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    Fyrmedic reacted to CFreddie in LAB Putters? Yea or Nay   
    Does obsessing over one count? 😂
    But seriously, as @RoverRicksuggested, we have a number of Spies that game various LAB models (including the new DF3). This review thread is a wealth of knowledge, including the difference in stroke - check it out (and please post pics when it arrives!):
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    Fyrmedic got a reaction from cnosil in L.A.B putters. Are they that good?   
    Sorry. Still trying to figure out this site. Not that good at all of this thanks
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    Fyrmedic reacted to Golf2Much in L.A.B putters. Are they that good?   
    I'm a convert for sure.  I have too many putters sitting in my shed (no basements in Key West, Florida), I thought each "was the one!"  Then I read about the LAB DF2.1.  I sent in a fitting video and received the recommended specifications.   I had no way of trying the putter, so on blind faith, I decided to give it a try.  I took a little less expensive path by keeping my eye on eBay until one with my specifications popped up.  It took a month or so, but I finally got one at a reasonable price.  
    Just one round out on the course and I was hooked.  I've had a variety of odd shape and color putters over the years, so it was easy to get over the "unconventional" shape.  Prior to getting the putter, my shots gained from putting went from 0.35.  After, my shots gained with the putter improved to 1.42.  After my fellow players saw the improvement in my putting, each wanted to give it a try. 
    I like the putter so much, I bought a second with the exact same specifications (again on eBay) to practice at home and as a back up (just in case someone wanted it more to help their game).
    Yes, there's is definitely a degree of sticker shock when purchasing a LAB putter.  LAB does have a factory seconds site that sells their models at a discount (LAB Golf Outlet).  They have a full range of their putters available with DF2.1's in the $350 range.  
    I think the only putter that might force my LAB DF2.1 out of my bag is a DF3!  
  4. Like
    Fyrmedic got a reaction from Rob Person in Golf bags- stand or cart, and why?   
    If you never plan to walk no reason to get a stand bag. If you do plan to carry or use a push cart than a good stand or hybrid bag will be helpful. Lots of choices out there. My golfspy just posted about the best stand bags and cart bags. 
  5. Like
    Fyrmedic got a reaction from Samuel09152 in Golf bags- stand or cart, and why?   
    If you never plan to walk no reason to get a stand bag. If you do plan to carry or use a push cart than a good stand or hybrid bag will be helpful. Lots of choices out there. My golfspy just posted about the best stand bags and cart bags. 
  6. Like
    Fyrmedic got a reaction from Cfhandyman in What Is The Most You Would Pay For A Putter?   
    $500+ for most new drivers but people balk at spending on your scoring club makes me giggle. If a fitter put me in an expensive putter and had the data to back up the results idk if it was 5 hundy!!
  7. Like
    Fyrmedic got a reaction from GolfSpy SAM in Southwest: CA, NV, UT, AZ, HI   
    Hey folks. Excited to join the forum. 
    Just started golf a few years ago. Wish I had started year’s ago. Struggling to get better. 29 handicap
    love the fact that I can get outside and play with my friends  like to walk the course  easier to get I to the woods to find my ball  
    loved the my golf spy podcast and the forum seemed like a fun place to interact.
    live in Santa Cruz. Love being able to play all year. Courses are not in the best shape with a lot of traffic. Home course is seascape. Fun place to play. 
    Just retired from over thirty years in the Fire and EMS service. Love that I can play golf as much as I want..if I could afford it. 

  8. Like
    Fyrmedic got a reaction from Natey Em in Southwest: CA, NV, UT, AZ, HI   
    Hey folks. Excited to join the forum. 
    Just started golf a few years ago. Wish I had started year’s ago. Struggling to get better. 29 handicap
    love the fact that I can get outside and play with my friends  like to walk the course  easier to get I to the woods to find my ball  
    loved the my golf spy podcast and the forum seemed like a fun place to interact.
    live in Santa Cruz. Love being able to play all year. Courses are not in the best shape with a lot of traffic. Home course is seascape. Fun place to play. 
    Just retired from over thirty years in the Fire and EMS service. Love that I can play golf as much as I want..if I could afford it. 

