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    ccostel18 got a reaction from jonzo88 in Home/Range Launch Monitor recommendations   
    I have very limited space in my garage…..8ft ceilings single stall garage width (wife’s vehicle is in the other one).  Which does not allow me to swing all of my clubs. I can get up to my 5w but that’s about it. However I did not let that stop me from setting up a hitting area in that space. I have used both the Rapsodo MLM original and the Swing Caddie 300i. Loved the features that the Rapsodo had but sessions were limited to the battery life of the iSO device required to use it. The 300i has a 20+ hour battery life but does not carry as many features. The biggest downfall of the 300i for me is the lack of directional path. The Rapsodo uses an algorithm like most indoor budget LMs do but it at least gives you an idea of how far off the centerline your ball is traveling. I mainly use my set up to map my club distances and for developing a consistent swing, so both LMs worked perfectly for that. I normally work on directional issues outside on the range. Each also has a very good app associated that can give more swing data and data storage for future reference and to see trends. 
    Both can be used indoor or outdoor. The 300i worked better in the outdoor category fore me simply because of ease of use. You simply turn it on set it up behind you and start to swing. The 300i also comes with a remote that lets you change clubs without having to mess with the device. I would have it in my pocket and cycle through my bag while never having to touch or walk back to the monitor. However, the shot tracer function on the Rapsodo was super cool!
    But really it’s all about how much you are wanting to invest and what types of Dara you are looking to get. If you really want to dive into dissecting your swing data then the $$$ models are where you want to be looking. If you are more concerned about dialing in yardages then save yourself some money and look at the lower tier ones. 
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    ccostel18 reacted to GolfSpy_BEN in Fun vs. Frustration   
    90%-95% fun. I’ve probably been more frustrated at times, but over the past 30+ years of playing this game, I’m mostly just happy to be there. I have 2 thoughts regarding golf that I keep ever present. 1) I am an imperfect person playing a perfect game. This helps me keep bad shots and missed putts in perspective. 2) With apologies and credit to Ted Lasso, I use the goldfish approach. In that I stop thinking about my last shot good or bad precisely 10 seconds after it occurs. 
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    ccostel18 reacted to cnosil in Fun vs. Frustration   
    You can still be competitive and try to excel,  but like I said even if you are competing in local or national events it isn't going to make or break your life.   
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    ccostel18 got a reaction from cnosil in Fun vs. Frustration   
    Wow! Such a simple and obvious observation that (embarrassingly) I really have never thought about or told myself. I struggle because I played soccer competitively from my childhood through my early 20s and have always had a drive to succeed. I too often bring that competitive nature into my golf game where it really has no business being. I trained daily for years to compete at a high level in soccer. I constantly have to remind myself that golf is a hobby and an outlet to enjoy not only time with friends, but to get away from the daily stresses we all face. When I quiet that drive to be better than I really need to be at this game is when I play my best and really enjoy it the most. Funny how easily we are able to sabotage joy in our lives. 
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    ccostel18 reacted to MNUte in Fun vs. Frustration   
    Honestly, it's a combo of actively putting ego aside, talking through the issues out loud, and then saying the positives out loud as well in greater volume. 
    E.g, yesterday I played a new course for the first time that was very difficult. Because of work stress and baby stress, I didn't  get to practice or get enough sleep all week. And thanks to a last minute work call and lots of fires, I didn't get to warm up and was on my phone between shots for the first few holes. Needless to say, I did poorly. Even worse, I was getting embarrased in front of my friends, which was tanking my play even more. 
    So....I started talking to myself. I told myself I was setting my expectations too high for a brand new tough course playing long with no practice when I'm already a bogey golfer that struggles off the tee. I then thanked my friends for taking the time to enjoy a gorgeous day at a beautiful course with me, shifted the conversation to sports and my friend's new baby, and made sure I was praising them for playing great golf. For the back 9, I grabbed a beer and moved up to the shorter tees so I was only hitting my hybrid that I was far more comfortable with. Proceeded to shoot much better, score a few birdies, and enjoy myself far more.
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    ccostel18 got a reaction from Dweed in Club fittings   
    I have read mygolfspy content for years, not sure why it took me so long to get involved. Glad to learn and contribute!
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    ccostel18 got a reaction from tdroma98 in Not Chasing Scratch...Just Chasing a Semi Decent Reliable Game...How Do I Get There   
    First off, let me know what course these mystical middle pin placements are at and I will be beating down the clubhouse door for membership 😂. 
    For me personally in this scenario:
    Front pin 0%. As with most amateurs I tend to come up short on a lot of shots. I am playing past any front pin. 
    Middle pin I am attacking as most times I am going to come up a bit short so no real worries of hamstringing myself by ending up above the hole on front sloping greens.
    Back pin depends on danger like you mentioned. But for the most part I am aiming short. 
    All this being said I am confident in my ability to 2 putt from anywhere on the surface more so than my abilities to play a short sided shot or play out of the sand (bunkers around these parts suuuuck!)  So I concentrate on just getting my approach shots ON the surface more than WHERE on the surface if that makes sense??
