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Everything posted by DiscipleofPenick

  1. GHIN is $40 at most Take Dead Aim
  2. Hey saw you tag me in a few things. What's the etiquette here? Do I tag people, or once I'm tagged I'm entered and don't worry about it? Take Dead Aim
  3. Peter Millar is probably the best shirt brand in my closet, but really expensive so I don't buy then often. Footjoy and UA are probably favs that are more common. I like Puma but they seem to be hard to find around me. Adidas, Callaway, and Izod/Haggar for those on a budget. Take Dead Aim
  4. You seem to be a man who knows how to get things. I'm just getting on the insta bandwagon, like literally this week What are some good follows for contests and giveaways? I'm on there as dr.golfman Take Dead Aim
  5. I've had the same 58 & 54 in my bag for about a decade. Not the club itself, but the same make, model, etc. Pry these Vokeys from my cold dead hands. Take Dead Aim
  6. How good does he hit the ball already? It's there an obvious swing flaw? I ask because I had a few lessons when I was 16 and it just p****d me off. The pro treated me like a total beginner and true to implement swing changes without even seeing me hit a ball. I would say grip and stance first. Focus on shirt game as if he's a kid like me he probably just wants to swing from the heels on every shot and pays no attention to chips and putts. Try to avoid mechanical thoughts unless he's inquisitive. Take Dead Aim
  7. I played baseball into high school and then softball till I got married. I was never good enough to make the varsity so I don't know how much I gave up. Softball was fun but it was that age a lot of guys were getting married so teams were falling apart. There was one summer I went back at and I felt like I lost a few steps. Now I've been playing D&D more over quarantine so I'm gonna have to pull that back so I can commit to lots of golf over the summer. I won't hit my goals with divided attention. Take Dead Aim
  8. [emoji38] I DEVOUR a ton of golf content this time of year. Mostly it's eating out of boredom waiting for the season to start. Take Dead Aim
  9. @fozcycle love the classic look of the Hogan cap and the color. Take Dead Aim
  10. Look good, feel good, play good. I think it's that simple. Be comfortable and confident on the course. My home course doesn't have a dress code, heck I've seen guys out there in hunting boots, jeans, and flannel. It's odd but it doesn't bother me any. I'm not worried that they're ruining the game. They're not in my group so as long as they're respectful of the course it's fine. I like to dress like a pro. Polo tucked in and pants, until it's too hot then shorts. Maybe I'm not one yet, but at least I can look the part. Once we get into the season I don't mind posting pictures in my flashy-ier outfits. Take Dead Aim
  11. Bring that back north with you!!! Take Dead Aim
  12. Nope. Always same. Used Tour Velvet midsize until I switched to the MCC+4 midsize. Take Dead Aim
  13. I don't know how people can be comfortable in jeans anyways. But a lot of public courses near me have dropped all dress code stipulations. They aren't worried about looks, just cash. Take Dead Aim
  14. But where will I find a good pair of wool hose?????[emoji23] Take Dead Aim
  15. I'm 36 and trying to accomplish the same things. Let's get after it this year!!!! Take Dead Aim
  16. I agree with you on the research@revkev but for me it needs to be definitive. For example I was eating through the Shot Scope books the other day and found contradictory data, or at least thier conclusions. In their driver section the data suggested hitting driver all the time no matter what. But in their approach shot section they state that it is paramount importance to be in the fairway as that is the best way to get it close to the flag. Wellllll which is it? Rip driver to have a shorter approach or make sure one is in the fairway to give the best chance to knock it close? There is no real conclusion here and one has to decide what approach is best based on their own skills and confidence. Take Dead Aim
  17. I used to do this a lot. No prep before playing go out and have a rough few holes 1-4 and kind of check out. Then reset on the back 9 and go on a tear. Now it can only happen at my home course where the back 9 is far tougher than the front. I posted a lot of 36-42 type scores over the last few years. Take Dead Aim
  18. The few lessons I took this is something the pro helped me understand. The where you miss can be just as important for score as why you miss the green. Take Dead Aim
  19. Main goals: -Get handicap to all time low, 5.4 currently best ever was 2.7 in 2018 -Better golf shape. Keep losing weight. Got up to 270 when baby came, down to 235-240 now. Goal is 200. Get back to yoga for flexibility. -Focus. I can feel rushed out there. Everything needs to slow down. Playing without fear, stay within myself and 100% on every shot. -Place in a tournament Big goals: -Scratch or better handicap -Win a tournament Take Dead Aim
  20. No, no, yes I rock the white belt! Most of my pants are Izod and Haggar Cool 18, much more affordable than the other golf brands and very durable. I am fine wearing pants until it gets above 80 then it's shorts. Take Dead Aim
  21. I have a couple shorts with a plaid pattern, but all my pants are solid. But I'll wear just about any color combo Take Dead Aim
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