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Everything posted by GolfSpy_APH

  1. Makes it easy for me. No lefty don't need to worry about any of it! Moving on!
  2. Thank you to all who applied! We got an overwhelming amount of inquiries about the position and an amazing selection of candidates moving forward. All who applied will be notified if they have been selected for further follow up or not. Regardless we truly appreciate the time and effort that went into all the responses and applications and it just goes to show what a truly great community we have. For what its worth none of the decisions were/are easy and they are about to get a whole lot more difficult with the next stage. Selecting testers for tests is a walk in the park compared to this! We hope to have a decision and notice up for our new Mod Team member late next week or shortly there after. Again thank you very much to all who applied!
  3. As soon as major season was over I haven't watched 5 minutes of pro golf.
  4. Things have kinda been covered in only a couple posts for you, but getting fit is one option. Flexes are all over the place from brand to brand. KBS does have a ton of options with S+ and R+ options. In the end testing and trying some at a shop and such should help you get a good idea of what will work best for you.
  5. Never used a fan. Usually just make sure I drink lots of water or find some shade if I need it. However if you're looking for fans I would imagine toy stores (for babies and such) may have them. With the heat wave here in Europe I've seen a few more pop up and around.
  6. I'm a ClicGear 3.5 user and as they are essentially the Tank of the golfing world I like them. Reliable, sturdy and just work. Yes they are heavy and don't always have the greatest maneuverability, but hard to argue with something that just works. For my bag I use a OGIO goliath (I may be wrong with the name) its been my cart bag for the last 6 years? Its a great weather resistant bag with ample space and very light weight. The combo of the two makes for a good walking/pushing experience.
  7. Philip did a great article on the UTX Grips here: https://mygolfspy.com/we-tried-it-lamkin-utx/ in the We Tried It series. He's also given a bunch of responses in the comments. I'm for sure in the corded grip camp and have used/put these on a backup set of irons which I have since sold. Loved the grip overall and are ones I may look at installing on future irons when they need to be regripped. Have you tried these?
  8. More puttout training today. Still on the fence about actually buying a new putter. I have really come to like the StrokeLab and its feel, but others always are fun to look at. I average about 1 in 15 from 7 feet with the puttout which I think is great. However @GolfSpy MPR mentioned the other week that Kirke made a puttout perfect putt from 40 feet! I don't think I could ever do that. I'll just stick to my 6-10 foot practice.
  9. Work is going to settle down after this weekend and I reached out to them to see if I could swing by and test some putters as well as talk to them about the design business and so on. Maybe post a little article here on the forum. I'm hoping they have a demo for me to try and take home for a little bit. I don't intend on buying one, but getting them a bit of notice and some real world reviews here on the forum would be cool!
  10. I saw Matt Fryer did a video on them the other day. Certainly looked interesting and seemingly performed well. Longevity may be my only question with them, but at the same time for the price really cannot complain at all. They were wedges with a cool rainbow finish.
  11. Going to Merge this into the LIV thread as it has turned that direction and its tough enough to monitor that one thread as is.
  12. Promise I'm not trying to spam posts and topics, but have had a lot of time with being stuck at the club watching Curling/ice temps which has meant lots of forum time.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. GolfSpy_APH


      I should start a poll for how many coffees I've had today... Over under 7.5 so far. 

    3. mynerds


      I was just about to ask if you think anyone's job is as far removed from golf as yours, but then I wondered if you're not just a greenskeeper for ice. Gotta respect the craft that enhances the experience for others.

      And having grown up in Vegas, I'll take the over. Always take the over.

    4. GolfSpy_APH


      That is a very good way to describe my job. It is actually a lot closer to golf related than most think. At least in Canada a lot of Curling Halls and Golf Clubs are one. In the summer when the ice is out they use that area for storage/carts and all that sort of stuff. Typically the offseasons line up perfectly with Curling season being October-April and Golf being May-October. 

