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    shootmyage reacted to fixyurdivot in Liv Golf Central Thread: Events and News   
    Yea, Norman's making him earn his money... but Bubba best not quit the day job 😆. 
    Since I had to hang around for a repairman today, I watched the LIV event on and off.  It looks like plenty of Boston folks came out to see what this is all about.  Being the last holiday of the summer, it will be interesting to see what attendance looks like on Sat & Sun.  The course is really gorgeous looking.  It reminds me a little of some Puget Sound area courses.
    Have I mentioned how absolutely great the free streaming is?  This alone would keep me watching these events... are you listening Greg?  I'm not sure what it is about this broadcast crew, but it just seems to flow really well and, just watching golf  100%, with no interruptions, is fantastic. 
    It was funny hearing Cam Smith on the "live mic", after crashing and bending his 62 wedge around a tree, ask DJ whether he knew if the Titleist guys would be available.  DJ responds "did you bend it?", to which Can responds "yea, it's eff'd up" 🤣.  Seriously Cam, I'm pretty sure the local Titleist guys were headed out the door the minute you handed the wedge back to Sam.
    Big kudos to Shergo Al Kurdi who got notified about an hour prior to start to substitute for Stenson who was having vertigo and a stiff neck.  He played with Cam and DJ, and the 18 year old (not a misprint) had a solid round.  
    HV3 looked really pensive and out of sorts through the first handful of holes... maybe having buyers remorse? 🙂  But he got into the flow and was back to his joking, laughing self at the finish. 
    For me, this is simply becoming another entertaining pro golf venue.  The format is just fine.  Who says events have to be 72 holes?  Why not shotgun starts?  I'm even okay with the no cut format (we already have them on the PGA). I could do without the background music, but many of the players say they actually like it... so, why not?
  2. Like
    shootmyage got a reaction from Bang60 in Liv Golf Central Thread: Events and News   
    i love what varner 3's wife said about those bad mouthing her husband 
    more liv wifes should speak out 
    good grief it's not a nuke war , it's just a game .
    as most of the members on this forum may know by now i like the liv tour as much as the pga tour, as liv had done so much to help the pga players than anything .
    i would like to see on liv is a korea team .
    one thing i don;t think i have not seen a active member of the lpga say something bad about liv , i guess they are waiting for the saudie's to throw a billion at them .
  3. Like
    shootmyage reacted to gavinski91 in Liv Golf Central Thread: Events and News   
    Love having Bubba follow HV3 around and provide commentary - a nice addition to the broadcast.
  4. Like
    shootmyage got a reaction from MGoBlue100 in Liv Golf Central Thread: Events and News   
    i love what varner 3's wife said about those bad mouthing her husband 
    more liv wifes should speak out 
    good grief it's not a nuke war , it's just a game .
    as most of the members on this forum may know by now i like the liv tour as much as the pga tour, as liv had done so much to help the pga players than anything .
    i would like to see on liv is a korea team .
    one thing i don;t think i have not seen a active member of the lpga say something bad about liv , i guess they are waiting for the saudie's to throw a billion at them .
  5. Haha
    shootmyage got a reaction from Middler in Liv Golf Central Thread: Events and News   
    to me there are 2 major golf tournaments , one is the us open ( usga ) the other is the pga championship .if the liv golfers are any good at all they could try and qualify for both ,  the open and augusta are another story as they are arms of the tour 
    the pga tour and points mean nothing about getting in , if you are very good you can get in ..
  6. Haha
    shootmyage got a reaction from RickyBobby_PR in Liv Golf Central Thread: Events and News   
    to me there are 2 major golf tournaments , one is the us open ( usga ) the other is the pga championship .if the liv golfers are any good at all they could try and qualify for both ,  the open and augusta are another story as they are arms of the tour 
    the pga tour and points mean nothing about getting in , if you are very good you can get in ..
  7. Like
    shootmyage got a reaction from MGoBlue100 in Liv Golf Central Thread: Events and News   
    i don't think phil has to be forgiven for anything  , the pga big shots did not like what he said but all the players should be thanking him , someday they will understand , like i said before in 20-30 years the only players that will be remembered will be--- bj-bh-ss- ap-jn-gp-lt-tw-pm , the rest will be --who ?
