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Posts posted by KJG67

  1. Another great Lefty series. I know he's on a lot of $hit lists right now, but he knows his stuff. Watch the first two "The Short Game" videos, and I'll bet your chipping improves immensely. He starts the pitch/chip portion about half-way through the first video.

    I didn't read through all the posts, but stay away from a 60 if you have one, until you get the fundamentals down with a 50-54 first. 


  2. I was really surprised by the Maxfli Tour X 2019,  which you can get at Dick’s for $50 for 2 dozen. I felt distance and spin around the green was reasonably comparable to the ProV1. I thought the Maxfli Tour’s were too soft for me. Although you can get the Tour’s in yellow or green I believe. Haven’t tried the new models. 

    Otherwise, Snell or LostGolfBalls is the way to go. 

  3. Deadline report. Only lost 6, down to 204, so short of my goal. That being said, work has been brutal so gym has been out and it's all been diet.


    Not disappointed though. Multiple people have asked if I lost weight and thought it was more than I did. Clothes are looser too. To be continued.


    Reading through the comments - great job to all for anything you've done to improve your health and golf game! Keep going!!!

  4. As has been mentioned, I wouldn't get too discouraged if you're not losing weight while you're working out with weights. I'd take 200 lbs in lean muscle over 200 lbs with fat.


    Anyways, Golf Digest just posted this today. $10 for golf specific total body workouts. Might be a worthwhile investment if you're not sure what to do. Haven't purchased it, but looks pretty straight forward. Nice to have a pre-done workout rather than having to search and piece-meal something together.



  5. MGS steered me to an MLA putter I never would have otherwise known about. Also trials for Snell and Oncore balls.


    It's also made me look at Arccos 360 (I'm a data geek) and also helps create short lists for clubs to try.


    I agree with another person here - I don't think it's in anyone's best interest to buy a club just because it's top rated. Get fitted for an iron shaft first, or find the driver/wood shaft that works best for your swing/game with each club you're trying.


    And what drives me nuts is people that say they won't buy a club because of its looks or paint. Seriously??? Your game is so good that you'd pass on a club that might drop multiple strokes for you before you even try it because of how it looks?

  6. Weighed right in at 210 this morning, 5'9” and 42.5” waist Goal is to get down to at least 195.


    Hit the gym this already this morning and plan to focus mostly on core for the first few weeks (abs, back, abductors and adductors) along with cardio. Didn't realize how much that had gone to hell. Went back to see my instructor last week at the indoor dome (this -8 F crap in Chicago...), and first thing he mentioned was my balance and weight shift was off - part of what's causing my driver problem I had this Fall.


    Hope this link works as motivation for those that need it!



  7. Everybody should join a gym if they can afford it. If not in the budget find a way to exercise your body. You'll feel better and stronger so get off them arses and get to it!

    This is all great everyone!!


    For those that can't get to a gym or afford to join, there are plenty of home exercises to do that require no equipment other than maybe TheraBands for simple resistance training of the hips and glutes. I'm not a fitness pro either, but any basic exercise is better than nothing - even a brisk walk around the block! It ould be great if there are any true fitness certified people here to provide some suggestions or guidance.


    Anyone ever have a TPI evaluation done or work their program? Curious to the cost and complexity of the program.

  8. I'm in too. At around 210 and would like to start by getting to 195.


    I haven't seen anyone mention getting to a gym or some form of exercise. Dieting is only one portion of weight loss. Fortunately for my lazy ass, there's a gym down the street.


    I'll also second another comment. Drop or significantly reduce the booze and non-diet pop.


    Looking forward to this! How about a sponsor for biggest loser prize? Golf in Hawaii?

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