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Everything posted by GolfSpy_APH

  1. Okay one more Swiss Putter company to add to the list. https://single-putt.com/en/ I don't think I could ever justify 620 chf (600 USD) on one, but man I may go check out their place since it is only 35 minutes away from my place.
  2. Who me? Yeah it certainly can have its downsides, but thankfully for putting at least I am equally good both right and left handed so if the opportunity came up I would have no issues switching if it meant to even just try something cool. Added to that in Canada it was far easier to find lefty kit. In the EU it is tragic.
  3. MLA is one that I haven't seen much of lately. I know for a few years there they were big in with the most wanted and did very well but seemingly have fallen off a bit? I would agree that Putters seem to be the category of choice for many to break in. Perhaps it is also a slightly simpler process. I know we also have a member who has been making and selling his own. I forget another guy I follow in IG makes wood/glue custom putters. Can't remember the name though. They I would say are more wall hangers then gamers, but still. Golf balls are another one that we see many new comers to the space and there seems to be a new name popping up fairly frequently. Again I mention Sugar, I guess they have been around for a little while but it was only now that I saw a add in the Swiss Golf Assoc book and went to their site to take a look at them. I'm sure there are many others that I have never seen or heard of and would love to get exposure to them and see the different options that are available.
  4. I'll keep it open for another week and we will do follow ups with finalists from there. Edit: I've updated the main post to reflect the timeline.
  5. We all know about brands such as Sub70 and other direct to consumer brands which have taken off over the last few years. They make amazing products at a price point which is much more affordable to all. However there are many other brands out there which aren't as well known, or at least moving here to Switzerland I've certainly come across several products/brands which I hadn't seen or heard of before that either have a unique story or a well priced product that have peaked my interest. The first one is myputter.ch. They are a fully customizable putter company with 2 main models and a whole variety of colors. The prices are not cheap at about $350 usd, but they also have an added option of 2 style faces. One rolled face and one traditional flat face. The cool part of their story is they are all made here in Switzerland and they employ disabled people to give them further job opportunities. The designs I'm guessing won't be for everyone, but I know I am still very curious to get one in hand to try out if I can. Again their options are well varied with colors on nearly every part of the putter from head to grip with many other options for headcovers, divot tools and more. The second one which I've seen more of here and I'm guessing this has to do with price more then anything, but is Sugar Golf Balls. Here in Switzerland they are about 3.30 chf per golf ball which is about half the price of a pro v1. Golf here is a silly expensive sport and golf balls are no different so finding a great deal on golf balls is awesome. I have seen one review on them with TXG and they seemingly performed the same as any other premium golf ball. In all likelihood I'll be ordering a box and getting them a go... oh and their boxes or sugar cubes come with 27 golf balls which I think I like as well vs just getting a dozen. Anyone played these? So are there other brands or companies you know of that are relatively unknown or underrated which you have tried or are curious about? I'm sure there are more on the golfball side of things as well as smaller niche putter companies. Would love to hear your experiences and thoughts on what you have come across over your times as a golfer and if any have made it into your bag or are still there?
  6. Apologies no i did not receive anything. Try sending just to me for now?
  7. It's nothing crazy on that front. The main basis for it is to be able to share and source content which can often be found via the various platforms to aid in forum discussion and content.
  8. Not ideal, however with the various shipping issues and so on was somewhat expected. Thankfully I've got word they are being built and hopefully shipped shortly.
  9. Thanks Tony and truly appreciate that comment. Thankfully I don't take any of it personally and am able to recognize that it is truly impossible to please everyone. The forum is great to place to voice opinions on golf and have great discussions and a lot of fun. That being said not everyone will share those views that is okay. In the end our role as mods is simple. Be leaders for the community and aid in growing and working with the community to make it a great spot for any and all golfers to come visit and get involved.
  10. So far not bad... Actually expected more. Thankful for all who have applied so far.
  11. This is part time mod. We're down two mods but only replacing one as we look to get things settled. There has been a lot of turn over in the last couple years and I would like for things to stabilize with the mod team and for membership. That will be a big part moving forward so there is consistency for all!
  12. I am hopeful that moving forward there will be two things. One more member calls will HQ and their staff to discuss most wanted and more..as well as second be the voice of clarity between hq and membership. I know i won't always have all the answers, but at the very least can be (as i feel i have been to date) open and transparent in what is going on so membership isn't left in the dark.
  13. The Fantasy Football league is being moved off the forum this year. With Fantrax and their chat system nearly all of the discussion took place there and other then recruiting players there was little reason to have it on the forum still. Sad to see you go but completely understand! It can be a lot and more then many can handle at the best of times.