  8. Like
    shootmyage got a reaction from MGoBlue100 in Liv Golf Central Thread: Events and News   
    i agree with all above , chamblee wants to kick phil and norman out of the world golf hall of fame , it was that kind neg talk   that  put gas on the fire , people are now finding out that mickelson was much more correct than he was wrong . 
  9. Haha
    shootmyage got a reaction from RickyBobby_PR in Liv Golf Central Thread: Events and News   
    pga has 32 tpc  golf courses ( billions $$ ) in US , norman designed 2 in texas , anyone hear any bulldozers ripping them up  
  10. Haha
    shootmyage got a reaction from RickyBobby_PR in Liv Golf Central Thread: Events and News   
    i don't think phil has to be forgiven for anything  , the pga big shots did not like what he said but all the players should be thanking him , someday they will understand , like i said before in 20-30 years the only players that will be remembered will be--- bj-bh-ss- ap-jn-gp-lt-tw-pm , the rest will be --who ?
  11. Like
    shootmyage got a reaction from PeterHenric in Liv Golf Central Thread: Events and News   
    i agree with all above , chamblee wants to kick phil and norman out of the world golf hall of fame , it was that kind neg talk   that  put gas on the fire , people are now finding out that mickelson was much more correct than he was wrong . 
  12. Like
    shootmyage got a reaction from tony@CIC in Liv Golf Central Thread: Events and News   
    i did like the $5000 jay said (he must be reading my posts on this forum) they are giving to the have nots to help with their expenses , i still don't know how someone breaks into the top 20 and when ( 1 to 2 years ).and how they will kick someone out of the top 20 , if a player out of the top 20 shots 20-25 under par and and wins 4-5 tournaments in say 3 months , can he get into the top 20 .
    for the tour to do all the things jm wants i would think the big loser will be the charities as they will get much less . w/o a lot of the top 20 not playing the phoenix open  the number of fans going for the 5 days will drop from 700,000 to around 400,000 to  500000 , also to watch the top 20 on tv i would think it will be a pay for view which will cut out a lot of people like me living on ss from watching , but that's part of life now days where everything is about the money .
    i know this is very long but does anyone know who is on the top 20 , i keep hearing r. fowler's name . 
    it's going to be a very interesting next couple of weeks ..
  13. Like
    shootmyage reacted to TBS in Liv Golf Central Thread: Events and News   
    This is where I wish Monahan would have been upfront and said "we are taking the players suggestions and implementing these changes... there is a lot to be worked out and we don't have everything worked out yet... top players will play more together for more money for a great viewership product... other players will have the ability to play their way to top while being supported by the tour". Instead he kind of fumbled his way through this. 
    I think he is probably a really good behind the scenes guy but not so good in front of the camera.
    Also - I like that Rahm said what he said. This is what we want to hear, more player opinion. He's not saying the PGA tour is bad, he is bringing up points to help get them to a better member organization.
  14. Like
    shootmyage got a reaction from Hobert in Liv Golf Central Thread: Events and News   
    i really thought adam scott would go with c. smith  , they would have a team that could not be beaten . 
  15. Like
    shootmyage got a reaction from Bang60 in Liv Golf Central Thread: Events and News   
    i read a interesting tweet yesterday , he said the pga top 20 is now the pga tour and the others  the KBT tour .
    i wonder what members of this forum would do if they were one of the others and had no idea when (if ever) he would make the top 20 and liv offered him 10-20 mil  to play 5yrs on liv , what would he do .
    a good example iis wz with a bad back , look at tiger having at least 4 different so called coaches changing his swing so many times his back could not take it . '
    if wz was offered anything over 15 million he should take it and enjoy life, play 3 rounds 2x a month and make money on top of the 15mil, his back may be able to handle that .
  16. Like
    shootmyage got a reaction from GaDawg in Liv Golf Central Thread: Events and News   
    exc link , also the comments were very good .
