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Everything posted by GolfSpy_APH

  1. Watched it and can't quite figure out why they got into it? Someone hit into the other? I love golf and am passionate about golf, but couldn't be bothered to get in 1% that heated about it.
  2. Iron lofts don't bug me to be honest and if anything we are seeing improvements year over year as they continue with that trend. I am good with my 14/15 way cart bag as well, but am very curious as to know your preference to the 6 or 7 way bags vs 14/15! Left handed kit for all! Would be top of my wish list. Although many are getting better with this there are still clubs I would like to try but are RH only. I also entirely understand why they don't with the LH market being as small as it is. In terms of anything else, although this would depend on driver to driver however more counterbalanced shaft stock options. These work well for me and my swing and I think it is just something I would like the see more of. Hmm... how about Nike coming back! Then shotscope integration much like arccos for a few OEMs, because why not? That would be a few fun things for me that I would love to see.
  3. Only part I would add is the OP mentioned which driver he had and it was already a significant if not the most draw bias driver on the market. If he had mentioned he had a SLDR 430 or something along those lines yeah then we can likely make some more actual driver or club suggestions to try that would help mitigate the slicing errors. However having a SFT driver already it more of a swinging thing to look at vs equipment. I'll add we would love to have equipment fix all, unfortunately in many cases it isn't and there are larger things to look at. It isn't that we are simply defaulting to don't get something new or ignoring his request for a driver that would help. It is simply a recommendation based off the information given, which doesn't point to a new driver being the solution.
  4. Have heard many good things about 18 birdies, but haven't given it a try. With arccos I don't quite see the need for me. That being said I'm also one for leaving the phone in my bag. I use an old iPhone for my Arccos and my normal phone goes away. How much is the subscription?
  5. Was pretty hard to not jump in several of the black Friday or cyber Monday deals but I managed to hold off. Really hope the rangefinder ends up being under the tree! Dollar drive club was something like that, but pretty sure they went under. ?
  6. They are always looking for ideas so I'll look to pass this along to Phillip and maybe it gains some traction!
  7. I do know it is on the radar for a Ball Lab. However not sure if and when it will happen.
  8. Seems like a lot more variation in colors that year too. Funny how those trends come and go and we seem to be in an all black or carbon phase with less bold colors.
  9. As @cnosil said for Donor Badge please send me a PM with your transaction ID and I can get that put onto your profile. The HIO badge has been added for you!
  10. I know I've said it before, however for me it is pretty simple as to why I am not a fan of LIV. I don't believe it is true competition golf. Yes, there are big names, however with guaranteed money it really feels more like an exhibition to me than something with real stakes to play for. LIV just simply doesn't meet what I watch golf for. I watch golf for the legacy, the drive and history of the game. For me I don't see any of that with LIV. Maybe one day if it holds on for long enough and develops some history to its tournaments or prestige then maybe I will be able to be swayed in. I do like the team aspect, that is something I could get on board with, however with so much fluctuation the teams don't mean that much? Maybe that will change next season for them, but this season was weird. This is without getting into any of the other stuff which isn't even political, just how LIV is what they are. Simply put from a golfing experience it doesn't excite me, it doesn't make me want to watch like the majors, players heck even the fedex cup or API or Genesis or Scottish. For me LIV doesn't have the golfers I want to watch at many of the courses I would want to watch them play and if I am going to choose which product I'll spend my time watching it will likely be the PGA tour or something else vs LIV. Again I'll leave an open enough mind that if they play at some great courses and the team stuff gets fixed along with the tournaments actually meaning something then maybe I will tune in, until then I'll pass just like I have the with "The Match" series of golf, give me guys fighting for cuts and making dreams come true on the PGA vs an exhibition of millionaires playing for more millions.
