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Everything posted by GolfSpy_APH

  1. I don't pay yearly for the service. However what is shocking to me is the difference in android vs apple.. Apple users it is far better than Android users. Like it is so bad for Android compared... Maybe I'm missing something but it is a shocking difference.
  2. I have another round tomorrow and before I go out I am going to repair all the clubs and go for it one last time! If it doesn't work I think I will just ditch the system and get a range finder or something like that.
  3. Glad I found this thread as I am looking at Vice here in Switzerland for golf balls. I likely prefer feel of others, however the value here is nearly too hard to pass up. Half the price of others easily... to be determined as it is the end of the season as well.
  4. There was a back end update that i believe made some standard (defaults) changes to this. As you said in a members profile notification settings all of this can be customized to a users ideal settings.
  5. Should also help with the sound as well which may be the biggest takeaway.
  6. Rumor is the Ping LST will have a carbon crown for the first time since the Ping Rapture driver.
  7. Until we are able to get some further permissions the MGS 2022 Theme is going to be offline as it needs an update and is won"t be compatible with the next update that is coming. Users of this Theme will automatically moved to the Blog Theme. Sorry for the inconvenience, however I will have an update soon as well as another 2 new features coming to the forum in the coming week!
  8. I know there has been a lot of discussion around hurricane Ian and my thoughts to all who were affected by it. That being said my wifes family in Nova Scotia were hit by hurricane Fiona and are now going on day 10 without power. I know there are a ton of others out there without power, gas is scarce right now, generators are being stolen and its just a complete crap shoot. Thankfully the bar they own has power, but well thats also both a good and bad thing haha. I also know of a bunch of supporters from Maine who have made the long drive up to help and appreciate all that. As or right now they are still looking at another 4 or so days without power. Just a crazy crazy storm for Canada and one that hasn't been seen in a very very long time.
  9. Will be pairing down some of the themes and discontinuing a few/updating the main blog theme. Some more features will still be added, but please don't be surprised if you see some go away for a period of time. The staple themes will still be available with those being Default MGS Theme Night Mode (traditional dark mode which has been around forever) MGS Blog (new default theme) And for those who really want extra theme access please let me know as none will actually be deleted, but instead removed from normal access (much like the Major Themes).
  10. Won't be long my friend! Won't be long!
  11. Another rain filled round and played awful. Just so bad, one of those days. Shake it off and on to the next one. Gorgeous course and quite tricky with a lot of side hill lies and the rough was essentially unplayable with it being as wet as it was.
  12. I have always been a big supporter of Arccos, but the last two rounds have me pretty bummed with so many missed shots and then not playing great having to go through and reload and recall and the crap shots I hit makes it even worse. So for the first time I am really and truly thinking about ditching the system entirely. I am going to reload and repair all the sensors and give it another go Tuesday. If that fails I do have a full set of unused sensors, but this may be my last season using Arccos. For reference I have never had a issue with them before. Their CS has always been great and I do like the system, but this has been a little much for me. I am going on year 4 or 5 with them and do hope things flip back to normal, but given the other options out there it may be time to branch out.
  13. This can sometimes just be with your browser cache. If it is cleared things work as they should. Can't say we did anything on the back end so it will remain a mystery.
  14. Really need to get the wall box installed at home. We have a charger there, but between adapters or the wall charge it's been weird. Never a issue because there is a charging station at work, but certainly would prefer something at home. The cat simply (not unsurprisingly) will not fully charge. Best is say 70%. Certainly been an adjustment but one i can live with. Only other knock I'll say is highway driving kills the battery and range. Thankfully I don't end up doing a lot of long distance driving, but I'm acutely aware of looking for charging stations now.
  15. In a surprise turn of events I get to play another round tomorrow. However it will be on a course I have never played so not expecting anything crazy. Looks awesome though! https://www.golfplatz.ch/golfplatz.html
  16. So this course is part of a company called Migro (they are a big company here) and have 7 or 8 courses across the country. the Swiss Golf Association must have done something with all of the courses because they all have the stroke saver booklet and in addition nearly all the courses I have played also the photo posted above as the hole preview on the course itself. The course I normally play at called Otelfingen is actually a golf park. They have a 18 hole championship course, 9 hole championship (haven't played that yet) and a 6 hole par 3 course. Then they have a 2 way driving range with trackman, top tracer and mats on one end (and chipping area) and grass on the other end. Plus some covered slots for those rainy days like the other day. Then they have 2 large putting greens, 3 chipping greens (one right by the first tee) and a artifical putting green for kids! It is really cool spot and at first was pretty intimidating, but now it is a small home away from home. Also should be noted that courses here in Switzerland require you to have an official handicap to play. If you do not, you cannot play. In order to get a handicap you need to take a course and lessons which then provide you with your handicap. The whole process takes about a month or so. In my eyes its both good and bad. The last thing with this booking site that is used by all the courses is when you book in the names are not shown of who you are playing with until you get to the course, but it will say if they are a member or a guest and their handicaps so if you are looking at different spots as a single you can align yourself with handicaps you may prefer to play with.