  14. Check out the reviews which were just completed a few weeks back we had 4 or 5 members test the Mezz and go through their online fit process as well as have several discussions with LAB along the way!
  15. Have you tested anything recently whether it be in a store or tried a friends club or anything else if you tested it we would love to hear about it and how it performed or did it live up to expectations? I'm testing some swiss putter companies. I'll go to one company Tuesday to try them out and another one the week after. These are niche brand companies that I've never seen in shops and want to give them a try and see how they react. They have a ton of customization and should be a lot of fun to use. They will however have to do a lot to get my strokelab 7 out of the bag.
  16. Another update for all As has likely been seen there has been a staff shift. Even with these changes we have a great core group with myself @GolfSpy_APH, Rob @Golfspy_CG2, Bryan @GolfSpy_BOS and Michael @GolfSpy MPR. We will look to go through any and all applications over the next week or so and hopefully have a new mod named within 3 weeks. If anyone has questions please do not hesitate to reach out to any of us to discuss. I know it was talked about earlier in other threads, but a big congrats to all who went to the MGS outing and @Golfspy_CG2 for organizing as well as @MDGolfHacker and @Berg Ryman for stepping up in Rob's absence to help run the event on the ground. Wish I could have been there, but maybe next year? The good news is it looks as though this could be a new staple event with the potential to expand in future years with another 1 or 2 across the US. For us EU/UK Folks well PM me and maybe we can have a meetup. I have a few connections with courses in England and could maybe do something there for us. With the change at the top of the Moderator Staff I've been asked to step into that role and have graciously accepted. I'm looking forward to taking on this new challenge and working with everything and everyone to aid in growing the forum, bringing it back to its roots and developing this community further to continue making it what it has always been. A fantastic group of golfers around the world who love the game, equipment and more and that want to discuss that here and gain insights into all things golf, life and more. For the moment there are some simple tasks we are going to look to improve. Simplify/reorganization of the forum. Essentially make it super simple for any and all to navigate and find the content they want. This may mean some moving around of threads/topics but don't worry everything will be there still and nothing will be removed permanently. In previous years there have been focus groups on the forum and if this is something you are interested in/taking part in please send me a PM. This could require testing of new features, questions on directions, some insights into potential avenues for us to go down and overall just creating ideas by/from forum members to improve the site. Transition times are never fun and rarely easy and I hope that everyone can stick with us through this as there are some exciting projects for the future as well as more MGS HQ Zoom calls for only our membership to join. Although these are not forum discussions it allows all of us behind the scenes access to a wealth of knowledge and stories that aren't necessarily published in the articles. Thank you all and looking forward to what the future has in store for us!
  17. As we move forward in the coming weeks there will be some minor changes. I'll try and keep everyone updated and informed as they go on. I know it's been a up and down year and despite some changes how testing has been we still have more to come this season. We have a great community here and together we can continue making this a go to forum for all golfers and be a leader in product reviews for all golfers to enjoy. At any point if you have questions, concerns or just want to chat send me a PM and we can discuss what your thoughts are!
  18. Tony thank you for all that you did in your time as a mod, countless hours on calls, hundreds of messages back and forth about various bits of everything. It's been a pleasure to work with you and I wish you all the best moving forward with your work and family. Tony so everyone knows did a ton of backend data gathering and made invaluable spreadsheets to aid in keeping us organized for testing and so much more. Thank you and try not to break anymore drivers #ballspeedking #superspeedmaster
  19. MyGolfSpy is Hiring! Help Wanted: One (1) Forum Moderator August 22, 2022 Application Deadline. The MyGolfSpy Forum has achieved tremendous growth over the past year, with more than 106,000 registered members and growing every day. To continue to serve our members and to further fuel that growth, MyGolfSpy is looking for a committed individual to serve as a part-time Forum Moderator. We're looking for the right person who gets what MyGolfSpy is all about. Someone who thrives by accomplishing goals, is organized, and who wakes up every morning looking for the next challenge. We need enthusiasm and personal authenticity combined with the imagination required to grow the forum to the 120,000 member mark while keeping the MyGolfSpy Forum Vision Statement: “MyGolfSpy's Community Forum aspires to continued growth while adhering to its core goal of being a place for serious, honest and fun discussion on both golf and life, and a place to go for product reviews - a true online ‘19th Hole’ where all are welcome and all members are treated with respect and friendship.” If this sounds like you, see below for the position description and application instructions. Core Responsibilities: Thread management and forum organization using moderator tools and resources Find and share unique stories and information from the world of golf Monitor and contribute to forum discussions in an impartial manner Conflict resolution and prompt responsiveness to formal reports and taskers Review applications and recommend selections for official forum tests Coordinate with selected testers throughout the process to