  11. We are on the edge/beginning of launch season there will be plenty of new gear out to try, test and drool over. However are there any that are guaranteed to be safe in your bag for next year? We have a lot of club ho's here which is great! One need only check out the CHA thread to see how much fun many of us having switching around gear in our bags, however we all have favorites that more often than not have earned their way in and will stay there for the longer term. On the flip side whats on the TBD list or chopping block headed into the year? Let us know! For me my bag is pretty safe. Driver shootout is ongoing, with the Tsi3 leading the way quite comfortably at this point. 3 wood well I have 2, but the old f7 is just so good and will always be hard to beat. Irons are still new and ones I truly enjoy using as well as having fun with the aesthetic of them (yes I may strip them back to normal haha). Wedges could possible be replaced, however I would likely just go with the more Glide wedges so can't really say thats a swap out and putter experiment pending I have 2 that work extremely well for me. The middle of the bag is still a focus point. Between hybrid, 7 wood, 2 irons and such that will always be a revolving door so I have a hard time jumping on something brand new, however the new icrossover certainly has my attention!
  12. Time for a little Monday morning throwback to the 2018 Most Wanted Driver. How many of you still game one of these from this test? Think it still holds it own against the new drivers? If not what was your favorite from this year or even better how many of these did you end up gaming or owning? Let us know in the comments below!
  13. My view on 9 holed definitely has shifted. I use to think if I was golfing it was 18 or don't bother. However with a growing family and time not being ad abundant as it once was I certainly see the appeal. Add in that the course I play has a great championship 9 which they are working on I am coming around on it. I still feel slightly incompletes after only 9, but it allows me to get a good Golf fix in which in the end is what I'd important.
  14. Glad you found a set you desired and that works for your game! Also appreciate posting some great photos of them. What made mizunos be a top of your wish list for new irons?
  15. Yup a pretty good ball overall. The previous versions were really high spinning golf balls that suited golfers who were traditional really low spin players. The new ones as per the TXG reviews seem to be a bit more average in terms of spin profile, however still a good ball by all accounts.
  16. For me I don't understand why we need less than 72 holes for any professional event? Okay I get senior tour, LIV and some others however the main tour should be 72. Sure other aspects could be added (I still like a team aspect) however 54 holes I don't believe is going to increase viewership. Better viewing experiences (fewer commercials) will help. Or even just better viewing times or options such as following players or anything really that the masters does. Pace of play could help, but the format I dont believe is wrong. Other sports look at bettering the viewing experiences. Golf seems to be content in much of it's traditional viewing which is where I think changes should occur. Not in how the tournaments themselves are done or held or played.
  17. Apollo is getting warmed up for our Christmas photos. Early i know, but I'm away from the 3rd to 20th so it is now or never. Let's see how Ivan does with his first photo session!
  18. Happy Sunday all! Another test is out and more great content coming this week as well as our announcement for the Nippon shaft Tester!

  19. I would add that it would lead to much more conservative play vs more exciting play. If there is s cut after a round no point in going hard for it as one bad hole and you're done. Probably leads to more WD as well. More holes gives the ability to get back in it after a bad hole. Not to mention for the money these guys play for they should be playing 72. Also if 72 is too much to watch... Just watch Saturday Sunday.
  20. Ahh thats what it was then. On rewatch I thought they had swapped the heads... I guess I didn't watch the whole video and thats why I thought so. Hope they get a blue out there either way!
  21. Saw a video from a Mizuno fitting and the top of the driver looked awfully blue....
  22. I guess Rapsodo could be an option as well as it is easy to setup, can be used indoors and for SS and more of a training tool it certainly could meet your requirements. There are also a few reviews here for them!
  23. We have a lot of new members who joined and started on the forum recently. And as we are a large but close community we would live to hear what you do for work! Or are you one of the lucky few who are retired and your living is now on the golf course?
  24. Hopefully you'll be able to maintain your distance vs loosing too much. I'll be honest I am a fair bit younger so have time I believe till I am at the point of loosing distance. However there are many on the forum that are in the same situation or similar. Thankfully technology is helping as well! Also don't forget that golf ball can also play a part and maybe there is one that can help you there too. Switzerland has been very kind to me and my family since moving here a few years ago. Geneva is a great city and one of the nicer big ones I've been to. Glarus is on my to go to list hopefully over the winter break!
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