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    buckpillar got a reaction from cksurfdude in The Good Morning Thread   
    I got my DVR set to record the shows every time they are on the golf channel
  2. Like
    buckpillar got a reaction from NUTTY2003 in PREMIUM IRONS   
    I've been playing the Mizuno JPX 921 Forged for a couple years now.. absolutely love them, they replaced the JPX 919, and before that it was the MP60 which I still wish I would have kept.
    Can't go wrong with the Mizunos Love them. 

  3. Like
    buckpillar reacted to "Mr. 72" in Forum Member Reviews: Callaway Whitebox Testing   
    So far, the CT cover (2 rounds) seems more durable than the CTX cover (1 round). At some point I will bring both of the balls back in play to find out, assuming I don't loose them first. My early guess is that I could get three, maybe four, rounds out of the CT and two rounds out of the CTX. Three rounds is doubtful.
    After that, if the balls still don't have any major cuts or road rash, I move them to my "bad ball pocket". Those balls are used for out of season play, or maybe holes where there is higher probability of me losing them.
  4. Like
    buckpillar reacted to Indy_Oz in Forum Member Reviews: Callaway Whitebox Testing   
    Temps have warmed up a little and the snow is melting. This weekend should hit high 50s and maybe 60f, so I have a tee time booked for Sunday morning. Fingers crossed the forecast is right.  That will be my first time gaming these Callaways. I'll take three of each and plan to switch at the turn.
    Thought I'd share this pic with a number of comparison balls cut up alongside the sacrificial single Chrome Tour and Tour X. The ProV1 and X are unknown vintage as they're course finds from last year, but both were in decent conditions. ProV's aside, the rest were bought last year or picked up recently. I will add in a '24 TP5X, but that will have to wait til the freebies from Taylormade turn up. I do have some, but they're MyTM personalized balls that I'm not willing to cut up.lol
    Always interesting to see how the different manufacturers vary thickness of each layer.

    Edit: What I did notice is the Chrome Tour and X sections/ layers seem pretty well centered, but so are the others I cut up. I saw a social media post with a 2024 TP5 or TP5X that was badly made- off center core/ mantle and defects in the thin mantle layers. I don't see that on these.
  5. Like
    buckpillar got a reaction from Cfhandyman in SEASON 2 - WEEK 47 MYGOLFSPY FORUM MEMBER WEEKLY VIRTUAL CHAMPIONSHIP TOUR (VCT)   
    Let the big dogs eat!! wind or not that's a Huge drive. NICE 🏌️‍♂️
  6. Like
    buckpillar reacted to Guest-0 in The Good Morning Thread   
    Hydro sleep therapy gave us alot of Hubby and Wife time!!
  7. Like
    buckpillar reacted to Guest-0 in The Good Morning Thread   
    Oh what we put ourselves thru to have pets. I wouldnt dream of having it any other way though. I will say a few words for your buddy and hopefully all goes well. 🙏
  8. Like
    buckpillar reacted to berkeleybob in The Good Morning Thread   
    Morning all! 
    Early session at the range and I forgot my coffee. 🥱
    A little anxious about today. We’re bringing our dog to have an ultrasound around his lower abdomen because the vet didn’t like what she was feeling when she examined him. Could be nothing. We’ll see.
    Have a good one.
  9. Like
    buckpillar reacted to Guest-0 in The Good Morning Thread   
    Great day of gathering fun stuff yesterday and playing a Scramble today!! Hope everyone does a little something for themselves and something bigger for someone else!! We are the only ones that can make our world better and it starts with GOOD MORNING!!!!
  10. Like
    buckpillar reacted to Jim Shaw in The Good Morning Thread   
    that is so funny you should mention "shell wonderful world of golf" Yesterday was a down day for my wife and I, she was reading an article about a Stanley Thompson design golf course in Nova Scotia, I think it was called Highland Links, a course built in 1938... Anyway I heard that George Knudson and Al Balding played the course in a wonderful world of golf series in 1965... so we watched the darn thing, some good golf was played and fun to see some old footage... 
  11. Like
    buckpillar reacted to Wmyoungiv in PREMIUM IRONS   
    I just recently found out that the assistant pro I train who got a new set of Srixon irons last year (for free) was offered a new set of Ping irons (for free) cause the ladies at the club play ping. She also had a choice of Mizunos, and I was like, hey why not the PT that works at two clubs? We will see what the Mizuno rep thinks of that. Point is, I didn't realize how club pros get free sets wedge through drivers to promote the clubs!
  12. Like
    buckpillar reacted to GolfSpy_APH in PREMIUM IRONS   
    Congrats on making some big strides in improving!
  13. Like
    buckpillar reacted to Spartan01 in PREMIUM IRONS   
    I have recently been lucky enough to upgrade my irons, I was playing an old set of cavity back blades. 
    They were CALLAWAY X,  I was lucky enough to be able to test aew sets to decide on the ones would buy.
    These were second hand sets at a pro shop,  there was Titleist,  Taylomade,  Callaway and  the one I settled on was Mizuno. Out of 10 sets 2 of the final four I selected were Mizuno. 
    I was limited by the amount I had to spend,  an older set of Titleist mb irons was canceled out then a Bridgestone set crossed off . That left 2 sets of Mizuno irons and the one that won the day was MP-54 5 iron to pitching wedge with carbon shafts in a stiff flex.
    The weight of the sets was amazing revelation,  so light and allowing so much speed through the impact and the feeling or feedback through that shafts was something newfor me.
    I found the Mizuno irons are far away and above anything I had ever hit before,  the feeling is so buttery and smooth with instant feedback on off center shots.
    Shots hit low on the face or slightly thin tend to travel just as far as a middled shot , ( after the inevitable run out).
