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Everything posted by GolfSpy_APH

  1. With leaks all around and new glimpses of products popping up all over the world wide web there will certainly be more and more buzz coming out about the upcoming drivers for this season. What are your favorite or more anticipated drivers coming up? Side note: As we don't want to upset or cross any embargos for OEMs feel free to comment, but lets not add pictures until OEM's have officially released photos to everyone. Who knows maybe some of them could be coming to MGS testing next season!
  2. Im not sure what the capabilities are within the posting features, but certainly worth a look if we can enable a feature like that. I know with new testers this season most have written it right in their post, but that isn't for everyone and like you i would always write mine in word before. As for the member map it is or a version of it something we are currently working on with some extra features. I know it was a great thing to have (admittedly more for US members) but still a great feature that would be great to have back.
  3. Funny I worked with someone who put too much footspray on the face of a club once and completely whiffed on the ball on their first swing, but because it was covered and white it still read as a shot... Not a good one, but showed that color and some other factors can be read by the launch monitor in certain conditions. Same goes for the Speed Radar that Superspeed used, for driver (not sticks) it was recommended to put it at a slight angle as it would read the far part of the toe of the club if dead straight and that could be slightly faster then the middle if I remember correctly. Or it would read it as slightly faster.
  4. Exactly this, we have already gone through this and know the road in which it leads. It is all good to have varying opinions and I'm sure if there needs to be a pure distance debate thread it can be fired up again. The point of this one is the change from 48 inch drivers to 46 inch drivers. Yes the distance debate has a part in this, but lets not loose focus on the main topic in this thread.
  5. The distance debate has been going on since I've been really around golf. I don't think anyone is denying it is happening. Again over the period of 60 years with how sports (most all sports) evolve and adapt and change I don't see 5 or 6 shots being that bad. However going back to the original post with terms of driver length, I don't see issue with it as stated in my above response. The players will adapt to the rules and changes and I don't think it is a bad thing with what they are doing. I don't see it changing distance as a whole, but maybe this is what slowly starts leading to other changes?
  6. Granted I'm not much of a historian, but I don't quite see 5 shots over the span of nearly 60 years being that significant. All sports evolve and change and although I will admit most all of this can be chalked up to equipment and the golf ball I would say the game itself has evolved and has been a contributing factor. Better maintained courses, more knowledge from a players aspect among many other things. I guess a secondary point is do we feel this trend will continue and in another 60 years scores will be another 5 or 6 shots lower? As far as where I stand on the driver length being rolled back I'm all for it. The majority don't use drivers that length anyway and the players will learn to adapt who are using the longer clubs. If it truly influences their game that much then I believe their are other factors they can look into. Take F1 for example and the year over year regulations that change the sport. These are way bigger then what they are doing in golf and the sport is still thriving, teams are adapting and I'm sure progress is still being made to have smaller lap times.
  7. Again I want to thank everyone for participating in the Polling. It did really help us as mods get a good idea for some aspects of the site. Rather then open up another thread or polls on anything I want send this message out as a update and ask a few further questions. - To start we are continuing to work on the Testing section. A further addition that will likely be included is a tab where all Tester Wanted (aka signups) will be and another Tab where all the other reviews will be. Does this make sense to break those like that and help sort the reviews a little more? Included will be renaming "Current Tests" as next years although current will be in the same area as all of this years. We want to make it as simple as possible and to cause as little confusion as possible. - We have also done (thank you to the dev) some optimization on our end to make the changing the titles more simple and in some cases is now even automated. For those who are curious when the post is originally made it will say Testers Wanted. When the sign up closes it will auto prefix to Signup Closed and then when we choose the testers in the backend it will auto prefix to Testers Announced. The rest being In-Progress and Final Reviews we will still do manually. - One of the benefits with this is that we will no longer see Testers Wanted for any signups that have closed or that we may have been a day or two late on changing. - We are also working on some other features to add to the site which as we get some more details on we will make announcements about. For all of you who enjoy writing shorter reviews this new feature should be right up your alley and could add in a nice local touch to the community. Questions: Please note this is for features, this means we know ads suck and are aware of it and have sent messages to the powers that be to help or assist with this. - What features are we missing on this forum in your opinion? Are there other features that other forums have that we should look at adding or incorporating? - Without getting into previously talked about testing section discussion, how do we look at getting greater engagement in the future? - Are there Mobile features we should be looking into? (I'm mainly a tablet or pc user and rarely use mobile other then quick checks on the site) - Are there features we have already that we should be promoting more (ie user groups, profiles, stream feature, gallery etc) We now have a stable group of mods and now that much has settled and we have more or less found our roles with the large changeover we can truly put a larger focus on site improvements as well as growth and a better overall user experience. We truly welcome suggestions whether here or in a PM to any of us as many other users have over past months. Although we cannot guarantee ideas will be implemented, all will be taken under consideration. We have a incredible community here the membership is what makes this community so great, but we also want to see it continue to improve.