  17. Like
    shootmyage reacted to MGoBlue100 in Liv Golf Central Thread: Events and News   
    Well, that “schmoe” Schwartzel has one thing most of them (including Rory) wish they had: a green jacket. He’s been on four Prez cup teams and was top ten in the World. Pretty good resume IMO. 
  18. Like
    shootmyage reacted to GaDawg in Liv Golf Central Thread: Events and News   
    Interesting comments by Jordan.
  19. Like
    shootmyage got a reaction from GaDawg in Liv Golf Central Thread: Events and News   
    i read a interesting tweet yesterday , he said the pga top 20 is now the pga tour and the others  the KBT tour .
    i wonder what members of this forum would do if they were one of the others and had no idea when (if ever) he would make the top 20 and liv offered him 10-20 mil  to play 5yrs on liv , what would he do .
    a good example iis wz with a bad back , look at tiger having at least 4 different so called coaches changing his swing so many times his back could not take it . '
    if wz was offered anything over 15 million he should take it and enjoy life, play 3 rounds 2x a month and make money on top of the 15mil, his back may be able to handle that .
  20. Like
    shootmyage reacted to cnosil in Liv Golf Central Thread: Events and News   
    You assume, like the PGA tour and the players that support the tour, that it will lessen the players on the fence.  We don’t know who is on the fence and what will make them go one way or the other.   I personally see this as another employer making unsolicited job offers to people:  You can accept the offer, you can reject the offer, and/or you can go to your current employer and ask for them to provide more.

    just like in this thread people will judge all the parties and say one or both the employers are bad, the person leaving is bad, they are greedy, etc.  Companies go out of business regularly because they have lost great employees.  The PGA tour is responding by doing what they think will enable their company to survive.  As you said, LIV has a bottomless pit of money so the questions is whether the PGA tour will be able to compete with that.  My thought is no because they don’t have the resources and regulations for non profits will hinder them.  I believe they will have to find other means, besides money, to keep players and in my opinion, focusing on the top players is a short term fix that won’t survive in the long term.  
  21. Like
    shootmyage reacted to cnosil in Liv Golf Central Thread: Events and News   
    For some the source of the money is an issue and for others it isn't.  If we look at anything in society people make choices and those choices are a big deal to some.   We choose employers, we choose friends, we chose doctors, we chose who we buy things from, we chose manufacturers for products, we make choices on everything.   The US is in turmoil because of peoples choices and people not accepting the choices that some make.  If you don't like LIV, what it stands for, where the money comes from, or for some other reason then don't watch it.  Maybe something will occur and they will shut down or maybe they won't.   The PGA tour will do what any company does when they are losing employees, figure out why and try to make working for them more attractive.  
    If Coca-Cola had given $2B to start the league the Pepsi lovers may not be happy. 🤣 How about if it had been a gun manufacturer or planned parenthood?
  22. Like
    shootmyage reacted to THEZIPR23 in Liv Golf Central Thread: Events and News   
    If these changes were done prior to LIV starting very few if any of the players would be with LIV. And LIV would not exist without them. 
  23. Like
    shootmyage reacted to LICC in Liv Golf Central Thread: Events and News   
    He said increased revenue this year, strong reserves, and increased future projected revenue from corporate partners. He didn't say one was more attributable than another. There is nothing untoward in any of that.
  24. Like
    shootmyage reacted to PeterHenric in Liv Golf Central Thread: Events and News   
    Did you watch the press conference? One of the reporters asked Monaghan where they got the money for all of these increased purses and funding. His response was 3 things but I'll only cite the first one as it is most applicable and it was the #1 reason. He said they have money in the bank because they were frugal with their spending. You have got to think that the amounts they have in the bank are substantially larger than what they just promised because they said this is the plan going forward. I don't know what the total dollar amount everything adds up to be but it has to be substantial and for them to promise all of this money for the foreseeable future, it has to be a lot of money sitting in the bank. They did say that sponsors will step up but the majority of the money was from the PGA bank account.
    IMO, Phil's comments were actually pretty accurate.  
  25. Like
    shootmyage reacted to GaDawg in Liv Golf Central Thread: Events and News   
    Nice Article.
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