  9. Like
    Fyrmedic reacted to JStapp in Lie angle   
    What is your typical shot shape on course? If it’s consistently missing one way or the other, it may be worth looking at. 
    If you feel you have significant turf interaction with the heel or toe first, that would also be an indication it could be a tad bit off! 
  10. Like
    Fyrmedic got a reaction from cnosil in Lie angle   
    Thank you that was really helpful!!
  11. Like
    Fyrmedic reacted to cnosil in Lie angle   
  12. Like
    Fyrmedic got a reaction from Blueberry_Squishie in Chip or bump and run?   
    That is a great drill thank you
  13. Like
    Fyrmedic reacted to Blueberry_Squishie in Chip or bump and run?   
    Here's a great drill. 
  14. Like
    Fyrmedic got a reaction from Bucky CC in ClicGear 4.0 Cart - 2023 Forum Review   
    Congrats on all the testers. Looking forward to hearing your opinions. I’m especially curious how the testers feel about the length of the straps. Love all of these tests
  15. Like
    Fyrmedic got a reaction from jbern in ClicGear 4.0 Cart - 2023 Forum Review   
    Congrats on all the testers. Looking forward to hearing your opinions. I’m especially curious how the testers feel about the length of the straps. Love all of these tests
  16. Like
    Fyrmedic reacted to MVJameson in Chip or bump and run?   
    For me it depends on where the flag is in relation to my ball.  If I have plenty of green to work with then it is bump and run all day (I am more comfortable with this shot anyways).  If I am short sided or dont have a lot of green to work with then a chip shot is the play for me.
  17. Like
    Fyrmedic reacted to cnosil in Chip or bump and run?   
    All of them.  You need to learn the carry and roll out for each club.  
  18. Like
    Fyrmedic reacted to Caddie1966 in Chip or bump and run?   
    I would consider the differences to be primarily distance and height.  Bump and run is for me typically a shot that is kept low with a hybrid or 6-7 iron from outside 3 yards or more off the green. Pitch can be anywhere from inside 50 yards to green side but with 52-56-60 degree and typically carried to the fringe or onto the green with some height and spin.  Chipping for me is usually with 44-48 degree and is the shot of choice within 1 foot off the green up to about 3 yards off.  As I am right handed, Chips are flat left wrist and pitches are released.  Bump and run can be either.  
  19. Like
    Fyrmedic reacted to cnosil in Chip or bump and run?   
    I agree with @Blueberry_Squishie, that we have to clarify terminology.   I consider a bump and run a type of chip shot.   I also consider pitches and chips as short game and/or finesse shots.   Our short game shots can have multiple trajectories and spin amounts.   It is often stated that it is better to get the ball on the ground and let it roll to the hole rather than try to fly the ball to a specific location and use spin to control distance.  For a beginner golfer; as the OP indicated they were, I would suggest following the method of getting the ball on the ground and letting it roll to the hole and use less lofted irons and shorter swings to control distance. 
  20. Like
    Fyrmedic reacted to GolfSpy BOS in ClicGear 4.0 Cart - 2023 Forum Review   
    Testers Announced! Clicgear Model 4.0 Push Cart
    Clicgear is the original compact three-wheel golf push cart that has dominated the sport for over 15 years.  The style is simple, robust and dependable. They have also built the largest selection of quality push cart accessories available with over 40 different items to customize and add even more features to your Clicgear cart.

    Please welcome and congratulate our testers!
    @Bucky CC
    @GolfSpy MPR
  21. Like
    Fyrmedic reacted to Kenny B in Chip or bump and run?   
    I was taught that a chip is performed such that the club head does not pass the hands on the follow through.  A pitch is releasing the club head like a mini full shot.  They can both be effective in covering the same distance depending on how the golfer wants to play the shot.  I’ve practiced chipping and have never done very well; I can’t keep the club head from releasing, so I quit fighting it and pitch the ball.  I guess that comes from my slo-pitch softball and horseshoes days.
  22. Like
    Fyrmedic reacted to Blueberry_Squishie in Chip or bump and run?   
    Could be a US terminology thing, but I don't think the technique is any different between a chip and a bump and run; just club selection. If you're interested in short game technique, Rick Shiels had a lesson with Dan Grieve that goes through a lot of good technique advice. In the end, to become a consistently good player you will need to be able to play short shots with your wedges decently well.
    Best general short game advice I got given (I was lucky enough to work alongside Geoff Ogilvy for a bit): Never carry the ball further or higher than you need to. It just adds unnecessary difficulty and unpredictability.
    Nearly all of my shots around the green I intend to land it about 1m on the green. I choose the club that should then roll out to the hole (obviously it doesn't always). That requires some time and practicing good technique so that you have a consistent strike to enable you to land the ball on your intended spot, and to get the roll-out to be accurately predictable. I would recommend looking up the rule of 12 to get you started with predicting roll out. But after a bit of practice you will adjust (I typically use rule of 11 as my starting point). So for a 10m shot with a bunker in the way I would use a higher lofted wedge out of necessity. 10m shot with no bunker, might be something more like a 7 or 8 iron.
    P.S. I spoke to Geoff about his chip on 18 at the 2006 US Open. The only option he had that wouldn't have the severe unpredictability of that slope was to play a spinning shot left of the hole. He had no intention of getting it really close to the hole because there was much more flat area to work with by starting it left. You can leave yourself in a spot where you have no realistic way of getting it really close to the hole. Perhaps get it to 6 feet, make a putt, and win a US Open.
  23. Like
    Fyrmedic reacted to RoverRick in Chip or bump and run?   
    Putt when you can. Chip when you can’t putt. Pitch when you can’t chip. 
    A bump and run is really just a modified chip. Instead of it flying and then running out, it bounces a few times and runs out.
    Of course, it depends on the circumstances. I did a 126 yard bump and run with a 6 iron today from the trees. I got it on the green and had a 15’ birdie putt, that I burned the edge with. 
  24. Like
    Fyrmedic reacted to Triple_Putt in Chip or bump and run?   
    Bump and run more often for me as well.  For a not so great player like myself I think its better to keep it lower and not have to hope I got enough spin on the ball so it doesnt fly off the green if I chip it. 
  25. Like
    Fyrmedic reacted to russtopherb in Chip or bump and run?   
    Different situations will call for different shots but more often than not I’ll opt for the bump and run. I’ve always felt it’s better to have the ball on the ground sooner rather than later.  
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