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    ccostel18 got a reaction from tdroma98 in Not Chasing Scratch...Just Chasing a Semi Decent Reliable Game...How Do I Get There   
    His book has become my bible. Playing buddy of mine gave it to me all highlighted and footnoted. Felt like I was back in school. 
  9. Like
    ccostel18 got a reaction from Yeager in Club fittings   
    Went for my very first fitting back in January of this year. Club Champion was running a special on a complete bag fitting so I went with it. First and foremost I would recommend a fitting to anyone who is even remotely thinking about it and is somewhat serious on game improvement.  Now it will not be an instant game changer no matter what anyone tells you. It will however give you the opportunity to have a professional, who understands what your swing data is showing, make setup changes to improve the performance of your swing. They are NOT there to work on any swing mechanics or point out swing flaws. They may make minor suggestions but don’t go into it thinking they will “fix” anything with your swing. A golf coach is what you are looking for if that is your goal. 
    As far as your actual question I agree with the previous comments on here that all are beneficial, but like @GaDawg I would focus on what part of your game you think needs the most improvement. I went with the total bag because I was mostly happy with my game but I wanted to see what the numbers were actually saying. Turned out that I was able to be fitted into a driver and irons that both improved my then current numbers.  Decided to purchase the driver as I felt this area was my weakest. I liked my distance off the tee prior to fitting but my dispersion was less than desirable. After 5ish months of playing with the new driver I am amazed at how consistent my accuracy as well as distance have become. All without changing a single swing mechanic. 
    So the fundamental question really is “what are you looking to get out of a fitting?”  If it is someone to analyze your swing mechanics then pivot to looking into lessons. If you are fine with your swing and looking to optimize your equipment to match that swing then I would go all in on a fitting. The type is up to your particular needs. 
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    ccostel18 reacted to cksurfdude in Not Chasing Scratch...Just Chasing a Semi Decent Reliable Game...How Do I Get There   
    Mentioned it earlier - at that Monte clinic one of the tricks around the greens he shows you is a 3W (not hybrid) putt from a fairly smooth, tight lie in front of the green. With the proper setup all you have to do is aim and hit it hard enough!
    Funny but fwiw I'm also using my GW (48) around the greens a lot; often more than SW (54) and def more than LW (60).
  11. Like
    ccostel18 reacted to Kenny B in Not Chasing Scratch...Just Chasing a Semi Decent Reliable Game...How Do I Get There   
    Monte showed us the 3W shot but it was from just off the green in some patchy grass that would be questionable for any iron, especially a wedge.  I have actually practiced it and did OK with it.  I still opt mostly for my 60º and sometimes my set 48º PW.  The turf has a lot to do with selecting the club.  I have no issue hitting my 60º with 12º of bounce off most lies including tight fairway lies, but I wouldn't use a 60º with low bounce; too easy to catch the leading edge... bounce is my friend.
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    ccostel18 reacted to Javs in Not Chasing Scratch...Just Chasing a Semi Decent Reliable Game...How Do I Get There   
    If it is smooth fringe then I almost always elect to putt. A bad putt more often than not is still better than a bad chip. 
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    ccostel18 got a reaction from tony@CIC in Is Golf Addictive   
    I refer to it as being devoted…..addicted has such a negative connotation to it 😆
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    ccostel18 got a reaction from cksurfdude in Not Chasing Scratch...Just Chasing a Semi Decent Reliable Game...How Do I Get There   
    If it’s a well groomed course and the ground is on the harder side then putting for sure. Unless it is a huge green with a back pin then I may opt to bump and run. I have been pulling my 50 degree a lot lately for those types of shots vs a higher degree wedge. 
    But usually if the conditions are like you are describing a short shot will end up running over that type of terrain and end up on the green anyway. 
  15. Like
    ccostel18 reacted to cksurfdude in Not Chasing Scratch...Just Chasing a Semi Decent Reliable Game...How Do I Get There   
    Observing myself and seeing ShotScope and Lou Stagner data, that's correct.
    Unless the green is so severely sloped it'll be a crazy downhill putt .. or the area fronting the green is so flat and tight it's like the green .. then for your next shot ... would you rather putt on the green to the pin, or would you rather chip or pitch or bump & run towards it..?
    From my hi hcp perspective I absolutely agree! I typically aim center, or call it "fat part", of the green - unless I'm pretty close in and there's a lot of slope or tiers to contend with. Been working on the lag putting a LOT!!
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    ccostel18 got a reaction from cksurfdude in Not Chasing Scratch...Just Chasing a Semi Decent Reliable Game...How Do I Get There   
    His book has become my bible. Playing buddy of mine gave it to me all highlighted and footnoted. Felt like I was back in school. 
  17. Like
    ccostel18 got a reaction from cksurfdude in Not Chasing Scratch...Just Chasing a Semi Decent Reliable Game...How Do I Get There   
    First off, let me know what course these mystical middle pin placements are at and I will be beating down the clubhouse door for membership 😂. 
