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  1. Fire
    Wheelieb got a reaction from Steve F in The Good Morning Thread   
    I know it’s the good morning thread. But I will mention it again in the morning. Meeting my bio-dad today went absolutely wonderfully. Had a good long talk and it just flowed easy. Was super nervous, but that went away pretty quickly. Going to the ball game tomorrow and I can’t wait. 
  2. Like
    Wheelieb got a reaction from Dcfrench3 in The Good Morning Thread   
    Morning All,
    Great day yesterday. Good talks and good conversation with the dad. Today is the ball game. It’s supposed to be a scorcher at first pitch and only get hotter. Other than that it’s going to be a great time. Hopefully everyone has a great day. 
  3. Fire
    Wheelieb got a reaction from buckpillar in The Good Morning Thread   
    I know it’s the good morning thread. But I will mention it again in the morning. Meeting my bio-dad today went absolutely wonderfully. Had a good long talk and it just flowed easy. Was super nervous, but that went away pretty quickly. Going to the ball game tomorrow and I can’t wait. 
  4. Fire
    Wheelieb got a reaction from Northern Monkey in The Good Morning Thread   
    Morning All,
    Great day yesterday. Good talks and good conversation with the dad. Today is the ball game. It’s supposed to be a scorcher at first pitch and only get hotter. Other than that it’s going to be a great time. Hopefully everyone has a great day. 
  5. Like
    Wheelieb got a reaction from Bad Golfer in The Good Morning Thread   
    I know it’s the good morning thread. But I will mention it again in the morning. Meeting my bio-dad today went absolutely wonderfully. Had a good long talk and it just flowed easy. Was super nervous, but that went away pretty quickly. Going to the ball game tomorrow and I can’t wait. 
  6. Like
    Wheelieb got a reaction from Cfhandyman in The Good Morning Thread   
    Morning All,
    Great day yesterday. Good talks and good conversation with the dad. Today is the ball game. It’s supposed to be a scorcher at first pitch and only get hotter. Other than that it’s going to be a great time. Hopefully everyone has a great day. 
  7. Like
    Wheelieb got a reaction from cksurfdude in The Good Morning Thread   
    The Tl;Dr version is this. I did the ancestry dna kit in 2016. My brother also did his a year or so later. Didn’t really look much into it. 2022 came and got an email notification I had a new match on there. Never opened up those emails until then. It was my brother but it said half sibling. Found I had a complete different dad. Reached out to people on that side through there and through investigation on Facebook. Led me to now. Better write up if you want to read it is in the good evening thread on Wednesday. 
  8. Like
    Wheelieb got a reaction from IndyBonzo in The Good Morning Thread   
    Morning All,
    Great day yesterday. Good talks and good conversation with the dad. Today is the ball game. It’s supposed to be a scorcher at first pitch and only get hotter. Other than that it’s going to be a great time. Hopefully everyone has a great day. 
  9. Fire
    Wheelieb got a reaction from MattWillGolf in The Good Morning Thread   
    I know it’s the good morning thread. But I will mention it again in the morning. Meeting my bio-dad today went absolutely wonderfully. Had a good long talk and it just flowed easy. Was super nervous, but that went away pretty quickly. Going to the ball game tomorrow and I can’t wait. 
  10. Like
    Wheelieb got a reaction from William P in The Good Morning Thread   
    Morning All,
    Great day yesterday. Good talks and good conversation with the dad. Today is the ball game. It’s supposed to be a scorcher at first pitch and only get hotter. Other than that it’s going to be a great time. Hopefully everyone has a great day. 
  11. Love
    Wheelieb got a reaction from MattWillGolf in The Good Morning Thread   
    Morning All,
    Great day yesterday. Good talks and good conversation with the dad. Today is the ball game. It’s supposed to be a scorcher at first pitch and only get hotter. Other than that it’s going to be a great time. Hopefully everyone has a great day. 
  12. Love
    Wheelieb got a reaction from cksurfdude in The Good Morning Thread   
    Morning All,
    Great day yesterday. Good talks and good conversation with the dad. Today is the ball game. It’s supposed to be a scorcher at first pitch and only get hotter. Other than that it’s going to be a great time. Hopefully everyone has a great day. 
  13. Like
    Wheelieb got a reaction from rkj427 in The Good Morning Thread   
    Morning All,
    Great day yesterday. Good talks and good conversation with the dad. Today is the ball game. It’s supposed to be a scorcher at first pitch and only get hotter. Other than that it’s going to be a great time. Hopefully everyone has a great day. 
  14. Like
    Wheelieb reacted to cksurfdude in The Good Morning Thread   
    Happy Weekend Morning to you!!
    Yep that heat dome is settling in over this region for the weekend... Already Triple H weather = hazy, hot, humid.
    Might be another day to hide inside although I do want to get a little putting and chipping and practice in .. maybe like 45 mins total, won't overdo it.
    Hoping to play 18 with some friends tomorrow 🤞
    Hope you have something fun on deck for the day!!
