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Everything posted by GolfSpy_APH

  1. Players must play minimum 15 events to keep their cards. Unless they use money list or other exceptions. Less than 15 events they loose their card.
  2. I think that is what these big money events will be for. 8 was it? Should help get players like fields for at least 12 weeks a season vs 6 or 7.
  3. I just don't understand why the PGA tour should welcome any of these guys back at any point in the near future. They have rocked the boat and caused damage and drama that has for me really killed my enjoyment in watching the tour. Not to mention our fantasy leagues, LIV players completely ruined enjoyment of watching golf on so many fronts and it is because the players left. I hope that all should have to serve whatever suspension the tour had cooked up and then take the appropriate process in working their way back onto the tour. If willy Z can't get into the playoffs last year because of his temp status and all that he did well for the game last year why should a LIV player get special treatment when they have only hurt the tour and its members.
  4. You've said these before and we have responded with answers that cover this. PGA tour has Play 15 get 50k. So why pay out an additional 5? PGA Tour had most all of these new events and such already lined up and discussed for the last couple years however were waiting for the new TV deal. Covid didn't help either. Yes things were moved up a bit, but all of this was still going to happen with our without LIV. Mickelson may have said some truth in his many tiraids, but also had so much wrong and was telling of numbers which were way overblown. All of this can be found out as well as they are a non for profit and much of their books are open for most to see and dive into. The fact the players make up numbers or don't care to get involved enough to understand the ins and the outs isn't the tours fault. Sure LIV guys can do that, they can probably give 50 million since they have essentially a bottomless pit of money.
  5. To be fair it's easy to say nothing would change and I'm glad if it didn't overall, but it was still a big change as a business and never know what outside influences can impact the experience. Even something as simple as Matt not being there can change the vibe.
  6. Think this topic deserves a bit of a boost. When the whole thing went down I was disappointed. I understood, but was a bit disappointed especially with Matt leaving. I took a long while off and didn't watch any of their content or listen to podcasts or really anything. I loved listening to Ian, but the others just didn't grab me or pull my attention like Matt did with Ian. Recently I noticed they had another new guy (another lefty) and altho he is by no means Matt I have slowly started to gravitate back towards their youtube content and enjoyed a bit more of it. They seem to be getting back to their roots a little bit and at least in my view found a groove again. I haven't seen too much change in terms of how they operate and I can't say much in terms of their in store experience, but at least to me I am coming around on them again and am wondering if any of you out there are finding the same or did you stop watching/listening at all?
  7. Not sure how I missed this, but going to go back and give this a listen.
  8. Well the new mystery irons have been shipped. Got confirmation of the build, stamping and finish last night. Was fun to work with and discuss the various options with them throughout. Supply was and still is an issue in lots of areas but happy I got heads I like, shafts I really wanted and well I went with standard midsize grips which I may end up replacing at seasons end. Really excited to post pictures when they arrive and now the anticipation of waiting for them each day continues to mount!
  9. As a reminder we are closing this application Monday, August 22 at 12:00 my time (Swiss time!). If you are interested or have questions please make sure to get your app in before this deadline.
  10. I found path and where it was setup in relation to my swing path made a big difference. Example being into out swing versus out to in swing gave different numbers on the PRGR. Mine was the older version, but still that could be part of it.
  11. Ah yes those will all change and reflect different names which we have when we make the change.
  12. Why not just leave it outside? Did that with the dalmatian the other day lol
  13. Makes no difference to me and actually my old home course I preferred to start on 10 as I loved the first 3 holes when it was a back 9 start. The first 3 holes on the front weren't hard, but with 2 par 5s on the front and only 1 on the back it certainly felt like I could make up ground on the front 9 vs the back 9. I get what you say about dreaming of the first tee shot and imagining it and such and I have often done the same thing... only to pull hook it into the woods haha So in short not a bother at all and given I play casual vs competitive I'm not really fussed one way or another.
  14. We will continue to work to be as open and transparent as possible with the membership moving forward with any forum changes and goings on. We all use the forum and all want to have a good experience here and it's really the least we can do.
  15. I have a feeling we will move away from tabs as much as we can. They have a tendency to hide more content and often users miss sections. As mentioned the testing section will be addressed this off-season. One other thing to note is the testing system was a complete custom build and was part of the reason there were so many bugs to start. It runs on a different platform entirely and which is also why all of tests could not be covered into it so we would essentially have to start all brand new and fresh which I'm not quite looking to do at this time. This is mainly looking to avoid redundant sections and merge them into the appropriate section as well as making things simpler to navigate within the current platform we have.
  16. Can you expand on that or provide screenshots of what you mean.
  17. Anything is possible! We will certainly discuss it.
  18. Hello all! As a mod team we wanted to provide an update to a few changes coming down the pipeline in terms of site navigation and organization. Over the coming week or two we will be making some title changes to several of the main categories and merging several other categories. For example Boomsticks will become Drivers, Shiny Metal will become Irons and an overall simpler naming/navigation of the forum will be provided for all. We will not simply just do these changes overnight and will notify everyone of the date a few days in advance. These changes are aimed at making the site more user friendly for all who come to the forum or who have never been on a golfing forum before. Most of us use Recent Content or Unread Content for our day to day use, however a new user often has to navigate through the main page which can be a little intimidating. Another example of a change will be merging in a few redundant categories such as General Q & A, General Talk and The 19th whole as they all work to achieve similar discussion. Important to note that during this process threads WILL NOT BE LOST. They will simply be moved over. As of right now as a mod team we are working on finalizing our structure and have requested that testing be crossplaced so it will show up in both testing and Driver section for example. Testing section will remain as is until the offseason where we will then discuss how to move forward with that. Content Corner: This section will be brought back and available for all with a few new highlights - One being "The Daily" this will be 4 or 5 threads that are popular to check in and post in daily. Think How Did You Play Today? and What Equipment Have You Tested? type threads. We will also include Breaking News/Viral Golf Content where the popular goings on of the day can be posted. Finally Articles of Interest, simple really as if there are popular articles/stories or articles/stores that stand out to you in the golfing world simply post there for membership to easily find. All the content in the above section will still show up in your recent/unread content. Of course if you have questions reachout via PM and we can discuss further. Cheers, Mod Team
  19. I believe the list for people who could be on this same list for Reed is a mile long or longer. Not a fan of his so not surprised. My big takeaway is I really hope that we just don't see a pattern in the pro golfing world where players suing the tour, players and others becoming the headlining story of the week vs the actual golf. Unfortunately I can just see the pro golfing world going further down the gutter as this all plays out and overall just being bad for the game as a whole.
  20. I believe all clubs loosely translate to rackets.
  21. In a little twist I got in touch with Single-Putt to see if I could meet up with them and talk about their putter and do a article/post here on the forum. They got back to me within a 20 minutes and we will meet up next week and hopefully get a chance to demo the putter as well as get a good back story on their product as well as foundation of the company!
  22. Ivan had his first day helping me at work. He got a pass even though all he did was watch and didn't actually help out any. VID-20220815-WA0000.mp4 VID-20220815-WA0001.mp4
  23. I'm about to take a dive with Sugar and see how they are. Can't quite beat the cost here so whats the worst that can happen?
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