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Everything posted by GolfSpy_APH

  1. I'll take a look, but that is something I haven't seen as an optional add on. Worth checking though.
  2. Last couple days to get your votes in! January 2nd I will have the results!
  3. What do you all want to see come to the forum in 2023? Any features you think we are missing? Any areas you think we can do without or change? This is an amazing community and we try to keep everyone in the loop as much as possible. Whether that is our focus group, email updates and much more we want to see your input so we make the best informed decisions that we can. Also testing is in another thread and you can put your input in there as well as upvote other ideas you like or may want to see. So with that lets hear what you would like to see come to MGS Forum in 2023!
  4. Excited to hear that we could have Adam and who knows maybe a few others from HQ joining! Definitely going to make me a FOMO.
  5. @GolfSpy MPR are you finally dug out?
  6. Results are in! What are your thoughts? Did you take part in the survey? If you haven't read the article you can here: https://mygolfspy.com/whats-in-the-bag-results/
  7. gooder is a popular brand. I personally don't love them, however no denying the value is good.
  8. Excited that baby number 2 is on its way. He or she (leaving it to a surprise) should be here around June. Thankfully this pregnancy has been much easier on my wife and what we would say is normal. Prior with Ivan she was hospitalized several times. Will be a busy household for sure, but a little chaos is good for us!
  9. A lot of nursery rhymes and mickey mouse because the kid won't go to sleep!
  10. Due to spam and false accounts contacting members with ads/fake equipment and more the private messaging Feature is unlocked after 10 posts. Apologies for the inconvenience, however it is our best method to keep true accounts involved in the BST section and enable our members to make purchases with a bit more confidence.
  11. You can have 2 badges. Contest and donor are excluded from this.
  12. Looking forward to hearing who all will be going! There better be lots of golf photos. Also I expect the "what are you drinking tonight" thread go be st the top or recent content as well!
  13. How many of us often play in competitions or treat all normal (casual rounds) as comp rounds?
  14. @GolfSpy_BOS This topic has kinda been stuck in my head since you posted it. Driving into work this morning I was thinking about several times I have been fit and where the fitter would have said why club X or Y was good or bad for me (being it is going straighter, ball speeds are up or whatever else) however rarely did they say why said club was fit to me due to my swing tendencies. Granted I often will tell them I often hit down on the ball a little more than I should (talking driver) so I lean on lower spin heads often with a little less loft, but I would think that is the other part. A fitter should or could say Club X works for you because it gives you tighter dispersion, greater ball speed and it is set at these settings because you do X and Y which this club has been set to help negate. If you improve that swing function then we will need to do this with the club so it will still fit your swing and help you produce those numbers. Maybe the part that Crossfield left out (I would have to rewatch) is the educational part of a fitting. Yes a fitting can and should somewhat also be a lesson/fitting, but the educational value of one is huge. It is why TXG has taken off so much as they provide excellent educational value for their consumers (both in stores and on youtube). I think that is it, I really am intrigued by this topic so I'm sure I'll have more to talk on it. Maybe @Golfspy_Lukes can pin this one to his fitting section as well.
  15. I saw this article which showed things pretty clear. LIV needs OWGR and fast or players who are not exempt for longer durations will basically fall off the map. https://www.nationalclubgolfer.com/news/liv-golf-official-world-rankings-drop/ I do think there were still some that gained places though. Anyway a good glance at what has happened and easy to tell who jumped when.
  16. Just quick because I don't want to derail the thread. However I have essentially watched golf (because of fantasy golf) and F1. Thats about it. Amazing what happens when a kid and other family stuff comes up and leaves so little time for those other things. I do miss watching football. I really enjoy it, but it also comes on so late here there is no way that I am staying up all night to watch to have to get up at 5 to work. Who knows maybe next year will be different, still love my fantasy football podcasts and so on, but I am ready for the draft and see what happens in the playoffs now.
  17. There are going to be a lot more of these to come in the coming weeks! However for now we get to stick to some more golf balls. There is a great thread already for these HERE which has Tonys post linked in. Lets hear your thoughts aswell!
  18. Anyone else getting excited for launch season? 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GolfSpy_BNG
    3. GolfSpy_APH


      What's on the watch list for this year?

    4. GolfSpy_BNG


      Currently trying to find a good deal on some Mizuno Pro 225’s. Hit them yesterday and was blown away. 
      As far as new stuff goes I’m looking at drivers mostly. Ping G430 LST, Srixon ZX5 MKII LS, Mizuno ST-X 230, and anxious to see some pics of Cobras new driver. Not sure I have seen anything on it yet. 

  19. It is a interesting take. I think I have a good few thoughts on it. Both good and bad and think he has some good points. My main take away and one that I agree with is that a fitting should be a learning experience and a lesson as well as a fitting. I believe a proper fitter should be able to have the knowledge to cover much of both.
  20. I wonder if they come out with another Bryson golf ball.
  21. The top tracer 30 is easily one of my favorite "games" on there and offers a ton of insight. I guess a good question is do many of you think the German/Swiss system we have (not sure about other countries) where you must have an official handicap to play most all courses is a good or bad thing? Do you think this could help with a suggested tee system like this?
  22. Great article by Tony on it and one that is worth checking out. Not what I had expected at all, but offers some great insights. Will be curious what results come up when they do a full ball lab.
  23. Still very much a work in progress. When it is ready I'm launch it to the main portion. However it is a little further down on the list right now!
  24. I feel the need ignore all my email notifications. Seems to still be a lot of good deals on equipment and truly there is very little if anything that I actually need.
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