  13. Agree completely. It is interesting though how much some focus on some of those such as torque when in reality it's just more info that isn't necessarily needed.
  14. https://mygolfspy.com/best-golf-bags-push-electric-carts-combo/ Another most wanted has been published! One that is very interesting to me as we have Stewart Golf member test upcoming and can use to see what they think as well. What are your favorite combo? What combo do you currently use?
  15. May be good for the find it cut it series?
  16. Are there static club numbers or metrics that are must have for you and what is just ok cool, but doesn't really matter?
  17. Outside of shows for the baby there are really 2 shows that either I have been or my wife and have been watching. One is Trying - its a UK show about a couple who well are trying to have a baby and their lives. It's a comedy and one we fell in love with. Funny as all get out at times and has some great music to go along with it. The other is a me show and its The Legend of Vox Machina. Its an adult cartoon and rated 18+ for a reason. However I really enjoyed the story, the humor and has a "The Boys" type feel to it which makes sense considering its a Amazon Prime show. Also one of the voice actresses is Ashley Johnson who voices Ellie from The Last of Us 1 & 2 as well as Gretchen from Recess. A lot of Youtube streaming too for Fantasy sports which are upcoming!
  18. I've been going through some older threads around the forum just to see whats out there and a little of what I've missed in the past. Also giving me some clues of some older threads which were popular/ideas for future content. However this did bring up a question as I was going through one in particular. It was asking about face angle of drivers being published on MGS Most Wanted from a couple years ago... Which got me thinking. In terms of when you are trying/testing/getting fit and all that how much information is too much information? What are the must have data points or values you want to see in a club (ie weight, lie angle, shaft weight, torque, loft) This is speaking more to the physical club itself vs dynamic swing numbers. Although I'm sure we can bring that into discussion as well. There is so much information available to us and it would be/already is so easy to get caught up in the various data points or spec numbers. At what point is it just numbers and truly doesn't matter and ends up being more confusing or frustrating then actually useful to your game?
  19. Permits finally came through. Long time waiting and very stressful. Don't actually receive it till the end of the month, but at least we know its approved and all we need to do now is get the paper, send it to the dealership and within a week or so pick up the car! The timing is good, because the vehicle inspection for BMW which we are trading in is coming up so I'll be able to trade in the vehicle before having to pay for that and any fixes the car may need.
  20. Thats also not to mention the fact they were able to keep the tour running during Covid and host events by using X amount of their reserve funds. They still have to pay staff amongst thousands of other expenses. Its not just as though they get money from the TV contract and can simply put it all as part of prize money for players. Its a business and has a ton of other expenses. NLU had a really good pod on it and the DL3 was great in laying out several aspects of the tour business. I dunno ... of course there will be people on both sides of this. I should likely just stop weighing in as it is something I'm pretty passionate about have a hard time seeing how others justify a lot of it.
  21. Cool to see this thread take off. I followed along for the first page then got busy and forgot to respond. Here goes! I do a lot of coaching in curling, with a variety of skill levels from Olympic and World Championship caliber to corporate rental groups who have never stepped on the ice before. My philosophy or method is the same but at the same time very different. In the end (in my opinion) sport is for fun and enjoyment of doing so. For corporate newbies I get through the essentials as quickly as possible (normally get 2 hours total) and get them into games to have some fun. For higher caliber teams and players it is similar in I want them to enjoy it. Of course need to be serious to an extent, but team success can be found much easier when they are enjoying their time. Individually I like to focus in on certain areas and make consistent progress with whatever we are working first before moving onto another area. Much like golf, curling relies heavily on consistency so if I was to say I have a overall philosophy for coaching if I was to teach more in golf it would be to simplify things while aiming to achieve consistency to aid in producing better results. Sounds a lot easier said than done.
  22. Got the shipping notification which got me even more excited. Being they are coming from out of country I expect/hope later next week. Another cool thing was just before they shipped and such was in talks with the builder and he offered to laser etch the irons for me so each iron now has its own name 5 - Fender (Our dalmation, I love her but she can be fickle and a real pain at times just like my 5 iron) 6 - Sampson (Our first family dog, super reliable and a mutt, but was a best friend for so long. Much like my 6 iron which is often a go to reliable club) 7 - Oliver (Our Chihuahua, probably should have made his the gap, but oh well!) 8 - Apollo (The genesis of my forum name, my best little pup and most reliable club in the bag. 8 iron was perfect) 9 - Ivan (My son, another go to club and a club my game revolves around much like my life now he makes up such a huge part of it) PW - Gus (Our old family cat, the only cat we ever owned. I'm not a cat person... nor do a love my wedge usually, but he was awesome) GW - Derby (This one is funny because allyssa and I both agreed to name our next dog Derby so got him in on the ground floor) Can't wait to see how they turned out!
  23. send me a PM with your email and I'll forward it to Stud to see if there is spots as the signup and such is being taken off the forum this year.
  24. We can certainly look into it. The whole testing and review system is under review. You are a beta user and have access to that system where most do not. Changes to that system or updates to it will likely take place after we have got our new mod on and the appropriate category reorganization and such completed. However I will put it on our ever expanding list!
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