meet to schedule objectives Design or modify structure for contests, review templates, and events Interface with OEMs to maintain or grow relationships and fulfill obligations Report to forum Administrators Desired Skills: - Available: Forum activity is taken into consideration, but is not a hard requirement. The selected moderator should be available and responsive as needed. We understand this is a part-time job so only 4-6 hours per week are required. - Unbiased: The selected moderator should be one that adheres to and upholds the Moral Codes. They should be able to walk the center line without choosing sides in times of conflict because this role as mediator is essential to the friendly atmosphere we promote. Attentive to Detail: Details are important and anything the staff posts is under a higher scrutiny. Always be cognizant of what you’re posting and how it can affect the MyGolfSpy brand. - Creative: The forum depends on the ability to think outside the box to offer an experience unlike any other. Unique ideas and fresh perspectives on existing processes are central to the success of the forum. - Tech Savvy: The selected moderator should have above average to proficient understanding of the tools and functionality of the forum (or the ability to learn them quickly). In addition to elevated privileges, the staff should be able to train new users and troubleshoot issues. - Social Media: An existing presence is desired but not required. However, account creation following selection will be mandatory and continued activity is expected. Benefits: - Opportunities to participate in selected forum member tests - Modest monthly salary - The rewarding and fulfilling sense of pride and accomplishment by serving the best community on the internet. Evaluation: The selected forum moderator will be subject to a 90-day probation period before obtaining full Status. The Moderator will be evaluated based on their fulfilment of this position description and their role in the overall growth of the forum. Application: This advertisement is open to all current members of the MyGolfSpy community in good standing. If you'd like to join the MyGolfSpy Team, please send a private message to @GolfSpy_APH, @Golfspy_BOS, @golfspy_CG2 and @GolfSpy MPR explaining why YOU are the right person for the job.
  20. Although you can in some cases demo used clubs the selection is often far less (especially if you are a lefty like me) add in there are many shops that don't love guys or gals just going in to demo a bunch of random clubs for free and doing all that. New shaft can be so hard to do properly, not to mention for those that do not have club building experience or a place to do such can have a hard time finding a shaft with the right adaptor. Yes those are three different ways, however it really comes down to 2. New or used. More to that it comes down to how much someone is willing to spend. If they simply don't care then they will usually buy new. If on more of a budget then used will likely be the route. Pretty simple. New is definitely more reliable as a whole unless you find that magic fit with used and for many they will go through several drivers before finding it.
  21. I just want to counter this by saying if both sides are saying two things wouldn't you think any person in their half right mind might follow up to make sure that everything is okay. Gooch is your example so I'll use him. He said he only intended to play one event. Players were explicitly told if you go you are done. Period. End of story. If you're Gooch do you not think okay let me send Jay a text and ask him if this is really the case. Even if Norman is saying it can't be, he isn't the law for the PGA and Jay is the one laying it all out. What he did/thought was just foolish. It was told to all of them time and time again what was going to happen and he went anyway. I feel no sympathy for him or anyone else that chose to join. They knew 100% what was going to happen and those excuses just simply don't hold any water to me. If you are risking such a big portion of your life or part of your game that you want to be a part of then you do the homework and you double and triple check with everyone, not take the word of someone who is known to be wanting to take down the tour. Simple as that.
  22. Had they not sued I believe it is a completely different story. However now that they have it is a whole new ball game. They left for more money and to play less. Now they will still get paid more and likely have to play more to keep points up. Suing the tour isn't so much suing the tour it is going directly at all the players of the tour as it is membership run and that is what I believe will lead to some bad blood. Most the guys didn't necessarily like that they left, but at least understood it was a chance for many to make more money and to play for that. Others who cared more about legacy and such stayed on and mostly separated the groups, however not a whole lot of bad blood. Now this action is where things start to get muddy and I would imagine tensions build.
  23. Gooch isn't without fault here. Yes he said he originally only wanted to play one event and be done. However he also has come out and said hey PGA guys you're welcome for us leaving and getting you the bigger payouts for various events. Add in all the others that left after event one knew exactly what they were getting into. If they leave they leave, fair enough. However don't expect to just be let back in. Maybe reduce it a bit, however the excuse of them not knowing is just wrong. The bigger issue I imagine is them getting out of their LIV contracts. I have suspicion that those have a lot of points where they are locked in and well and truly screwed if they try to leave early.
  24. The contracts likely won't be completely hidden after discovery which will be very interesting. Glad the guys weren't allowed to play fedex. Also that is good news for the PGA tour in the overall fight. Had they been allowed it would almost certainly have been the end of it all... that being said I still think it is headed that way.
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