  8. For those not in Slack looking to do a 2 for 1 deal involving any of the following Claypool/Dillon/Bateman/Jeudy and or Lockett. If any of the named i test you or need to fill out your roster this week send in some offers!
  9. I almost only walk as I've stated before, unless the course or heat demands a cart... BUT this may change my mind.
  10. Portable batter pack is the best bet to just plug it in and it will charge while you're using. Check Ipad settings, go to Apple store and see if there is something functionally wrong with the ipad?
  11. I think we are diving off topic and down a road that is better suited to it's own thread of anyone wants to discuss that more there. Callaway has been doing these high high end Clubs for a while now. It as i was told by their rep years ago was to showcase some tech the could do and how awesome they could make the Clubs and it turned into something a lot bigger I guess with a good size market. Of course those initial goals or objectives likely have changed since then.
  12. Going keep the poll open through the weekend and close it off. Thank you all for participating as its provided some valuable insight as well as guidance as to where we can improve and grow.
  13. No need to be apologize. When I last remembered it being brought up it was due to the format that iphones save their photos in. That being said, if you post in the section and it's doing it just send me a PM with the link to the post and I should be able to rearrange it for you. Also just let me know the orientation you want... example
  14. Now if I recall this was a specific bug to iphones and the photo type that was taken? What device did you use?
  15. I know that I have talked a lot on this topic all over the forum, but I think a few things are good to repeat. I should also start by saying having had to work with and on the newer system I am likely one of the most comfortable with it. We have already spoken on the roll out and how it was buggy and there was a lot of work done to it as well as work continues on it. It is night and day from where it was at launch in terms of user friendliness and overall functionality. Since our main changes and feedback taken from our membership the engagement has gone up and I think in part members getting more use to the system as well. On top of all of this here are a few other outside factors that assisted in making it a bit more complicated - Several reviews including CC5 had to be cancelled - There are also several reviews where testing kit has been delayed by literally months due to covid and more. - Initial engagement and complications soured users on the new system reducing engagement (situation like yours) - Changes in staff also had an effect and time to explain/answer questions on it all. With how it is now the flow is a lot better, with it still being a fair bit of work on the back end to keep it organized (Testers Wanted, Signup Closed, Testers Announced, In-Progress, Final Reviews). We now have a system and better schedule that is more structured to keep it organized and help the flow as you put. Again the flow has been disrupted a lot due to product delays and other covid/shipping factors which has hurt. The initial reviews on the system are the ones that were effected the most as they were not in recent content, a little more hidden on the main page and so on. However now we have it showing for recent content, a new tab for testers wanted on the main page and more intuitive titles around the site to direct a brand new person to the reviews. For reference I often use my wife being a complete non golfer to try and find it all and see if it flows haha. I'm all for suggestions within the new system, but I also don't have the power to change back to the old way and given the resources put into the new one don't think that would be a option at this point and all in all would be better to work on and revise this in order make it more to the memberships liking.
  16. Here is a link the the blog site and the over arching MGS mission statement: https://mygolfspy.com/our-mission/ As for the Forum we follow close by the blog site The forum's mission statement: “MyGolfSpy's Community Forum aspires to continued growth while adhering to its core goal of being a place for serious, honest and fun discussion on both golf and life, and a place to go for product reviews - a true online ‘19th Hole’ where all are welcome and all members are treated with respect and friendship.” Our goal as moderators are not to be police for the site but to be active and engaged within the site as members, not just overseers of the site. Although we of course take part in moderating threads, managing member accounts, trouble shooting, site management, test selection, site improvements and a whole lot more. We are members here just like everyone else who want to see the forum thrive and continue being a welcoming and engaging community that we are. Ads have been discussed in other threads and I'll leave it those threads for further discussion on that matter. As for the polls these were for me to get some data and information to assist me in helping to plan the offseason and where some areas should take more focus and others where we maybe can bump down the priority list.