  15. Like
    Wheelieb reacted to EasyPutter in The Good Morning Thread   
    Good morning MGSpies on a sunny getting hot already summer Sunday here in WNY with the residence lawns tended in yesterday's heat after work.  The plan for today is going to help son in Rochester working on his project car for the cooling system (lol figures in this heat right?) and whatever else he has in mind.  At least the drive will be climate comfortable in the highway cruiser both ways, and taking my portable shade with me and plenty of cold water for while we work outdoors should make it times to remember.  Coffee is just ready so getting ready to head out.  Hope golf is a part of your day! ⛳
  16. Like
    Wheelieb reacted to Northern Monkey in The Good Morning Thread   
    Good morning all, had a hectic day at work yesterday so didnt manage to get on the site. Hopefully I’ll be able to catch up over the weekend. Not sure if I’ll get any golf in as still sorting things out after being away but hopefully will get some rounds in next week. 
    @Wheelieb glad everything went well yesterday 
    @Rob Person fingers crossed you get finished in time for your chicken and don’t hit any complications
    @Preeway looking forward to hearing how you get on with the ventus 
    Hope you all have a great weekend
  17. Like
    Wheelieb reacted to Cfhandyman in The Good Morning Thread   
    A beautiful good morning to everyone. Enjoying my morning espresso on the front porch with the huskies sprawled out.  Lawn needs mowing, so maybe I’ll play pickleball first. Golf later on this afternoon. 
    @Jim Shaw good luck in the tournament. 
    @Wheelieb delighted to hear that everything went well for you.  
    @buckpillar thank you for the well wishes. Graduation ceremony was lovely and thoroughly enjoyed it. 
    Have a great day all. 

  18. Like
    Wheelieb reacted to sirchunksalot in The Good Morning Thread   
    I forgot to mention, since we're going to our favorite Chinese restaurant in Chattanooga today, I'll be running in to DSG to restock on golf balls. Between the outing and my round this week I've somehow managed to be somewhere like minus two dozen in my bag. 
    I'm just glad they have deals on the 48 packs of MaxFli. 
  19. Like
    Wheelieb reacted to Byrnzee in The Good Morning Thread   
    Good morning Spies!
    Looking like a hot day in Chicago, with temps getting back into the 90s. Wanted to try and go to the Cubs game, but my wife and I might go see a movie instead. Hoping to get to the range for a little bit today to get some last minute practice in for Arcadia Bluffs tomorrow.
    Nothing else on the agenda except laundry, packing and watching golf. Should be a relatively chill day overall. Part of me wishes I booked a tee time this morning, but three days of golf in a row would have been a lot. 
    Hope everyone has a great Saturday and if you're lucky enough to be golfing, hit 'em straight! ⛳
  20. Like
    Wheelieb reacted to rkj427 in The Good Morning Thread   
    Good morning Spies on what I am hoping is our last day in the sauna weather.
    More storms throughout the day yesterday, and when it wasn't raining if you were outdoors you were steamed.
    Today for me is final preparations for our family gathering at a park tomorrow, now looks to be 70 or more so people attending, so that is a good thing.
    @Wheelieb awesome to hear yesterday went well and have fun at today.
    @Rob Person hope that project turns out to be an easier task for you.
    @Preeway looking forward to reading your comments on the Ventus.
    Hope your day is the best it can be, and that something enjoyable is in your plans. ⛳
  21. Like
    Wheelieb reacted to sirchunksalot in The Good Morning Thread   
    Good morning everyone! 
    @WheeliebI'm glad the meeting went well, I couldn't imagine the nervousness you must have felt beforehand. 
    It's looking like it's going to be another scorcher here today and really don't have much on the agenda other than going out to dinner with the fam. 
    @Rob Person hopefully you don't have to move any heavy objects and you can get it done and get home to enjoy that smoked chicken. 
    @Josh Parker enjoy the family time!
    @Preeway getting up early in the weekend is worth it for a round of golf, I hope you have fun and play well.
    I hope y'all have a good day!
  22. Like
    Wheelieb reacted to Rob Person in The Good Morning Thread   
    Morning spies! Up early hopefully going to ba able to tackle the back lawn today. Family dinner tonight, smoking a whole chicken,  bullfrog style!
    Heading to a friend's house later to help him speckle coat his garage floor. Hopefully he moved all the stuff out. 🤪 
    Have a great day!
  23. Like
    Wheelieb reacted to Triple_Putt in The Good Morning Thread   
    Morning spies! I’m enroute to the Cape for 72 holes! Going to be a fun 3 days. Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!
  24. Like
    Wheelieb reacted to William P in The Good Morning Thread   
    Good Saturday morning Spies!
    Up way to early this morning and unfortunately it is not for golf... ☹️ Today is support and help for the Chief operating officer and her endeavors at the local famer's market... 🥴  Oh well, it is only 'til noon and then take it all down and get home and out of the heat...
    On a better note, I received an email last night advising my new wedges have shipped! I'm sure it was just the "label has been created" status but it does mean they are built and heading this way shortly. 🤩
    Thoughts and prayers with those in New Mexico dealing with the wildfires earlier in the week and now the flash flooding hitting their area on top of an already bad situation.
    Well time to get the truck loaded and head that way.
    Everyone have a safe day and stay properly hydrated as the heat across the nation right now is serious.
  25. Like
    Wheelieb reacted to Preeway in The Good Morning Thread   
    Good morning everyone. Up way too early today for golf but can you really complain? It is golf, right? Quick breakfast then out the door. This afternoon will be some chores around the house and then getting caught up on my Ventus testing thread. Today is round two with the shaft and I’m still getting used to the feel. Have some sim time coming up to collect some data as well. Lookin go forward to getting this process going in full gear!
    @Wheelieb glad to hear your meet up went well. Enjoy your day together today. And I hope everyone has a great day ahead. 
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