile and liked them, but they changed their design. Anyway, I just decided to order a pair of Squairz and they should arrive tomorrow (Wed). I'll let you know. I talked with a guy at the club the other day and he remarked that the older models were heavier than the new models (New being the "Speed"). From what I've heard, they run true to size. I'll find out shortly as I did order my regular size rather than going up a 1/2 size like I normally do with FJ shoes.
  10. I've only played 2 of the public courses, so far. I normally play Diamante Country Club, but will eventually play all of the courses in the Village. (For those that are not familiar with it, Hot Springs Village is a gated community with 8 public courses and one private Country Club).
  11. Ordered a pair of Squairz shoes the other day that should be here by Wednesday. It's one of the older models that they had on sale. Saturday, I saw a guy at the club wearing Squairz and asked him his thoughts. He said he loved them and had several pairs. He asked me which model I ordered (Arrow) and commented that, although they would be comfortable, the newer model (Speed) were lighter and even more comfortable. Wish I would have talked to him before I ordered but, then again, I did get the older model $40 cheaper. I'll report later with my thoughts on the shoes. Also bought a couple of pairs of Walter Hagen pants when I was in Dick's the other day. I gotta say, they are very nice pants!
  12. My game is in the toilet right now. Well, not literally, but I am having some recent issues with my short game, primarily finesse wedge shots. First, I recently moved to a new area in December. The turf is completely different from what I was previously used to and the ground conditions are not the best this time of year. The course that I'm now playing has zoysia hybrid fairways and they're really different from Bermuda and Bent grass that I'm more used to playing. First of all, it's crazy, but golf carts tend to float and move left and right as you drive on them. I was thinking something was wrong with the golf cart, but was assured that all of them do that in this grass. I've played the course in the summer when I visited last year and hitting from the fairways was no issue. However, winter season is an entirely different matter. The grass is dormant and the lie is very tight, coupled with very moist soil beneath the surface, which the slightest mishit will create havoc. In any case, I'm currently struggling with my short game. The greens at this course are awesome, typically fast and roll true. I'm putting very well on them. My driving and iron play has been good lately. If it weren't for my issues around the green, I'd score better, but as it is my handicap has risen >3 points. With a low index of 6.8 and a current one of 10.5, a soft cap has been placed on my handicap so it rises at a lower rate (50%) than standard. The good news is that spring is around the corner. Already seeing the trees beginning to bud out and I suspect the grass will soon be growing again. I'm confident that I will overcome the issues in my short game and that I will begin scoring soon. (that's my theory, anyway!)
  13. I feel your pain! Struggling with my game inside 50 yards big time! Mine's mostly due to the course conditions but still, it's maddening!
  14. Driving went well, ball striking was crisp, putting wasn't my typical but not bad....chipping and short pitches...oh my! Had a horrendous day (again) yesterday and all due to the short game. Struggling with getting good turf interaction with the dormant and tight fairway lies and very moist soil beneath that little bit of turf. Laying a lot of sod over despite my best efforts. I've been struggling so long that now I'm subconsciously defending against the miss --- which only makes it even worse. I'll work through this, but in the interim, the scores are suffering badly. My handicap would be much higher right now except that it is soft-capped and only increasing at a 50% rate. Come on Spring!
  15. Hot dogs are one of those "monkey on my back" things for me.
  16. What a day yesterday....started on #2 in our scramble, birdied #4 and #6 and was 1 over through 8 holes. Grabbed a hot dog at the turn and obviously left my swing and game in the clubhouse. Disaster struck and I get the shanks, duffs, chili dips, and every other malady one could think of and I butchered the final 10 holes with a final tally of 89. You do the math. 5 doubles and a triple in 10 holes without taking a penalty -- just horrendous ball striking. Don't think I'll ever eat another hot dog at the turn, that's for sure!
  17. No mulligans, putt everything out unless it's not being counted for the team score. The problem with gummies is that "inside the leather" soon becomes a 3 footer or more depending on who's making the call.
  18. Yes, I'm a member of the Gold Cup group who play from the white tees for points throughout the year. This tee box has been re-designated as tee box 4. One of the players in our group has suggested that we rename the group from Gold Cup to Four Play. Not sure how the club's WGA is going to respond.
  19. The course that I recently joined is undergoing a change from tee boxes with color markers to simply numbered tees...1-6 with 6 being the forward-most tees.
  20. Worked on a better move through the ball on short chips/pitches, trying to achieve a better angle of attack and brushing the grass rather than my usual steeper move. Awkward, but necessary, change I'm working on. Seeing some positive results, so far.
  21. Haven't been able to play lately so I offer this instead.....
  22. I used to drop off my used and found golf balls at the VA golf course until it closed down.
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