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TR1PTIK last won the day on September 30 2020

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  • Birthday 04/13/1987

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  • Interests
    Golf, Computers & Technology, Photography & Videography, Cars, BMX & MTB.

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  • Swing Speed
    101-110 mph
  • Handicap
  • Frequency of Play/Practice
    Multiple times per week
  • Player Type
  • Biggest Strength
    Driver/Off the Tee
  • Biggest Weakness
  • Fitted for Clubs

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  1. Sorry I’ve been MIA and haven’t replied to your question, but it’s basically like others have said. You can use your foot or a wall to keep the club from moving around while you slide the grip on and once you have it on you can do short bursts to get alignment dialed. When I started regripping my own clubs, I used the traditional method with a vice, then switched to air with pure grips, then air with other grips, then learned to grip without the vice while working at a golf course (pro showed me). I got rid of nearly all my regripping stuff when I moved to TX and that’s when I started using the tire inflator.
  2. Date 05/29/2023 Course Name The Golf Club at Fossil Creek Gross Score 93 Course Handicap 12 Gross Strokes over/under par 21 Net Score to Par 9 Net Score 81 Net Birdies or better 6 Longest Drive 344 What a wild ride this round was... Started off really great with big drives on 1 & 2 and a front nine of 39. Holes 10 & 11 were ok but not great despite a massive drive of 344 on #11! Then came all the nonsense.... Quad on 12, doubles on 13 & 15, and sextuplet (yes a +6) on 17! OUCH!!! Then I finished 18 with a topped 3-iron, solid 7-iron, piped driver off the deck (good for 270 yards), a pitch, and two putts to finish with a bogey. All said and done, I went 39/54/93.
  3. I recently saw an Instagram post (from the USGA) concerning this that you should store in your memory banks somewhere. Once a putt is conceded, it cannot be taken back. It's in the rules of golf (Rule 23.3-c1 if I looked it up correctly). So, if your buddy concedes a putt, you can still putt the ball if you choose. Granted, the rule is meant for match play but given how loose most groups are with the rules anyway I don't see much difference here. Now, if the problem is your playing partner just hits the ball back to you, you still have the right to return the ball to its spot and stroke a putt if it's that important to you or, simply tell them not to touch your ball. I've never had an issue with anyone when I've told them I'd like to putt out.
  4. So I've got all of 2 rounds recorded since firing up this thread and they were two of the worst feeling rounds at 85 & 84 which to me is saying something - that I can feel SO bad about two scores in the mid-80's when I was struggling with break-90 scores at this point last season. Those two rounds were rife with missed opportunities and poor shots so I'm thinking my round later this morning will be a great opportunity to try and right some of those wrongs. The stats: 32% Fairways (only 1 fairway on the first round which is the worst I've put up all season) 32% DOA - These are tee shots that gave me chance for a GIR. I either put the ball in a bad spot I had to recover from or I racked up penalties. 39% GIR (again, hurt by my performance in the first round) 6 3-putts I could argue that my previous round playing with my 5-yr old son and trying to race him to get in the hole caused some of this, but most were 100% me so no excuses really. I've got to get the first putt closer to the hole. 1.83 Putting Average. Given the number of 3-putts, this is actually pretty good. It means I'm making a lot of 1-putts and have a good ceiling (so-to-speak). The actual breakdown is 12 1-putts (33%), 18 2-putts (50%), and 6 3-putts (17%). Observations: Tee Shots: Struggling to get to my left side on full shots - especially off the tee which has led to a lot of right misses. This is where the bulk of my DOA results have come from so getting this fixed ASAP is vital. Approaches: A lot of right misses into greens as well so likely looking at getting to my left side. I should also consider adjusting targets for both tee shots and approaches. The good news is that I'm not coming up short very often. Putting: I think a lot of this boils down to intentionality and pressure. I started the first round with 4 1-putts and missed a birdie try from about 3ft on the 5th hole - in part because I put so much pressure on myself to make it and tried to steer the putter. This type of thinking seems to be the primary reason for all my 3-putts; I'm placing so much importance on trying to do or not do something that I basically will the ball out of the hole. I think the key here is to just pick good targets and react to those in a more natural, athletic manner than to place too much emphasis on score. Something else I've been thinking about quite a bit... I watched the NLU Playing Lessons w/ Justin Hueber series and there was something Justin said to Soly about practice swings that I really need to take to heart. I don't (very often) make practice swings and when I do I am not intentional with them. I don't really try to rehearse the shot I'm about to hit as much as I just swing the club to keep my body loose. I think this needs to change. I think I need to always take at least one practice swing AND try to be intentional with it. All that said, these are my goals for today: Get to the left side. Adjust targets. Focus on and react to targets, not score. Make intentional practice swings. That's it. Four things to keep in mind during today's round and let the rest fall into place. I'll report back later to let you know how it went!