  17. Tim has made some great graphics for the banners! Super pumped to have these and I know once they are handed out and released to all the competition will get even more fierce!
  18. This is an older thread, but rather then creating a new one going to bump it. I would love to know who has started to use Top Tracer at their courses or ranges? I have used the one at my local course and fallen in love with it. Even if the yardages aren't perfect it gives me a good idea of what is going on and more importantly the different programs it has within aids in a more productive practice. Included in this is a nice app and leaderboard which also helps in practice session of session week over week. So in addition to this if you do use top tracer what are your favorite programs they have? What do you use the most and where are you on their leaderboard?
  19. Hey all thank you for participating so far! I think this is going to be a lot of fun moving forward and create some good competitive banter moving forward! Tuesday is my next round. I am only able to get one a week in right now so have to make it count!
  20. If you are good enough to swing a golf club then you are good enough to play them... scores may not be great, but won't stop you from smiling everytime you see them!
  21. The nice part about the raw is the way it changes and looks older. The strike marks are all the cover scuffs from range balls and after the clean are all gone. I think I mentioned it up top, but the last 4 or so sessions/round things have really turned a corner with the irons. Strikes are much much better and I feel as though I am actually playing good golf again. The birdie on 18 last round was a prime example of it. It is 145 (ish) forced carry. I'm just going to pull up the the strokesaver of the hole and post it. Keep in mind this is all in meters not yards. So this round I played from the Yellows and plan to continue to until I break 80 and then I will move back. I had my first round there from the Whites and it isn't too far, but certainly isn't either and the extra distance makes some holes a lot harder, while others maybe easier given my length and where the bunkers are/landing zones. http://www.strokesaver.ch/uebersicht-der-ausgaben/golfpark-otelfingen.html For those intersted this is the whole strokesaver book. All the courses here have them (they also all run the same tee time program so one account for all which is awesome). I definitely feel the back 9 is much harder then the front 9. The first 2 holes on the front are very getable with a good par 5 thats real danger is the OB all down the left hand side. A reasonable par 4 on 4 and another par 5 for 5. 6 and 7 run side by side are not walks in the park with some tricky greenside bunkers, but still not the hardest in the world. 8 is rated really hard as it is a dog leg left and you need the distance to open up a view to the green, with hazard all down the left so no cheating the corner. It is also a forced carry over to the green, however I have normaly done very well on this hole. 9 is hard par 3 guarded by hazard all down the left and massive bunker on the right. 10 is maybe my favorite hole, hard to explain why but so many options off the tee and big bunker staring at you cutting down the landing zone and making you decide to play short or take on that risk. We moving in another par 5 on 11, which is a very getable hole again. 12 is tough! Par 4 with big dog leg right and again so many options off the tee, but hazard all down the right off the tee, which switches to the left for the approach. Then we get into the portion of the course I can't really say I like. 13 is a long par 4 which doesn't have any great character to it in my opinion. 14 is a long downhill par 3 which is a good challenge and not a bad hole. 15 a par 5 that has hazard basically all down the right and OB left with a big bunker again staring at you for the tee shot. From the yellows I may be able to carry it, but going in it is a instant bogey or worse. 16 I am coming around on. Similar setup as most, big bunker there, but this one I know I can carry with as the challenge is in the approach shot. Bunkers left and right with a angled green left the right. 17 I really like. OB all left and some hazard on the right, but a fairly open view from the tee. A massive tower also helps with lining yourself up on the tee. The approach is again tough with bunkers around the green, but for whatever reason this one just suits my eye and then well 18 which is up top!
  22. Can't say you're doing it for a friend? Or trying to single handily change the golf world for the betterment of all golfers? I'll stop now, but this whole thread has certainly made me curious about all of this and made me debate on a few different options.
  23. All the more reason to do it to keep all of us in winter entertained with you trials of different shafts and more! Love what you have done in the thread and it is definitely one to follow.
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