    Have lowered my handicap from a 7 to a 3 , within 1 year with the new irons.
    I also upgraded more parts of the bag, will explain these changes in other blogs.
    BRAVO MIZUNO,  many thanks. 
    I can only imagine what I could accomplish with a bigger cheque book to buy some newer ones. 
    Happy golfing 
  14. Like
    buckpillar reacted to BCases in Driver shaft length thoughts???   
    Yes, most driver shafts are trimmed only at the butt unless you need tipping. If the shaft was originally a good fit, I would think butt trimming should work nicely for you. However, remember when you shorten the club the swing weight will be reduced so you might need to add weight to get the feel you desire.
  15. Like
    buckpillar reacted to MIGregB in Driver shaft length thoughts???   
    As a club builder, you can cut the shaft to the appropriate length from a raw shaft and glue the proper adapter in place. But is it reasonable to cut down a shaft that it already tipped and fitted with a shaft adapter? I guess I'm asking where you make the cut; the butt section so only a new grip is needed, or the tip end where a new adapter needs to be installed? I have a spare Motore X F3 65R shaft that I'd like to experiment with, but I don't want to hose it by doing something stupid 😱 Thanks!
  16. Like
    buckpillar reacted to Fred Mitchell in Driver shaft length thoughts???   
    The moveable weight in the head of the newer Pings is available in multiple different weights from both ping and aftermarket / Ebay or Amazon . 
  17. Like
    buckpillar reacted to Julius in Driver shaft length thoughts???   
    Might be best to get refitted, there is something about the shaft length and kick points along with shaft weight that you just need to work through in the fitting.  I just found that the shorter length help me have more control for accuracy and no impact on distance really. 
  18. Like
    buckpillar reacted to GolfSpy_APH in MyGolfSpy Forum: How To Be A Tester Guide   
    Going to add that something we do look at and gives us a lot more confidence in selecting members for testing is off season activity and having a variety of threads in which they are participating in. 
    I know it isn't golf season for many, but doesn't mean there isn't a lot of good content and things happening on the forum. We love seeing consistent activity out of members as it shows us a member isn't here just for testing. To add to that we have a lot of members that come out of the wood works when testing starts up again and all of the sudden they are active again. While we get it and not everyone wants to be here or has the time to be here all year, it does give us a bit of insight into their potential true motivation. 
    Finally we just like to see a variety of of threads and not just a certain few... especially if they are only the controversial ones. 
  19. Like
    buckpillar reacted to Cfhandyman in MyGolfSpy Forum: How To Be A Tester Guide   
    Thank you for the insight and clarification. This is helpful information to know. 
  20. Like
    buckpillar reacted to GolfSpy_BNG in MyGolfSpy Forum: How To Be A Tester Guide   
    No worries. You just gave me an opening to talk about the comparative side of these reviews.    
    These reviews are a great way for OEM’s to get the clubs into “Average Joes” or “Real Golfers” hands so to speak. Most options for these club reviews are stock options which can help golfers that have similar game but prefer to buy off the rack or can’t get fit.  
    For example, take the Odin X1 ball test getting ready to finish up. Odin says this ball is comparable to the ProV1. So naturally comparing those 2 balls is needed but it’s much more important to let everyone know if it worked for you or not and why. 
  21. Like
    buckpillar reacted to GolfSpy_BNG in MyGolfSpy Forum: How To Be A Tester Guide   
    It’s always a great idea to be thinking how you would test/review before applying.  I would only say this to your statement. These tests/reviews are not in anyway meant to be a comparison to what you already have. While that will always be asked about and for sure be part of every review, it should never be the centerpiece. Testing the OEM claims is also important but never never compare fitted clubs to test clubs unless equally fit. 
  22. Like
    buckpillar reacted to Cfhandyman in MyGolfSpy Forum: How To Be A Tester Guide   
    Very wise and helpful words of wisdom from Jamie and Ben.  I would also add, give thought on how you are going to test, what will the control or comparator group be, what will be your methodology and is it measureable. If you see a difference, is it significant and will it be noticeable on the course.  So give some thought to the process before you apply. 
  23. Like
    buckpillar reacted to GolfSpy_BNG in MyGolfSpy Forum: How To Be A Tester Guide   
    Jamie and Ben laid this out well but let me say this and really think about it
    We as staff lay everything out for every member to have a legit chance at each review(OEM restrictions do make some ineligible but that’s out of our hands).  I’m lowballing here but half the applicants don’t even have a profile picture which makes you ineligible before you even apply. 
    Remember these are not giveaways. We as staff say all the time that we hand pick testers and that’s why we lay everything out there so we are as transparent as we can be. 
    If the guys that sign up for everything, don’t follow the rules, then go and complain and bash MGS everywhere they can, would spend half that time and effort to read and follow the rules, they would have gotten an opportunity already. 
  24. Like
    buckpillar reacted to GolfSpy_BEN in MyGolfSpy Forum: How To Be A Tester Guide   
    Also important to keep these 3 things in mind as we enter the 2024 testing season:
    no profile pic = no test. 
      Carefully consider the opportunity before you sign up. If you are selected to test an item, it will likely be the only test you will be selected for this season.  Testing equipment does not in any way equate to a free giveaway. By agreeing to test something you will be agreeing to give a good portion of your time and attention over a 4-6 week period. Testing is a lot of fun, but it is also work and should be considered as such. With that being said, good luck this season and I can’t wait to share all the good things we are working on with you all!
  25. Like
    buckpillar reacted to GolfSpy_APH in MyGolfSpy Forum: How To Be A Tester Guide   
    🚨 Attention All 🚨
    Must Read Thread!
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