  17. With RB being so thin with injuries i get it. Teams need whatever they can get at the moment to even roster playable backs. For what it's worth I'm looking at moving Dillon/Collins/Toney/Knox/Lockett if anyone wants to throw in some offers. I can also deal Monty, but don't know if anyone wants a back who will be out till week 11. Preferably looking for a RB not on a week 7 bye (Henderson/Mixon/Gibson) in any case let me know! Will also shuffle WR depending on who is being offered.
  18. I had 32 in, but tied with @Undershooterand with record being the tie breaker lost out
  19. I know for some like yourself loosing the App certainly hurt. I will admit I used the app exclusively until I did my first review and then tried to mobile version and never looked back. Again however that is just me. Unfortunately as it stands right now there is no app in progress and at the moment the site software doesn't at this time allow for it. I don't pretend to know the ins and outs of the software side as that is not my speciality, but if and when we are able to have an app again I am sure it is something that will be looked into. Unfortunately with the mobile site and linking it to your home screen functioning as an app I can't say it is very high on the priority list, but is something that is still discussed. I am hopeful that with the changes we have made to the testing side of things it is much more intuitive and more similar to the "older" way, just contained within the new section. I'm not sure when you last recently went onto it and if it was recently my apologies, but if you have suggestions as to how to make it more accessible please provide some feedback as this is part of the reason this thread exists.
  20. It has been interesting to see some of the results come in and personally I am surprised to see as many use the main page as the numbers show. Ever since I discovered Recent Content I haven't looked back. That being said with this data I've done a bit of work on the main page making it look a little better by adding in some photos for the categories. Hopefully at least aesthetically this makes it look a little better and more inviting. Now I may end up regretting saying this, but if you have some good (relevant) photos which you may like to put up for a potential photo to replace one you can send me a PM with it. I can't guarantee that it will go up, but am open to making some changes to some of them. Appreciate all who have done the poll so far and it has been great to see the numbers come back and give us some further insight as to how many of you use the forum.
  21. I think overall for us it has been a bit of a abnormal season. Without going into personal details, which I don't know if they would want shared or not ALL the mods have had some big life changes or situations that have impacted time spent on the forum as these life situations certainly had priority. I was fortunate that although my work was insanely busy in the summer and had lots of other things going on. I still have had the downtime to put into the site. Added to this although being the newest mods I have still been around the site for over 5 years and have already built that recognition, therefore this is a easier role for me to fall into as I was comfortable taking on some of this (yes the forum testing thread being one of them that kept me up for nights.... I wish I wasn't joking). For me the site is just as much about the membership and people as it golf, testing and such and this is where I have found my role as a mod so far. Chris @GolfSpy_TCG has done a great job in his new role as Content Hunter as this is still a new position that is being flushed out. The AMA is a major project and he has used some great connections as well as taken on some other mod duties. I have really enjoyed the AMA so far and what its brought to the forum and am looking forward to his other projects that will surely come... but having been on the job for all of 4 months and brought us that I think is a great start. Hopefully that kinda clears some of that up... for me on a side note as their schedules lighten mine is going to get busier and as much as I want to be around more I will have time taken up with work, a event in Kazakhstan for a few weeks and soon my first child. Of course this doesn't mean I won't be here, but time will be less as family and other priorities will take some time away from being on the site and I'm sure the others will pick up the slack.
  22. I think there is a feature to have a thread timed and close at a certain date. So this is something we can look into and look to improve. Push emails have been something we have talked about as well and get a fair number of responses to. I will be set to close this poll likely middle of the next week. We have had good response so far, but traffic seems to get a bump Mondays (all of us at work missing golf seem to come here haha) therefore I want to leave it up through that and after I'll close it up and we can continue discussion simply in the thread itself. At some point we are going to send out a mass email with similar questions to do a complete Survey on the forum and various functions and so on. With that if there are specific questions you feel we should need to have answers to or want to see some info on please add them in here and I'll catalogue them. I cannot guarantee they will get asked, but we will do our best to cover any and all aspects in the survey. Finally I think we had a record number of tests this year as we are closing in on 30! opportunities with more then 120 testers this season!
  23. Should be at the very top... I just signed up to triple check that its all up there at the top of the page.
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