  5. Don't think there's much to add here. I agree with the rest, there are indeed bad students, and yes as well to the existence of bad teachers.
  6. Guess you all must be terrible putters
  7. Hard to beat a kick-in eagle!!! 8-iron from ~150 yards after a big drive!
  8. First round today was quite impressive actually. I used Arccos off and on for several years before and this is the best result I've ever seen in terms of how many shots it detected and how accurately they were placed. I even used the 1st gen Link device and didn't get these kinds of results. I won't say it's a slam dunk, but it certainly is promising.
  9. Date 05/23/2023 Course Name Mansfield National Golf Club Gross Score 84 Course Handicap 10 Gross Strokes over/under par 12 Net Score to Par 2 Net Score 74 Net Birdies or better 3 Longest Drive 293 Started on the back nine today and it was rough out of the gate with phone calls coming in right as I'm heading to the first hole and then again while heading to the second hole of the day. Normally, I wouldn't answer the phone but one was concerning my LASIK procedure on Thursday and the next call was from my new boss who I will be reporting to starting next Tuesday. I managed to right the ship though and fired a 39 on the front nine! 1 gross eagle and 1 gross birdie on the day as well!!! Actually stuck the approach for the eagle after a big drive and a solid 8-iron to a front pin!
  10. Looks like I'll be giving Arccos another go since I was able to get the sensors for free with a 45-day trial. I left my Shot Scope H4 at the golf course last week and figured why not. I was able to get a replacement H4 at a discount though so Arccos is really going to have to impress me this time around if they want me to pony up an annual fee. I understand why they do it, but I still think their pricing is out of whack. I'll be using it with my Apple Watch SE2 and can share my thoughts on that experience for anyone interested.
  11. I can't speak to the courses in your area, but having worked at a golf course before I can tell you that there are sometimes groups (longtime members or patrons) who have standing tee times every week so you may be running into some of that. The other possibility is that membership at any of these courses includes advanced tee times - this is something relatively new to me since moving to DFW in 2019 but I see a lot of courses in my area offering this as a "perk" for becoming a member. One parting thought (based on my experience in DFW) is that munis tend to fill up quicker than other public rate courses. Hard to say why that is, but if you've got other courses you can drive to (even if they aren't as close) then perhaps that would be worth considering. I've never had a huge problem finding a tee time I want so long as I'm willing to go where everyone else is not and it's provided me the chance to play some really nice courses.
  12. This isn't what the OP is talking about. He's asking about whether or not people are using bots to book tee times for them.
  13. I definitely don't follow Shiels like I used to because of the changes he made in the type of content he posts. There are SO many good coaches out there with lots of great information to help golfers improve. The hard part is figuring out #1 what you NEED, and #2 which instructor's communication methods best fit your learning style.
  14. IMO you have to know what is going on in YOUR swing and be able to identify what you can apply from YouTube; leaving out all the rest as @MacTourney mentioned previously. Not all golfers are knowledgeable enough (or let's face it, honest enough) to properly determine what actually needs to be worked on in their swing. That said, I have found success at various points from the likes of Mark Crossfield, Rick Shiels, Me And My Golf, Chris Ryan, and a few others. It just depends on what I'm working on at the moment. As someone who used to have a lot of arm bend, got across "the line" at the top of my swing, and had an outside-in path, there is an old Mark Crossfield video (I believe on his AskGolfGuru channel) that completely changed my swing and got me moving from in-to-out. That said, I've also done several lessons with a local pro which provided a significant amount of benefit and quick results. The struggle with in-person lessons is that you can't replay the lesson over and over to help you when you're on your own which is why I highly recommend recording your lessons on video.
  15. Date 05/20/2023 Course Name Southern Oaks Golf & Tennis Club Gross Score 85 Course Handicap 10 Gross Strokes over/under par 13 Net Score to Par 3 Net Score 75 Net Birdies or better 3 Longest Drive 0 Not my best day for ball striking and I lost the putter a bit after the front nine. Just a "meh" kind of round at the end of the day, but I did get one gross birdie on #15 after draining a 20-footer - which is a bit sad considering I missed a 3-footer earlier in the round lol.
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