    For me personally in this scenario:
    Front pin 0%. As with most amateurs I tend to come up short on a lot of shots. I am playing past any front pin. 
    Middle pin I am attacking as most times I am going to come up a bit short so no real worries of hamstringing myself by ending up above the hole on front sloping greens.
    Back pin depends on danger like you mentioned. But for the most part I am aiming short. 
    All this being said I am confident in my ability to 2 putt from anywhere on the surface more so than my abilities to play a short sided shot or play out of the sand (bunkers around these parts suuuuck!)  So I concentrate on just getting my approach shots ON the surface more than WHERE on the surface if that makes sense??
  18. Like
    ccostel18 got a reaction from Vegan_Golfer_PNW in Not Chasing Scratch...Just Chasing a Semi Decent Reliable Game...How Do I Get There   
    His book has become my bible. Playing buddy of mine gave it to me all highlighted and footnoted. Felt like I was back in school. 
  19. Like
    ccostel18 got a reaction from cnosil in Not Chasing Scratch...Just Chasing a Semi Decent Reliable Game...How Do I Get There   
    His book has become my bible. Playing buddy of mine gave it to me all highlighted and footnoted. Felt like I was back in school. 
  20. Like
    ccostel18 got a reaction from BobBC78 in Not Chasing Scratch...Just Chasing a Semi Decent Reliable Game...How Do I Get There   
    His book has become my bible. Playing buddy of mine gave it to me all highlighted and footnoted. Felt like I was back in school. 
  21. Like
    ccostel18 reacted to Vegan_Golfer_PNW in Not Chasing Scratch...Just Chasing a Semi Decent Reliable Game...How Do I Get There   
    I use Jon Sherman’s strategy of aiming for the back middle of the green. Us high handicappers struggle just hitting the green. If it’s a front pin, I’ll aim middle center. And if I am within 50 yards I’ll be a little more strategic 
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    ccostel18 reacted to Golfspy_CG2 in Not Chasing Scratch...Just Chasing a Semi Decent Reliable Game...How Do I Get There   
    Yeah. Good point trouble will dictate the approach—pun intended—that you might take.  For this scenario I was thinking just a nice inviting green no trouble in sight 😬
    Funny during our scramble start this week I was riding out to our starting hole with the Superintendent and we passed a hole where the flag was right smack in the center of the green.   I said to him.   That’s about as middle as middle can be.   Did you screw up on that one or something.   He laughed and said we have to throw you a bone now and then 😬
    Yeah great point that would make a difference.   I would say my % for going at then would be higher with a P of 9 and obviously not as high with a 5 or 6—I’m just hoping to hit the green anywhere with those.    
  23. Like
    ccostel18 got a reaction from Golfspy_CG2 in Not Chasing Scratch...Just Chasing a Semi Decent Reliable Game...How Do I Get There   
    First off, let me know what course these mystical middle pin placements are at and I will be beating down the clubhouse door for membership 😂. 
    For me personally in this scenario:
    Front pin 0%. As with most amateurs I tend to come up short on a lot of shots. I am playing past any front pin. 
    Middle pin I am attacking as most times I am going to come up a bit short so no real worries of hamstringing myself by ending up above the hole on front sloping greens.
    Back pin depends on danger like you mentioned. But for the most part I am aiming short. 
    All this being said I am confident in my ability to 2 putt from anywhere on the surface more so than my abilities to play a short sided shot or play out of the sand (bunkers around these parts suuuuck!)  So I concentrate on just getting my approach shots ON the surface more than WHERE on the surface if that makes sense??
  24. Like
    ccostel18 reacted to GolfSpy_BEN in Not Chasing Scratch...Just Chasing a Semi Decent Reliable Game...How Do I Get There   
    When my handicap was bit higher than it is now and just starting to get serious, I got paired up randomly with another single one afternoon. He was scratch or pretty darn close. After the first couple holes, I noticed that when I was shooting the pin, he never asked for the yardage, but he hit every green. So I casually asked him what the secret was. I'm paraphrasing, but his response was along the lines of " I never get myself in trouble aiming for the center of the green, I know that I can lag it close to the hole more often than not, so I aim for the center." I know this standard stuff and he wasn't the first one I had heard that from, but in the moment, it felt like a revelation. So I adopted his approach and made myself a decent lag putter. Over time, in part that approach has allowed me to get down to single digits. So, it's simple, but it works.
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    ccostel18 reacted to Shapotomous in Not Chasing Scratch...Just Chasing a Semi Decent Reliable Game...How Do I Get There   
    What club into the green?  Wirh wedges i am aiming directly at the pin and trying to err 3 - 5 yards on the "safe" side - which is short, long, left or right of the pin depending on green slope or hazards.  9 & 8 irons are up to 5 - 8 yards to the safe side.  7 & 6 irons up to 10 yards to the safe side, hybrids and fairway woods are center of the green only.
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