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Everything posted by MattF

  1. If they've put on the conventional way and you don't want them, just cut them off. If you want to keep them you might want to get this: https://www.golfworks.com/the-golfworks-v-groove-grip-remover/p/vggrv/ Also, what tip at you using with the gun? The Pure one?
  2. BOOOM! 3.5lbs lost this week! Down to 203.4 as of 5 minutes ago.
  3. Good luck on the new job Stud!
  4. After a 12 hour day, 9 hour round trip driving to Indianapolis and back I have my Aussie passport coming in 3 weeks.
  5. I dunno, if there's any wooly woofs around you might be in trouble!
  6. Everyone will wonder why you're winking...
  7. I have to get my Australian Passport, which means travelling to the embassy in DC or the consulate in Chicago. The much more attractive alternative is to go to the consulates outreach in a closer city, which is Indianapolis. So I have an appointment in Indy for Friday at midday. (The next one for Indy is in April 2019.) I have my application filled out, had my photo's taken and done to the Australian specs (because they are not like the US specs) but am now waiting for the USPS to deliver the damn things. Check this out, its arrived and departed Pittsburg FOR THE LAST 3 DAYS and it's being sent 3 day priority. If they don't arrive by tomorrow I'll have to cancel my appointment and either drive and overnight for 6 hours or wait until next year. Is it any wonder people don't send letters anymore?
  8. I really don't want to say but I pooped out a 105, yep, 105. I had flashes of brilliance and some really good ball striking but having 8, yes count em, 8, penalties puts the wood to you. Highlights include a 254 yard bomb off the tee on #10 and a 222 yard 5 wood on 17 to be just off the green on the left. Lowlights include 4, yes 4, 50° wedges shots to get to a green because for some reason (I know which) the ball fell in love with the toe of the club.
  9. After yesterdays marathon of just over 25,000 steps and a round of golf there had better be some good news at the end of the week. My Fitness Pal said that if every day was like yesterday I'd weigh 170 lbs in 5 weeks.
  10. MaxEntropy (Blake) and I played at Raccoon Hills this morning...I played like arse but had a good time. It was great meeting another spy. This is us on the 10th after a not so good tee shot from Blake... mine on the other hand was straight down the pipe for my only birdie. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk
  11. Lost one of our guys at Lowes tonight about 1 hour into our unload because he was being a douche. Manager sent him home and it sounds like he won't be coming back...so that leaves us with 3.
  12. Another week, another pound.
  13. I'm not playing alone tormorrow. MaxEntropy and I will be banging balls around together at Raccoon Hills.
  14. Congratulations! I just looked at the course...it's cheap but a good looking layout.
  15. Just finished the first of a few Dr Smurtos Ales after cutting the grass.
  16. Maybe none as one of the sheilas in the office here's husband used to be a tree guy. As she's my 2nd work wife, she's going to try and get him to do the deed later this year for me.
  17. Nah, I like everything portable, plus a couple of things I made myself so I want to take them with me. Thanks fellas! Unfortunately, that wasn't the entire tree, just about half of it. But the half that remains, when it falls, won't damage anything. As a bonus, there's another one the same size on the other side of the patio that will cream a lot of stuff if it all goes at once, but I'm trying to do preventative pruning to avoid that until I can actually get time/money to get rid of the damn things. Whoever plants these trees needs a swift kick on the goolies.
  18. Update: Cleaned up although the back of the house needs a wash from where the tree hit it but no damage there. It took the flyscreen off its track so that was an easy fix. You'll see I lost my Weber kettle...time for an upgrade! We also lost a patio chair. And the pile is where the pool is meant to go. Bryce, the young bloke across the road is going to earn a quick quid and get rid of the pile for me on Friday.
  19. This happened about 4.30 this morning. We can't get out the back door, so I have to take the day off and clear it all. It's a Bradford pear tree and the bane of my existence. We have another one on the other side of the patio and I'll be dealing with it at some stage too. It doesn't look like it damaged anything but I can't tell for sure until I start cutting.
  20. Don't beat yourself up Foz, it'll happen.
  21. Here's another final thought from me (I'll probably have a few "final thoughts"). This is about a lifestyle change, not just a diet. If you just diet and lose weight, get to where you want to be and start doing what you were doing before, the "experts" say and I have done it myself, you'll gain what you lost plus back. You have to change your mindset about food. If you want a piece of pizza, have one, just don't have the whole pizza. If you want a beer have one or two fine, just not a 12 pack. Also remember that having that extra beer or piece of pizza is going to cost you extra work. Don't miss out on things because you're changing your lifestyle, reward yourself with that beer or piece of pizza or burger or whatever, just work a bit harder the next day. We're all on the right track because we're contributing to this thread and we all can see that whatever it is that we're doing individually is working because we're sharing our success here. I'm out.
  22. Happy birthday for yesterday Kenny!
  23. Figured out yesterday that I'm going to have to put a sub box in the garage, which means chasing 100 or so feet of 10/2 wire across the house.
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